Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1730: Too insidious, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

After receiving the power to deal with the hostage crisis, Ye Tian immediately turned his head and looked forward, and looked like he was thinking.

At this time, he had already secretly turned on his perspective and could clearly see the situation ahead.

The beautiful hostage in her twenties was held hostage by two scumbags. She was hiding behind the wreckage of a scrapped SUV. She was very low and well hidden.

Five or six meters behind them, there was another scrapped SUV. Its tall body became a perfect cover, blocking their backs.

In this way, Ye Tian’s men who were pretending to be tourists further away could not find a suitable shooting angle and route to kill the two hostage-takers from behind.

And the two guys were very cautious. Although they were hiding behind the body of the SUV, one of them kept holding a pistol to the back of the hostage’s head without leaving a trace!

Besides, around them, there are two or three scum who are still hanging on.

Each of these guys is holding an assault rifle or submachine gun, their eyes are red, full of madness and despair, they are always on high alert, ready to fight for their lives at any time!

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian certainly understood that it was basically impossible to secretly attack and kill those scum from behind. If he was negligent, the beautiful hostage would be killed!

We can only think of other ways to solve the immediate crisis.

After pretending to think about it, Ye Tian said loudly:

“Idiots, I now have full authority to handle this hostage crisis and negotiate with you scumbags. The police leaders and cultural relics gendarmes at the scene have all nodded in agreement!”

After the words fell, Pizarro and the SWAT leader immediately spoke out to identify themselves, affirming Ye Tian’s words and confirming his authority to handle the hostage crisis.

These words not only reached the ears of those scum, but also reached the ears of everyone on the live broadcast through the online live broadcast, making the Italian police very embarrassed.

“Steven, no matter who of you leads the negotiation, we have only one request, and that is for us to leave here safely. If not, we will kill the hostages and die together”

The voice just now came again. It no longer sounded so desperate, but it was still full of anger.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian said loudly:

“Okay, for the sake of the safety of the hostages and for the sake of public opinion, as long as you ensure the safety of the hostages and release them on the spot, I don’t mind giving you scumbags a chance to escape.”

“Release the hostages on the spot? This is impossible. What if you break your promise? We must leave with the hostages. After confirming safety, we will release the hostages, so as to ensure our safety.”

“Don’t even think about it, idiots. If you want to leave alive, you must release the hostages on the spot. This is not negotiable. If you insist on taking the hostages and leaving, then prepare to go to hell!

Since you followed me all the way and set up an ambush along the way, you should also know something about me. I may be retributive and ruthless, but I never break my promise. This is known to everyone.

Since I promised to give you scumbags a chance to escape, I will definitely do it. You don’t have to doubt it. This is your only chance. It’s up to you whether you accept it or not. It’s up to you! “

Ye Tian sneered and said loudly, with a decisive tone that left no room for doubt.

As soon as the words fell, the scumbags on the other side fell silent.

The only thing left at the scene was the huge roar of the two helicopters in mid-air, the crackling sound of the burning car, and the black smoke that kept rising into the sky!

After a while, the previous voice sounded again.

“Yes, Steven, we do know something about you and know that you always keep your word, but if you want us to release the hostages on the spot, you must give us a public guarantee.

Put down the firearms in your hands and retreat to the south of the intersection. The two helicopters in the sky will land immediately and cannot take off again to pursue you. Only in this way can we trust you.

One more thing, will the police and cultural relics gendarmes obey your instructions? What if those police and cultural relics gendarmes attack us after we release the hostages on the spot? “

“It is simply impossible to get us to lay down our weapons. Again, we are not the police and we will never put ourselves in danger for an unrelated hostage.

We can retreat a certain distance. I, all the security personnel who participated in the attack, the snipers behind, and the two helicopters in the air will no longer launch attacks.

As for the special police and cultural relics police on the scene, you don’t have to worry. Since the command of the scene is in my hands, they must obey the order. I believe they want the safety of the hostages more.

After you release the hostages on the spot, I will let you go. Then you can escape freely, whether to Milan, to the forests or mountains, whatever you like.

But whether you can escape the ensuing pursuit and pursuit depends on fate. Those who pursue or pursue you may be us, the police, or your relatives and friends.”

Ye Tian sneered and said loudly, his words full of murderous intent.

Hearing these words, no matter the scumbags on the opposite side, the SWAT and cultural relics military police at the scene, or the countless viewers on the live broadcast, everyone couldn’t help but feel a chill in their hearts and a cold chill running down their backs!

Although Ye Tian didn’t say it clearly, everyone could hear the meaning of his words.

After today, he will put out a high reward and hunt down every scumbag who escapes from here until death!

It is completely conceivable what those scum will face next.

Every day, every hour, every minute, and even every second they will spend in the next days will be spent in fear, just like being tortured in hell!

Only when they are killed and killed can those scum truly get rid of this fear like maggots in their tarsus and be completely free!

“Oh my god! This **** Steven is so terrifying. His methods are extremely ruthless and arrogant. He has absolutely no taboos and he actually dares to publicly offer a reward to kill him!”

“Those scumbags are completely finished. Even if they are lucky enough to escape from here today, they will face an endless and crazy pursuit. Sooner or later they will be killed and they can collect the reward.”

As people discussed, the remaining scum quickly made a decision.

For them, as long as they can escape from this **** alive, everything will be fine. Other things cannot be considered for the time being, and they will all happen in the future.

“Okay, Steven, we accept your conditions. As long as you retreat south of the intersection and promise not to attack or pursue, we will release the hostages”

The scumbag from before spoke loudly again, with a hint of ecstasy in his broken English.

“No problem, man, we will start to retreat now. I hope you will not break your promise and release the hostages as soon as possible. If you break your promise, don’t blame me for being cruel.

Don’t forget, there are two helicopters here, as well as many snipers with excellent shooting skills. If they want to catch up with you or kill you, it will only take an instant! “

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian issued an order and led everyone to slowly retreat, including the Piacenza special police and cultural relics gendarmes.

The two heavy-duty trucks immediately started up again and slowly drove towards the intersection, providing perfect cover for Ye Tian and the others.

During the retreat, each of them remained on high alert and very cautious, covering each other and retreating slowly without leaving any holes.

After a while, all of them retreated south of the intersection and stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the two scumbags who held the hostage stood up from their hiding place and released the beautiful hostage. They did not break their promise.

Of course, they don’t dare!

Next, the remaining dozen or so scumbags rushed out from their hiding places and began to run towards Piacenza along the way they came.

A few other guys jumped off the roadbed and rushed towards the forest on the west side of the road, trying to enter the Apennine mountains through the forest and escape from the mountains.

Without exception, each of the remaining guys was injured and staggered when running, like a group of bereaved dogs. They looked very pitiful!

“Steven, do you want those guys pretending to be tourists at the back to take action? Now the time is ripe, as long as you give the order, you can kill those scum in an instant”

Kole next to him whispered, asking for his opinion.

Ye Tian shook his head slightly and said with a sneer:

“Don’t worry. Since I promised those scum, I can’t break my promise. Let those scum leave. In ten minutes, let those guys pretending to be tourists chase them one after another.

Tell those guys that you can give a few cars to those scum and let them drive away. In this way, based on the GPS positioning signal in the car, it is easy to find those scum.

Let everyone be vigilant and leave their vehicles temporarily to avoid an immediate conflict with those scum. The next pursuit is the battlefield where they will truly show their strength!

With the strength of those guys, I believe that we will soon find all the scumbags who escaped and send them all to **** one by one. I look forward to hearing good news about them.”

While he was talking, Pizarro suddenly interrupted and asked with fear in his eyes:

“Steven, do you still have your men here? Is it possible that they are the main force chasing and killing those scum? It is because of them that you let those scum leave and then pursue them one after another?”

Ye Tian chuckled and nodded, then gave an affirmative answer.

“Yes, there are indeed my men here, and everyone is very strong. They pretend to be tourists and follow them all the way, secretly protecting the convoy.

My men were the first to discover the scumbags following the convoy, and then reported them to us, and then we reported them to the police and the cultural heritage police.

The reason why I let the scumbags who took the hostages leave is because of their existence. Although I can’t hunt down those scumbags, my men can”

Hearing this, the Piacenza SWAT team leader and Pizarro at the scene couldn’t help but shuddered and were terrified!

This **** Steven is so insidious. These arrangements and methods are linked one after another, and there seems to be endless back-up moves. Who can resist it?

While they were talking, the remaining scumbags had successfully grabbed a few cars and drove away along the road they came from, panicking like a bereaved dog.

They had just rushed out a few hundred meters away when several more cars started on the highway and quickly turned around and headed towards Piacenza.

At the same time, several guys dressed as tourists and carrying backpacks quickly jumped off the roadbed and ran straight into the forest on the west side of the highway!

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian and Cole all chuckled.

The chase begins, and another wonderful drama is staged!

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