Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1716: Gunshots coming from the hotel, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

It was not until about 10:30 in the morning that Ye Tian and the others said goodbye to Camilo and others, walked out of the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, and came to the square in front of the church.

At this time, the square in front of Santa Maria delle Grazie Church was already overcrowded. Standing on the steps at the door of the church and looking around, all you could see was a mass of black heads.

There are tourists from all over the world waiting to enter the church, but more of them are petitioners and protest demonstrators following Ye Tian and others, as well as a large number of Milan police and media reporters.

As soon as Ye Tian and his group walked out of the church, they immediately attracted countless attention. Almost everyone in the square looked over, and there was a commotion at the scene.

Especially those who came to protest and demonstrate, they suddenly became more excited, as if they had been given a shot of blood, and began to wave protest flags and slogans desperately, and shout protest slogans loudly!

“Return “Lisa Gradini”, Steven, you shameless robber. It is a treasure that belongs to the Italian people and Milan, and it definitely does not belong to you, bastard!”

“Stephen, leave “Lisa Gradini” and get out of Milan, you are not welcome here”

For these seemingly indignant and impassioned protestors and the protest slogans they chanted, Ye Tian and the others seemed to have heard nothing of them and did not bother to pay attention to them at all!

There was a cordon established by the Milan police at the scene. Those protesting demonstrators could only stand in the distance and shout. They could not get close at all, and they could not threaten Ye Tian and the others’ safety.

Even if these guys forcefully break through the cordon of the Milan police, there are still many armed security personnel led by Cole, which is definitely enough to give them a drink.

Ye Tian walked out of the church, stood on the steps at the door of the church and quickly scanned the entire square, then smiled and whispered:

“Let’s go to Via Vincenzo Monte. We can also enjoy the scenery along the way and experience the style of the ancient city of Milan”

After saying that, he took Betty out and walked towards Vincenzo Monte Street, which is located 200 to 300 meters northeast of Santa Maria delle Grazie Church.

Anderson, Taylor, and many armed security personnel led by Cole immediately followed, and everyone walked towards the ancient street together.

Via Vincenzo Monte is the street that appears on the back of the canvas of “Lisa Gradini” and was written in Latin by Leonardo da Vinci himself.

This street is very close to the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie and adjacent to the Sforza Castle. It is only separated by a street and can be walked in a few minutes.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others strolling along the street beside the church, the many Milan police officers responsible for tracking and monitoring them were all furious, and their teeth were itching with hatred!

But they had no choice but to watch and curse secretly.

“What do these **** American bastards, Steven, want to do? Don’t they know how hated they are? How many Milanese want to beat up these bandits? It’s too public!”

After cursing a few words in a low voice, these Milan policemen immediately followed quickly and continued to **** Ye Tian and the others, not to mention how depressed they were.

Those media reporters who were worried about the world being in chaos were naturally not willing to be left behind. They carried cameras and video cameras, spread their legs and followed behind, their eyes shining with excitement and full of anticipation!

There were many people protesting and demonstrating, and they followed like a wave and continued to protest, but the number was much smaller than before, and the momentum was not as good as before!

Not far forward, Cole’s voice suddenly came from the earphones and reached Ye Tian’s ears.

“Steven, there’s something going on at the Four Seasons Hotel. Several art thieves tried to sneak into our floor to steal. They were discovered by the guys staying at the hotel and blocked the stairwell.

What to do with those idiots? Should the guys teach him a lesson, or should the Milan police come forward? The police guarding the hotel lobby should have received the news, but they have not arrived at the scene yet.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian’s eyes immediately flashed with a sharp light.

Then he sneered and said:

“You are so brave, you actually dare to come and rob me, tell the guys, teach those idiots an unforgettable lesson, and then hand those idiots over to the Milan police.

Be sure to remember one thing, you must not take the lead, and you must firmly grasp the reason for self-defense. The Milan police see that we are unhappy, and we cannot give them an excuse to cause trouble.

Ask the guys staying in the hotel to turn on the pinhole cameras they carry, take pictures of the entire fight or exchange of fire, and ask the two Milan lawyers staying in the hotel to prepare.

In addition, I would like to inform everyone not to fall into the trap of those art thieves. The rooms where antique artworks are stored must be guarded and cannot be careless! “

“Understood, Steven, the guys who stay at the hotel are all experienced and know how to deal with this situation. Those art thieves don’t want to get any advantage!”

Cole responded in a low voice, his words full of confidence.

After ending the call, Ye Tian and the others continued walking, laughing and chatting while admiring the scenery on both sides of the street. It was very pleasant.

Over at the Four Seasons Hotel, deafening gunfire soon rang out, as fast as rain, followed by bursts of shrill screams.

Just when Ye Tian and the others were about to arrive at Vincenzo Monte Street, two Milan policemen in plainclothes suddenly rushed up, their faces as heavy as water and their expressions quite nervous.

The rest of the Milan police officers also became more nervous, watching the surrounding situation and everyone on the street with vigilance, as if facing a formidable enemy.

The two Milan policemen failed to get close to Ye Tian. They were stopped by Cole and the others seven or eight meters away. They could only shout to Ye Tian from a distance.

“Steven, a gun battle just broke out at the Four Seasons Hotel. Your men were exchanging fire with a few thieves. Please inform your men and ask them to exercise restraint. This is Milan, not a battlefield!”

Ye Tian then turned back to look at the two Milan policemen, then smiled and said loudly:

“Man, of course I know this is Milan, not a battlefield with bullets flying everywhere, but I can’t stand some idiots who insist on causing trouble for us and take the initiative to die!

The ones who exchanged fire with the thieves in the hotel were indeed my security personnel. The reason why they stayed at the hotel was to protect some valuable antiques and artworks.

This is self-defense. Two Milan lawyers in the hotel can prove this. It is very simple for them to restrain themselves. Those art thieves can just put down their weapons and surrender.”

Hearing this, the two Milan policemen rolled their eyes angrily, but they were helpless and didn’t know how to respond for a while.

When the many media reporters following them heard their conversation, they went crazy.

“What? A gun battle broke out at the Four Seasons Hotel, and the fight was quite fierce. The two sides were Steven’s men and a group of art thieves. This was so exciting!”

“I’m going! What a mistake. If I had known there was such a wonderful show, I would have stayed at the Four Seasons Hotel. Why should I follow this guy Steven and run around blindly!”

Before the exclamations could end, these media reporters picked up their cameras, spread their legs, turned around and rushed towards the Santa Maria delle Grazie Church. Each one of them ran like a 100-meter champion. Fast!

Their interview vehicles are basically parked next to the church, so that’s why they did this.

Some of the smart guys hailed a taxi on the street and drove straight to the Four Seasons Hotel, trying to get to the scene as soon as possible and report this headline news before other colleagues.

As for the protesters who were also following behind, a look of fear flashed across everyone’s face and their pace slowed down a lot!

It was only then that they seemed to realize who they were protesting against.

That’s a bunch of ruthless, ruthless bastards. God knows how much blood was stained on their hands and how many people died in their hands.

After dealing with the two Milan policemen, Ye Tian turned back and continued moving forward with Betty and the others.

Two or three minutes later, they arrived at the intersection of Vincenzo Monte Street.

At the same time, they also saw Jason and two other company employees sitting in a cafe on the street, nodding slightly through the glass window!

After Jason and the two company employees arrived in Milan, they have not appeared in public, nor have they acted with Ye Tian and the others.

This morning, the three of them disguised themselves and rushed to Vincenzo Monte Street early to conduct investigations secretly, act as a frontline for Ye Tian, ​​and prepare for the next action!

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