Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1705: “Lisa Gladini”, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Different from the “Mona Lisa” painted on a poplar board, this is an oil painting on canvas, and its size is relatively small, about 70 cm high and less than 50 cm wide, stretched on the black Walnut drawing board.

Obviously, this oil painting was deliberately hidden. According to the size of the painting, part of the black walnut board was dug out in the center, and a shallow rectangular groove was dug out.

The size and depth of the rectangular groove perfectly match the size of the painting, and can perfectly hide the painting.

In this way, when you put the painting into the groove and cover it with the original color linen cloth and the romantic oil painting, you won’t feel anything unusual when you touch it with your hands.

Not to mention the back of the drawing board, there is also no abnormality.

And this is the real reason why this drawing board was made of black walnut and is so thick.

In this painting, there is a bust of an elegant and tranquil lady. She is dressed in gorgeous clothes, sitting quietly on a semicircular chair, staring outside the painting, with a mysterious smile on her lips. .

The boundary between the figures and the background in the painting is not very clear, and the tone is dark, seeming to be shrouded in a vague layer of mist. This is Leonardo da Vinci’s famous ‘fade-in’ painting technique.

Among the many onlookers who have gone crazy, there are still some clear-headed and sharp-sighted guys. This is the famous canal antique market, and there is no shortage of antique art appraisal experts of varying levels.

They quickly noticed the difference between the painting and the Mona Lisa and spoke out.

“Steven is right, this oil painting is not the “Mona Lisa”, although the lady in the painting is very similar to the Mona Lisa, and she also has that enigmatic smile.

However, she looks younger, her chin is more pointed, not as round as Mona Lisa, and their clothes and backgrounds are also different. It can only be said that they are very similar.”

“More importantly, this is an oil painting on canvas, not a wood panel painting, and the size is also different. Compared with the “Mona Lisa” in the Louvre, the size of this oil painting is smaller.”

As these voices came out one after another, the one after another, almost crazy exclamations at the scene gradually subsided, and the same was true for the live broadcast!

However, everyone was still very excited, their eyes widened, staring closely at the oil painting held high in Ye Tian’s hand, not even willing to blink.

At this time, people have determined that today’s discovery is indeed enough to shock the world and rewrite the history of Western art. This moment will be recorded in history forever!

Everyone feels honored and excited to witness this historic moment and the emergence of this Leonardo da Vinci painting on site or live broadcast!

Regarding the identification conclusion given by Ye Tian just now, no matter the many onlookers at the scene or the people in front of the live broadcast, almost no one had doubts that this was not a painting by Leonardo da Vinci!

When did that guy Steven look past him? I have never heard of it, and today is no exception!

When the sound at the scene subsided, Ye Tian’s clear voice immediately came out again and reached the ears of everyone present.

“I believe you have already figured out that the Italian Renaissance lady in the painting is not the same person as the famous Mona Lisa, but they are very similar and are likely to be sisters.

As we all know, scientists have discovered through multispectral scanning technology that the “Mona Lisa” in the Louvre has four layers. Above the original is the second layer, “Portrait with Pearl Hair Accessories.”

The third floor is the “Portrait of Lisa Gradini” created in 1503. Many art appraisal experts believe that that is the original appearance of Mona Lisa. Of course, there are other different opinions.

In addition, before creating “Mona Lisa”, Leonardo da Vinci also created another famous portrait, “Elworth Mona Lisa”. Some people think that it was Mona Lisa when she was young. image of.

If you are familiar with these paintings and have studied the “Mona Lisa”, you will find that although these figures are very similar, they have their own characteristics, and it is difficult to say that they are the same person.

Because of this, the true identity and specific image of Mona Lisa has become an unsolved mystery, with different opinions, but no matter which theory, there is a lack of evidence to convince everyone.”

After hearing what Ye Tian said, many people at the scene and on the live broadcast couldn’t help but nodded slightly in agreement.

At the same time, some TV stations that responded quickly and started live broadcasts promptly showed images of the Mona Lisa and several other characters to support Ye Tian’s words.

After a pause, Ye Tian continued:

“In Italy, the most widely recognized theory is that the prototype of the Mona Lisa is Lisa Gradini, the second wife of a Florentine silk merchant.

Therefore, the masterpiece “Mona Lisa” is also called “Lisa Gradini” in Italy, but not everyone agrees with this statement, especially in other places.

Today, with the emergence of the oil painting in front of me, more than half of the mystery that has lasted for more than 500 years as to who is the prototype of the Mona Lisa is finally expected to be solved.

In the lower right corner of this oil painting on canvas, the Latin inscription Lisa Gradini is clearly written, so there is no doubt that the lady in the painting is the real Lisa Gradini .

It can be seen from this that the prototype of the “Mona Lisa” was not Lisa Gradini, but someone else. It is also true that the “Mona Lisa” is called “Lisa Gradini” wrong.

I just looked at this oil painting carefully and did not find Leonardo da Vinci’s signature, but I am sure that Leonardo da Vinci’s signature must be hidden somewhere in the painting. He liked to play this trick the most!

In addition to Leonardo da Vinci’s signature, I believe this oil painting also hides many secrets, such as mysterious characters, special marks of unknown meaning, etc., just like the “Mona Lisa””

While Ye Tian was introducing and explaining, Lisa promptly pushed the camera of her phone forward and pointed it at the lower right corner of the oil painting, showing the string of Latin characters in the lower right corner in front of everyone.

Many media reporters moved faster. They aimed their cameras and camera lenses at the lower right corner of the oil painting, and used their focus lenses to take pictures of the string of Latin characters.

The moment I saw the string of Latin words, the scene and countless live broadcasts immediately became excited again, and there was a chorus of exclamations.

“Wow! It does say ‘Lisa Gradini’ there. There is no doubt that this is an authentic work by Leonardo da Vinci, and it is a painting that has never appeared before. This discovery is really amazing. Shocked! ”

“The prototype of “Mona Lisa” is not Lisa Gradini. This is certain, but other mysteries shrouding the “Mona Lisa” can be solved through this “Lisa Gradini” “Unlock”

Amidst the exclamations, Ye Tian put down the “Lisa Gradini” held high above his head and placed it again on the table next to him.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the piece of original color linen and covered it on top of “Lisa Gradini”, and was about to nail the piece of original color linen back up.

The oil painting “Lisa Gradini” is so important that it is no exaggeration to say it is priceless. It may be more accurate to say it is a priceless treasure.

Even Ye Tian did not dare to take the original work of Leonardo Da Vinci off the drawing board, roll it up, put it into the painting tube, and take it away.

If you do that, it may cause damage to this rare treasure from more than 500 years ago, which would be a big loss!

More importantly, there is a secret hidden behind this masterpiece, and Ye Tian does not want to make it public.

Seeing his actions, many onlookers at the scene were not willing to agree. These guys immediately became anxious.

“Stephen, please don’t! Let everyone appreciate this Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece again. This opportunity only comes once in a lifetime, but you only give everyone so little time. It’s too stingy!”

“Please! Steven, please don’t seal this “Lisa Gradini”, let us take another look, there is not enough time in this time!”

It was the same in front of countless live broadcasts. Many people were shouting and even jumped up from their seats anxiously, trying to stop Ye Tian’s movements.

Unfortunately, they are beyond their reach and can only sigh in despair.

Ye Tian stopped what he was doing, quickly glanced at the lively scene, then raised his hands and gently pressed them down to signal everyone to be quiet.

Seeing his actions, many onlookers at the scene immediately stopped making noises and stared at Ye Tian closely with their eyes full of expectation.

The next moment, Ye Tian’s clear voice came out again.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I understand everyone’s mood very well, and I also want to meet your requirements, so that you can enjoy this “Lisa Gradini” and have a great time!

However, the reality does not allow me to do this. Although this painting is not stored in a sealed state for a long time and there is no need to worry about oxidation, the issue of light must be considered.

You know, this painting has been hidden for more than a hundred years. It has always been covered with two layers of canvas. It is somewhat photophobic. For protection reasons, I plan to seal it!

Don’t worry, I will arrange public exhibition activities when this masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci adapts to the external environment. I believe this will not take long, maybe only a few days! “

After hearing this explanation, people at the scene and on the live broadcast couldn’t help but nodded, accepted the reality, and stopped making noises!

What can they do if they don’t accept it? “Lisa Gradini” is in the hands of that extremely lucky guy Steven, and he has the final say in everything!

Next, Ye Tian picked up the nails on the table again, and with Betty’s help, began to nail the piece of original color linen!

Almost at the same time he pressed the first nail, Giovanni, not far away, stepped out and walked towards him and Betty.

As soon as he took two steps, this guy was stopped by Cole and the others and had to stop.

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