Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1577: Vampire’s Peep, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

At nearly eight o’clock in the evening, accompanied by several senior officials of the Federal Reserve, Ye Tian and others had just walked out of the Federal Reserve’s New York headquarters building and were preparing to leave Wall Street.

At this time, the batch of Nacui gold stored in the underground vault of the MG Chase Bank headquarters building opposite has changed owners.

Based on today’s gold market price, Ye Tian sold all the Nacui gold to the Federal Reserve without leaving a single piece behind. He successfully and completely got rid of that hot potato!

After the contract was signed, the bank account of Intrepid Exploration Company soon received hundreds of millions of dollars in huge sums of money, coming from the Federal Reserve.

Next, Ye Tian and the others took the Fed and others to the underground vault of the building across the street, opened the private vault, and asked the Fed staff to re-count the batch of gold!

The results are self-evident. The Nacui gold stored in the private vault is exactly the same as the amount stated in the transaction contract. Every piece is golden and dazzling!

After the Federal Reserve staff finished counting, Ye Tian handed over the private vault to the Federal Reserve on the spot, and with the assistance of lawyers from both parties, he quickly completed all the procedures, impeccably!

The rest is the Fed’s business. How they transfer this batch of Nacui gold is up to them. Ye Tian doesn’t care at all.

At this point, this batch of Nacui gold that Rommel and his troops looted from North Africa was transformed directly into the reserve gold of the Federal Reserve a few decades later!

As the discoverers of this batch of Nacui gold, Ye Tian and the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company received a generous reward, which was the extra hundreds of millions of dollars in the company’s bank account!

The countries and organizations that claimed this batch of Nacui gold can now give up completely, and all their unrealistic fantasies have come to nothing!

They want to claim that batch of Nacui gold from the Federal Reserve, which is purely a daydream and there is no possibility at all!

Not to mention this batch of Nacui gold, even the reserve gold stored in the underground vaults of the Federal Reserve in their respective countries is not that easy and has to face countless difficulties from the Federal Reserve!

When Ye Tian and the others walked out of the Federal Reserve’s New York headquarters building, Manhattan was already lit up, showing a completely different scene from the daytime scene.

After a few polite words at the door of the building, Ye Tian and the others were ready to say goodbye and leave Wall Street.

At this moment, Christopher suddenly walked up to Ye Tian and said in a low voice:

“Steven, are you willing to attract outside investment, or are you willing to let your exploration company be bossed? I have a few friends who want to invest in your exploration company.

I can’t name them yet, but I can tell you clearly that those guys are all heavyweights on Wall Street, and they are no small matter in terms of financial resources or influence!

Once your exploration company is successfully listed, I can guarantee that it will become the darling of the stock market and be enthusiastically pursued by countless people, and your personal wealth will soar significantly.”

Hearing this, a sneer flashed across Ye Tian’s lips, and it was so fleeting that no one noticed it.

Yes! Those financial giants on Wall Street have smelled the fishy smell and are ready to come and take a piece of the pie from me. They even want to swallow the whole piece of fat. Go and have your mother’s dream!

For this situation, Ye Tian had already expected that it would happen sooner or later, but he did not expect that it would be Christopher from the Federal Reserve who would mention this matter. He was quite generous!

These financial giants entrenched on Wall Street are definitely the most cold-blooded and greedy guys in the world, and they are also the purest profit-seeking animals. They will do anything for money!

My company’s popularity is so strong that I am constantly making money. Wealth is like a raging tide, pouring into my personal and company accounts at a jaw-dropping speed.

How could the financial giants on Wall Street turn a blind eye to such a money-making machine?

Sooner or later they will swoop in, trying to get a piece of the pie and make a fortune!

Their most common method is to invest in shares, encourage companies to go public, and then make waves in the stock market, sweeping away wealth like crazy.

Greed never ends!

In the end, those financial giants will definitely find ways to evade themselves and the holding company, turning the Brave and Intrepid Exploration Company into a money-making tool for them!

However, you have a good plan, and I have a ladder!

The Treasure Hunting Company is nothing more than a cover, just used to cover up my buddies. Without me, Ye Tian, ​​Brave and Fearless Exploration Company would be nothing. At most, it can only deceive ordinary investors.

Besides, now that my friend has accumulated a large number of valuable antiques and artworks, even if he sleeps at home for a few years, he will still be able to make a lot of money without worrying about having no business.

As for wealth, the huge wealth represented by the bank deposits, antiques, artworks and gold and silver treasures that my buddy currently owns cannot be enjoyed in ten lifetimes. How many people in New York can reach it?

More importantly, I have a pair of eyes that can see everything. How much wealth do you want?

In this case, unless my head is squeezed by the door, I will accept a group of extremely greedy guys like you to buy shares and steal money from my pocket!

After pretending to think deeply for a while, Ye Tian then smiled and shook his head and said:

“I’m very sorry, Christopher, I don’t want to attract outside investment, let alone take the company public, and get a lot of shareholders who have nothing to do with it, gesticulating from the side, and causing me trouble.

Compared with exploring the skyrocketing paper wealth after the company goes public, I care more about the tangible benefits. I have long been accustomed to those financial number games on Wall Street, and I appreciate your insensitivity! “

Hearing this, the expressions of Christopher and several senior officials of the Federal Reserve changed slightly, becoming less attractive and somewhat embarrassed!

However, they did not interrupt Ye Tian’s words, but continued to listen.

Ye Tian’s voice never stopped and was still heard.

“Generally, companies go public for several reasons, including insufficient development funds, the need to expand scale, major projects or important product research and development, etc., which require listing for financing.

However, I do not plan to expand the size of the company. The nature of Brave Exploration Company is very special. Unlike other types of companies, the current scale is just right and there is no need to blindly expand.

More importantly, not only am I not short of money, I also worry about having no place to spend it! To put it bluntly, throughout New York, I’m afraid there are few people with more abundant liquidity than me.

The situation is the same for companies. I believe that there are few companies in New York and even the United States that have better financial conditions than Intrepid Exploration Company, including major investment banks and fund companies on Wall Street!

Product research and development is even more nonsense. We are a treasure hunting company. What products require a large amount of money to invest in research and development? Our major projects are the treasures buried around the world.

Under such circumstances, why is it necessary for Intrepid Exploration Company to go public? That’s completely unnecessary. You can tell those financial giants bluntly and ask them to give up this idea.

Whether it is now or in the future, Brave Exploration Company only belongs to Betty and I. Neither of us can sell our shares to the outside world. No one else can get involved and dictate!

I don’t want to cause trouble for myself, let alone be kidnapped by financial capital, or do things I don’t like to do in order to cater to the market and stock investors. If that’s the case, I might as well take a break as soon as possible.

Even if I don’t go public, I have full confidence in making Intrepid Exploration Company the most outstanding treasure hunting company in the world today. As for wealth, it will all happen naturally”

Having said this, what else can Christopher say?

He nodded slightly and said with a helpless smile:

“Well, Steven, it seems that you have made up your mind and no one can change it. I will inform those old friends later. I am really sorry!”

Next, Ye Tian chatted with the Fed executives for a few more words, then shook hands with each of them and said goodbye, and left Wall Street in a car.

Seeing the heavy-duty convoy leaving suddenly, the few old guys standing in front of the Federal Reserve’s New York headquarters couldn’t help but sigh.

“Steven is so cunning. No one can take advantage of him. Those vulture-like guys like George obviously miscalculated this time!”

“Who says otherwise! This guy Steven is simply a cunning fox, impeccable. Not only George and the others, I also want to invest in Steven’s company if possible. Now there is no chance!”

After a few words of emotion, these old guys turned around and walked into the Federal Reserve headquarters building. They still have a lot to do!

On the heavy convoy that was gradually moving away, Ye Tian and David were discussing what had just happened.

“Steven, you have to be more careful in the future. The vampires on Wall Street have already set their sights on you and your company. Those guys are not easy to deal with. They eat people without spitting out their bones!”

David said solemnly, obviously worried.

“What’s so scary about this? The soldiers will come and cover it up with water and earth! Can those greedy guys on Wall Street still bite me?”

Ye Tian said with a disdainful sneer, his expression still very relaxed, and he didn’t take what Christopher just said to heart at all.

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