Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1440: Leaving away, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

Hanover Square, in front of the Italian restaurant where Betty and the others were.

Ye Tian glanced at the restaurant, which had been completely blocked by the police, and then smiled and said to everyone around him:

“Let’s go. Obviously, we can’t taste delicious Italian food tonight, at least not in this restaurant. Let’s go back to the Ritz Hotel. There might be an Italian restaurant somewhere!”

“That’s all we can do. This is really a thrilling night! Whether or not we want to eat Italian food is a secondary concern. There will be many opportunities in the future, and everyone’s safety is the most important thing!”

Anderson nodded in agreement, heaving a sigh of relief and his expression became much more relaxed.

Then, Ye Tian turned to look at the senior Scotland Yard police officer and the intelligence officer from MI5 in suits, nodded to them, and said with a chuckle:

“Gentlemen, it is really a shame to meet you on such an occasion. I hope that next time we meet, we can have a good chat and have a good chat. We will see you again by chance!”

After saying that, he nodded to the many London police officers and MI5 agents in suits and ties, and then walked out of the square with Betty.

More than a dozen armed security personnel led by Mattis followed and dispersed around them, protecting them as they walked out of the square.

In addition, Anderson, John and their legal team, as well as three staff members from the US Embassy, ​​also left Hanover Square with them!

Looking at the departure of this group of people, all the British people at the scene gritted their teeth in hatred, and everyone’s eyes were spitting fire, but there was nothing they could do!

When Ye Tian and the others walked more than ten meters away, someone finally couldn’t help it and cursed in a low voice.

“Farke! I hate these American **** so much, especially that crazy **** Steven. I want to tear that **** into pieces and feed it to the dogs, so that I can relieve my hatred!”

“Who isn’t! That **** is exactly like the legend. He is simply a **** of plague. No matter where he goes, he will bring a **** storm, and London cannot escape!”

Many policemen from Scotland Yard were cursing wildly, and their teeth were almost broken with hatred, but there was nothing they could do to Ye Tian!

Even if they want to use some dirty tricks and vent their bad breath, the lawyers and US embassy staff following Ye Tian are enough to make them give up any bad thoughts, so as not to get burned!

The agents from MI5 were staring at Ye Tian’s back. Everyone’s eyes were full of hatred, doubts and confusion!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and his group walked out of Hanover Square and left the blockade designated by the London police.

As soon as they walked out of the cordon, countless media reporters who had been waiting outside for a long time immediately came up like a tide, all of them extremely excited, with the fire of gossip flashing in their eyes!

Fortunately, Matisse and the others reacted quickly enough. They quickly established a line of defense to stop the crazy media reporters, preventing them from rushing to Ye Tian and Betty.

The reporters who were stopped began to ask questions loudly before they could regain their footing.

“Steven, I am a reporter from The Times. Are you related to the series of shootings in Hanover Square? Were you or your men involved?”

“Good evening, Steven. I’m a London correspondent for The New York Times. Can you tell me the identities of those who were shot? Are they British intelligence agents?

According to rumors, the deceased seemed to be elite agents from MI5. Why did they appear in Hannover Square? Who killed them? Is it a terrorist? “

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately looked at the New York Times reporter who asked the question loudly, with a smile flashing in his eyes!

The rumors mentioned by this reporter were released by Ye Tian!

The reason why he found someone to release the news was certainly not aimless, but had a very clear purpose.

The first purpose is, of course, to attack MI5 and make those British guys in MI5 in trouble.

The loss of eight elite agents at once, and in London, the capital of the United Kingdom, is definitely enough for the British guys in MI5 to drink a pot. They are waiting for storms from all sides!

Because of this huge loss, the famous MI5 will definitely suffer a major earthquake. Even the British Home Secretary who leads MI5 will have to resign!

Another purpose is to send a message to those extremist terrorist organizations, so that those scum can jump out to claim the attack as soon as possible. The more organizations that jump out, the better, so as to confuse the public!

When those scum claim the attack, I can stay out of it and watch the dog-eat-dog show!

Ye Tian glanced at the New York Times reporter, then glanced at the many media reporters present, and then said loudly:

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, I’m glad to see you all here. The night is beautiful tonight, but the occasion is a bit inappropriate!

I can tell you very clearly that the shooting incident in Hanover Square had nothing to do with us, and we were not involved. This has been confirmed by the London Police!

Tonight we came to Hannover Square to visit and were going to have dinner at an Italian restaurant on the square, so we showed up here, but unfortunately we encountered a shooting incident!

Fortunately, no one was injured or involved in this shooting, and I can only offer my condolences and sympathy to those who died in the shooting.

I am not very clear about the identities of those people, and it is not convenient to disclose any information. If you want to know relevant information, it is best to go to the Scotland Yard police.

As for what the reporter friend just asked, were the deceased agents of MI5 and were the attackers terrorists? I don’t know much about it either, but someone must know!

After the incident occurred, I immediately contacted my legal team and the staff of the U.S. Embassy in London to ensure that my rights were not infringed!

My legal team and the US embassy staff are aware of the specific details and related information of this shooting incident, and they will announce it to the public at the appropriate time!

Okay, that’s all I can say. After experiencing this incident, we need to go back to the hotel to have a rest. Please give me a break. I wish you all a good night. Goodbye! “

After saying that, Ye Tian walked forward with Betty. Under the protection of Mattis and the others, he passed through the many media reporters and quickly walked towards the motorcade parked not far away.

“Steven, can you tell us what your next plans are? Will you continue to sweep the antique art market in London? Just like you did at the Portobello Antique Market!”

“Who are those guys in suits and ties in the police cordoned off area? Steven, can you tell us? Are those guys intelligence agents from MI5?”

Many media reporters were shouting questions, and the scene was very lively!

However, Ye Tian ignored these media reporters, turned a deaf ear to all the questions, and just walked forward with a smile on his face!

In the blink of an eye, the group of them had reached the front of the motorcade, opened the doors and got into the car, disappearing from the eyes of the media reporters.

As soon as Mattis and all the armed security personnel got on the bus, the heavy-duty convoy immediately started and drove away from Hanover Square and headed straight for the Ritz Hotel.


Looking at the heavy-duty convoy going away, a sigh of disappointment suddenly sounded from the scene.

Soon, these media reporters turned back and returned their attention to Hanover Square and this shooting incident that must shock the British Isles!

Looking at this group of enthusiastic uncrowned kings, whether they were police from Scotland Yard or agents from MI5, they couldn’t help but frown and have a splitting headache!

Trouble is coming, and I don’t know who can escape the ensuing storm!

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