Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1337: Manhunt, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

As soon as Ye Tian and the others rushed out of the jewelry store, the gunfire on the Champs Elysées stopped.

The last member of the ‘Pink Panther’ who was hiding behind a Citroën and resisting, had been beaten into a sieve by Walker and the others who were outflanked by three people, and was completely dead.

The neighborhood where the jewelry store is located is now devastated and turned into a complete hell!

The road was filled with cars and motorcycles billowing black smoke and riddled with holes. The windows, doors and walls of the once dazzling luxury stores on both sides of the street were all smashed to pieces. It was too horrible to look at!

Between the scrapped cars and motorcycles, and on the sidewalks on both sides, yellow or black bullet casings can be seen everywhere. The number is staggering!

Of course, the most shocking thing is the corpses lying on the road, on the sidewalks on both sides and in the cars, as well as the injured with blood spurting out and wailing!

This shopping mecca that once attracted countless people and made countless women crazy about it has lost its splendor now. It seems as if it has been swept by a hurricane and has become dilapidated, like a battlefield!

Although the gunfire stopped, no one who was hiding in the store, lying next to the flower bed, or lying next to the car to avoid danger dared to stand up, lest fighting break out again.

Without exception, everyone in this neighborhood was extremely frightened and desperate, but they could only pray secretly in their hearts and could do nothing else.

While Walker and the others were killing the last member of the ‘Pink Panther’, Ye Tian also secretly turned on X-ray and quickly scanned the surroundings to see if there were any other potential threats.

After confirming that the scene was safe and there were no other ambushing gunmen, he immediately withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective.

Then he straightened up and whispered through the wireless headset:

“Listen to all the guys, don’t touch the corpses of the dead Pink Panther members. Leave the cleaning of the battlefield to the Paris police. This is their responsibility. We are not suitable to participate.

Everyone immediately turned on the pinhole cameras they carried with them and recorded everything that happened next. This was a means of self-protection, lest the angry Paris police cause trouble for us later!

When the Paris police and a large number of media arrive, everyone must remember one thing and be careful with your words and actions! Leave everything to the lawyers. The French team of lawyers I hired will arrive soon! “

“Got it, Steven”

There was a response from the earphones, and all the security personnel responded.

Then, Ye Tian continued to whisper:

“Walker, please report the casualties among the guys. Are any guys injured or dead? I don’t want to hear that news!”

“Three of the guys failed, but it was not serious and would not affect life safety. No guys died. Those guys from the Pink Panther came too suddenly and caught everyone off guard!

If this were not the case, with everyone’s military qualities, it would never be possible to get injured and suffer a loss! The three injured guys were all given emergency bandages, which did not affect their movements. They can just go to the hospital for treatment later! “

Walker’s voice came from the earphones and quickly reported the situation.

While reporting the situation, he also quickly ran back to the entrance of the jewelry store with the rest of the security personnel, met up with Ye Tian and Matisse, and dispersed around them, continuing to maintain a high alert state.

When they came over, Ye Tian immediately continued:

“It’s fine if none of the guys died. I like hearing this news! As before, the injured guys will receive a very generous pension. We can’t let your blood be shed in vain!”

Before he finished speaking, a burst of cheers came from the earphones, mixed with a few painful groans.

For these armed security personnel who have been licking blood from their swords all year round, getting injured while performing their duties is too common. As long as it is not a serious injury such as a broken arm or leg, or a fatal injury, they don’t care at all!

In comparison, they care more about the generous pension, not to mention that the person who distributes the pension is Ye Tian, ​​who is famous for his generosity!

It is completely conceivable that the pension must be very generous, even enough to make people crazy!

When the cheers subsided, Ye Tian immediately continued:

“Walker, send a few guys into the jewelry store to protect Betty and Anderson. Be sure to stay close and ensure their safety. That is the most important thing.

Anderson is doing some aftermath work and it will take some time. You should control the entire jewelry store as soon as possible and try to delay the Paris police from entering the jewelry store.

One thing you must pay attention to is that you should not touch any piece of jewelry in the jewelry store. Do not take advantage of the situation and rob it. It will send you to jail. Don’t lose the big for the small! “

As he said that, Ye Tian turned his head and looked at the Paris policemen who were walking cautiously towards this direction with a look of disdain, a trace of contempt flashing in his eyes.

“Okay, Steven, just leave it to us. As long as we use the excuse of searching the scene to avoid misunderstandings, we can stop the Paris police!”

Walker nodded and responded in a low voice, his words full of confidence.

After finishing speaking, he immediately assigned five armed security personnel and began to take over the jewelry store.

Three of the guys went straight into the jewelry store to protect Betty and the others and assist Anderson in their work. The other two guys guarded the door with assault rifles and acted as door gods!

After a pause, Ye Tian asked again in a deep voice:

“How many of those ‘Pink Panther’ scum have escaped in total? In which direction did they run? Even if they escape to the horizon, I will catch them out and send them all to hell!

Next we will start a hunt, with half of the guys staying here to protect Betty and the others, and to help Anderson deal with the incoming brigade of Paris police and news media.

The other half of the guys are coming with me to hunt down those scum of the ‘Pink Panther’. Want to run away? There is no door. Today is the day for those scum to die. No one can save them, including God! “

“A total of three scumbags ran away, one of whom was shot in the shoulder. The three of them rode two Yamaha heavy-duty motorcycles and fled towards the Charles de Gaulle Square.

The two guys guarding the cars in the parking lot have already driven to catch up. They are closer to the Charles de Gaulle Square and will definitely be able to catch up with the three “Pink Panther” scum who escaped.”

“Okay, just hold on to those scumbags of the ‘Pink Panther’ and don’t let those scumbags escape our sight, otherwise it will be more troublesome to find them again.

Pik and the others will take off in a helicopter soon, fly here at high speed, track those “Pink Panther” scum from the air, and provide us with air support.

Next, Mattis and I will lead a few guys to hunt down those scum who escaped. You will be in charge here, and the security personnel who stay here will be under your leadership! “

“Understood, Steven, just leave it to us, there won’t be any problems!”

As he spoke, Walker took off his backpack and handed it to Ye Tian.

The contents of this backpack are exactly Ye Tian’s weapons and equipment, a G36C short assault rifle, a Kevlar body armor, and a dozen magazines full of bullets!

After taking the backpack, Ye Tian immediately put it on his back and whispered:

“Walker, go over and talk to those Paris policemen and ask them to inform all the Paris policemen who are coming here and on duty on the streets not to treat us as enemies.

Comparatively speaking, the Paris police hate the Pink Panther more than we do. This is also a favor to them. I believe they will cooperate. It would be great if they can provide technical support!

Even if they don’t plan to provide technical support, it doesn’t matter, as long as they don’t add trouble to our pursuit and don’t come in to cause chaos, I will personally send those scum to hell! “

“Okay, Steven, I’ll go over and talk to them. As long as the Paris police still have brains, they won’t refuse to cooperate with us!”

Walker nodded in response and immediately walked towards the cautious Paris policemen.

When he left, Ye Tian immediately reached out and nodded at the four security personnel, and then said in a deep voice:

“Due to time constraints, it was too late to rush to the parking lot to pick up the car, so you commandeered two cars on the Champs Elysées and launched a pursuit!

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, when requisitioning a vehicle, you can directly tell the owner that you will give him a brand new car later, no matter how much money you have!

You chased by car, and Matisse and I rode a motorcycle to chase. Paris is an ancient city, and some streets are too narrow for cars to enter.

During the pursuit, everyone must turn on the pinhole camera at all times to record the entire pursuit and try to avoid unnecessary troubles.

Everyone must pay attention to their own safety. I don’t want to hear the news about that guy losing the lottery again. Okay, let’s start taking action and send those scum to hell! “

“Got it, Steven”

The four armed security guards pointed out by Ye Tian responded in unison. Everyone was confident and full of fighting spirit.

Before they finished speaking, they had already rushed onto the Champs Elysées with assault rifles, preparing to commandeer vehicles and then launch a pursuit.

When they left, Ye Tian immediately raised his hand and pointed to a cafe not far ahead, and said murderously:

“Matisse, there are some heavy motorcycles there. Let’s borrow two of them and have a good speed battle on the streets of Paris. It will be very enjoyable!”

Following the direction he pointed, Mattis and several other security personnel looked to the west.

Fifty or sixty meters away from everyone, there is indeed a cafe with exquisite decoration, but now it is in a mess. On the roadside in front of the cafe, three heavy motorcycles are parked side by side. They all have very cool shapes. !

Seeing the three heavy motorcycles, Matisse’s eyes immediately lit up, and then he said excitedly:

“It would be really cool to have a car battle on the streets of Paris. Let’s get started, Steven, I can’t wait!”

Before he finished speaking, Ye Tian had already strode out and quickly rushed towards the three heavy motorcycles!

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