Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1231: I don’t want much, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

After everyone introduced each other and exchanged greetings, the door of the conference room was pushed open again, and several more guys in suits and ties walked in.

The faces of these guys are still very familiar to everyone. The first one is the assistant to the mayor of New York, followed by three senior New York City officials, and two congressmen, each of whom is a well-known figure in the city.

Unlike those financial tycoons, the expressions of the New York City Government officials were much more relaxed, with a hint of joy in their eyes.

For these guys, discovering a treasure in New York City has only advantages and no disadvantages. After the treasure is discovered, New York will definitely be indispensable.

Even if the Federal Reserve is very powerful and takes away most of the treasure, it will still be indispensable for the New York authorities’ political achievements. As for the opportunity to appear in front of the news media, it will definitely be indispensable.

The part of the treasure that was taken away by Ye Tian also had to pay taxes, so that he could make a small profit.

In a few steps, the mayor’s assistant led the rest of the people to the front and greeted them warmly.

“Good morning, Steven, I didn’t expect that we would meet again so soon. You are so lucky. You actually found another treasure. It’s really enviable.”

This mayor’s assistant is an old acquaintance of Ye Tian, ​​and has dealt with him several times before.

The most recent one was just two days ago. After wiping out those Chicago scum, the New York police held a joint press conference to explain the details of that day’s operation to all media.

As the core figure of the incident, Ye Tian was naturally indispensable. It was at that press conference that he met the mayor’s assistant and exchanged a few words.

“Good morning, Blake, I didn’t expect you to come forward to negotiate with us. That’s fine, everyone knows each other, and the atmosphere of the negotiation must be very relaxed”

Ye Tian said with a chuckle and shook hands with the other party.

Next, the two introduced each other to their respective entourages and shook hands one by one.

Subsequently, the three parties took their seats and officially began negotiations.

As soon as it started, Blake couldn’t wait to ask:

“Steven, can you tell me where the secret vault is? When did you discover that treasure? How did you discover it? I’m very curious and want to know more”

Not only was he curious, but everyone at the scene wanted to know the answers to these questions. When they heard him asking, everyone immediately looked at Ye Tian, ​​looking forward to his answer.

Will Ye Tian give the answers to these questions? Of course it’s impossible!

Until the proportion of the reward for discovering the treasure is reached, I, the King of Heaven, will not know the answers to these questions, let alone the people in front of me.

“Be patient, Black, and all the other gentlemen. After we have negotiated the terms and signed a formal agreement, I will announce the answers to these questions. It must be a huge surprise.

As you all know, I am a professional treasure hunter, and my company is a treasure exploration company. Finding and discovering treasures is my business, and it is also the reason why Intrepid Exploration Company exists.

Today’s treasure is no exception. Although I cannot announce the specific location of this treasure for the time being, what I can tell you is that this secret vault is in New York and is on a piece of public land.

It is precisely because it is on public land that I came to you to cooperate and negotiate with you, trying to get a relatively generous reward for discovering the treasure. We are businessmen, and we cannot work in vain! “

Ye Tian said without hesitation, showing his ambition from the very beginning.

“You are exactly like the legend. You are a guy who is extremely obsessed with money and extremely greedy. However, you are extremely lucky. All the treasures in the world seem to have fallen into your hands.”

Blake said angrily, but his eyes were filled with envy.

Others at the scene also nodded in agreement, agreeing with what he said.

Ye Tian quickly glanced at everyone present, then continued with a smile:

“Business is a business! Since I am starting a company and running a business, if I am not persistent enough in money and lack the motivation to pursue it, then why should I ask for trouble and start a company? Sooner or later it will go bankrupt.

Let’s go back to the treasure. Because the location of the treasure is public land, for safety reasons and to avoid unnecessary trouble, I did not enter the secret vault.

Everything in the secret vault is intact, still covered with dust, and no one has touched it. There are not many things stored in it, and everyone will be able to see it when the treasure is opened.

Although I have not gone deep into the secret vault, according to my judgment, the secret vault has existed for at least seventy or eighty years, dating back to the 1930s and 1940s.

And I can be sure that the things stored in that vault are most likely the Federal Reserve’s gold reserves. Of course, it cannot be all of them, but only a very small part of the Federal Reserve’s gold reserves.

I am very confident about my vision, and I am sure that I cannot be wrong. This has been proven in all previous exploration operations, and everyone knows this.

I believe that the Federal Reserve can also prove it from the side. If such a huge amount of reserve gold is stored in a secret vault, there will definitely be relevant records even if it is a long time ago.

Even if there is no written record for strict confidentiality, there must be relevant rumors passed down. Regarding this, I believe these gentlemen from the Federal Reserve can give us the answer.”

As he spoke, Ye Tian looked at the people at the Federal Reserve sitting opposite, and at the financial boss at the head, Christopher.

Other people in the conference room also turned to look at those few people.

Christopher took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​then nodded bitterly and said:

“What Steven said is correct, the Federal Reserve does have such a secret vault to store gold reserves, and that secret vault is in Manhattan, not far from the Federal Reserve’s New York headquarters.

But no one knows the exact location of the secret vault, including the Federal Reserve’s top decision-making body, the seven-member Executive Committee. We have only heard of the secret vault.

The secret treasury was originally established to deal with World War II. The hidden gold should be regarded as war reserve gold, but it was not used in the end.

It was President Roosevelt who advocated the establishment of the secret treasury, and the specific implementer was a senior member of the original five-member Executive Committee of the Federal Reserve. Everything was conducted under absolute confidentiality.

Not long after the secret treasury was established, the senior executive member of the Federal Reserve died in a car accident. Not long after, President Roosevelt also died, and World War II soon ended.

Since then, the secret vault has completely disappeared from people’s sight, and has been gradually buried in the dust of history. It was only today that a lucky guy like Steven discovered it.

According to relevant rumors circulated within the Federal Reserve, the secret vault contains a large amount of gold reserves worth billions of dollars, as well as some very important equipment and information.

It was for the sake of confidentiality that no written records were left, only some unverified rumors. The Federal Reserve also tried to find the secret vault, but found nothing.”

Before he finished speaking, there was an exclamation in the conference room.

“Wow! Reserved gold worth billions of dollars is really an exaggeration!”

“It’s actually a secret treasury set up by President Roosevelt. It’s really old!”

Amid the exclamations, Ye Tian’s proud voice suddenly came out, clearly reaching the ears of everyone present.

“Gentlemen, as Mr. Christopher said, it was a secret vault established by President Roosevelt. I saw the Federal Reserve logo on those boxes filled with gold, and I also saw the relevant year.

I don’t know how much gold is stored in the secret vault, but the amount must be astonishing. I only require 25% of the gold to be used as treasure discovery rewards. This requirement is not high! “

As soon as he finished speaking, the conference room was completely boiling.

“25% of the gold reserves in the secret vault! This appetite is too much, why don’t you grab it?”

“My eyes have been opened today. It’s unheard of that there are such greedy guys in the world!”

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