Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1144: Get ready to fight, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

After quickly checking the equipment he carried, Ye Tian called Jason and the others together again and whispered to these guys:

“Guys, those guys following the joint exploration team are about to break out of the trapping vine rain forest. They are not far from the cliff of Discovery Point, and the battle is about to break out!

Such a lively scene cannot be without my participation. Next, I will go up the cliff, fight side by side with Matisse and others, and give those idiots behind them a head-on blow! “

Hearing this, Jason and the others’ expressions suddenly changed, and they exclaimed in low voices.

“I’m going! This moment has finally come. Later, there will definitely be another crazy fight with bullets flying and corpses everywhere. The rainforest on the top of the cliff will become extremely dangerous!”

“Fake! Those **** idiots are so persistent. The treasures of Lima have been made public and displayed in front of everyone, and they are still coveting them. They really want money rather than their lives! “

While exclaiming, these guys also became more excited.

Their eyes were shining brightly, and they were eager to try. They wished they could follow Ye Tian to the top of the cliff and personally participate in the battle that was about to break out. It would be very exciting and extremely enjoyable!

Especially the boy Logan, who was dancing excitedly.

After exclaiming, he immediately looked at Ye Tian eagerly and almost begged, asking Ye Tian to take him to the top of the cliff to experience the feeling of fighting in the jungle!

For his pleading look, Ye Tian simply chose to ignore it!

How is it possible to bring this kid up to participate in the battle? Wouldn’t that be causing trouble for yourself? You would do that if your brain is squeezed by the door!

As for Jason and Anderson, they knew very well that they had no chance of participating in the battle that was about to break out on the top of the cliff. They could only imagine it in their minds, without any hope at all!

“Obviously, those idiots have been driven crazy by the Lima treasure and have completely lost their minds. They knew that the chance of success was extremely slim, but they still hit it without mercy!

Since those idiots insist on seeking death, why should we be polite? Of course we should fulfill their wishes and send them to **** one by one. That is their destination! “

Ye Tian sneered and whispered, his words full of murderous intent, which was frightening.

Then he turned to look at Logan and whispered:

“Logan, just stay in this cave honestly. It’s very safe here. There’s no way those idiots coming behind will break into this cave and threaten everyone’s safety.

Remember what I told you before, don’t get close to the cave entrance, and don’t interfere with other people’s work. You are here to experience the journey of exploring treasures, so be a good bystander!

I believe it won’t be long before we can deal with those idiots coming behind us and then join you. Then we can leave this cave and return to the super yacht! “

“I know, Steven, it seems that I can only stay in this cave and be a bystander. What a pity!”

Logan nodded helplessly in response, looking very reluctant.

Afterwards, Ye Tian began to make arrangements.

“Jason, after I leave the cave, you will lead our company’s employees to cooperate with Professor Douglas from Columbia University and the guys in Costa Rica to clean up!

Your main job is not to clean up the gold, silver, treasures and antique artworks that flowed out of the broken boxes, but to supervise the cleanup work of the other two parties and record every treasure that appears here! “

“Understood, Steven, our eyes must be wide open. No treasure belonging to the Lima treasure can escape our eyes, not even a silver coin!”

Jason nodded in response, his tone was very firm and full of confidence!

After a pause, Ye Tian continued:

“Anderson, as the lawyer representing me and the company, your main responsibility is to supervise and witness everything that happens here to ensure that my and the company’s interests are not infringed”

“I know what to do, Steven. Don’t worry, no one can infringe on your interests, especially in front of live television cameras and in front of everyone in the world!”

Anderson smiled and nodded, answering decisively.

The next step is the security arrangements.

“Charlie, Peake, after I ascend to the top of the cliff, you will be responsible for the security in the cave. You must ensure the safety of the Lima treasure and the people in the cave.

This cave is more than 80 meters from the top of the cliff and more than 100 meters from the sea. There is no way to go. Even if someone in the cave is interested in the Lima treasure, I believe they will not do it here.

So, your task should be relatively easy, but if someone really makes someone stupid and takes risks, don’t be polite and kill them directly. No one can take advantage of me!

You don’t have to worry about the battle that is about to take place on the top of the cliff. There is absolutely no way those idiots behind will attack Discovery Point Cliff. We will be able to deal with those idiots soon!

One more thing, those two guys from the Costa Rican Police and Public Security Department, I plan to leave them on the top of the cliff to participate in the battle, and will not come down to cause trouble for you! “

“I understand, Steven, we will protect every treasure here and everyone here, and we are waiting for your good news!”

Charlie and Peake nodded in unison, both full of fighting spirit.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then said with a smile:

“Okay, let’s go and get busy, a wonderful show will be staged!”

Then, Jason and the others turned around and left, each going about their business.

Ye Tianze stepped out and walked towards Professor Douglas and the three live TV groups, preparing to explain to these guys and take a vaccination in advance to prevent them from being frightened!

As he came closer, Ye Tian interrupted these guys who were concentrating on their work, and began to explain to them his subsequent actions and what was going to happen next, so that they could be mentally prepared!

After listening to his explanation, Professor Douglas immediately said worriedly:

“Steven, you don’t need to go up to the top of the cliff yourself to deal with the idiots behind you, right? Can’t you just leave it to your men? Your men are all extremely tough and armed to the teeth, and they can definitely handle this kind of situation! ”

“That’s right, Steven, do you need to take action personally? In addition to your men on the top of the cliff, there are also escorting Costa Rican police. I believe they are enough to repel those idiots! Ensure everyone’s safety!”

Professor Delgado continued, with worries and a bit of confusion in his eyes.

“Gentlemen, thank you for your concern. I promised you before that we will protect the three-party joint exploration team. Now that we have made a promise, of course we must fulfill it!

Now that the danger is coming, I definitely can’t hide behind and let my men stand in front to fight with those guys who are crazy and completely lost their minds after being stimulated by the Lima treasure!

That’s not my style of doing things, and I don’t bother to do that. Moreover, I also want to compete with those idiots, weigh their level, and see if they are qualified to be my opponent!

Since they insisted on following us regardless of life and death, trying to **** the Lima treasure from our hands, then I have the responsibility to let them understand what a stupid decision they made!

Besides, most of the joint exploration team has safely entered the cave, and the subsequent cleanup work is not too difficult. It seems that there is no need for me to stay here any longer!

In this case, I might as well return to the top of the cliff. That is my battlefield, just like this is your battlefield. As for my safety, you don’t have to worry at all! “

Ye Tian chuckled and shook his head, rejecting Professor Douglas’s proposal without hesitation.

Hearing his murderous words, everyone at the scene couldn’t help but feel a chill in their hearts, and a chill suddenly ran down their backs, making them extremely frightened!

“Okay, Steven, since you have made your decision, it is useless to say anything we can. We can only wish you victory and a triumphant song!”

“Steven, you are so aggressive and fearless, just like the legend! I have nothing to say, please be safe!”

Professor Douglas and Professor Delgado said one after another. The two historians were quite helpless, and there was still a bit of worry in their eyes!

“That’s it, gentlemen, you continue to clean up these dazzling gold and silver treasures. News of victory will come soon! See you then!”

With that said, Ye Tian turned around and strode towards the entrance of the cave without looking back. His steps were extremely firm, with the belief that he would win.

Looking at his back as he strode away, Professor Douglas and the others couldn’t help but feel a little dazed.

After a short pause, they just woke up and immediately started to sigh.

“Wow! This is really an extremely crazy guy, never seen before! Today is an eye-opener!”

“I’m sure that those idiots who follow behind are going to be in bad luck. With Steven’s cruel and ruthless behavior, few of those idiots will be able to escape Cocos Island alive!”

While talking, Ye Tian had already reached the entrance of the cave.

At this moment, two more members of the joint exploration team rappelled down from the top of the cliff and entered the cave.

After landing and standing, they quickly took off their rock climbing safety belts and handed them to Ye Tian.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian took action.

He quickly put on a set of rock climbing safety belts, connected them with the main climbing rope using the safety buckle, and then hung another set on the lock of the auxiliary climbing rope.

After doing this, he secretly turned on the perspective again, and quickly saw through several climbing ropes and all the joints to prevent accidents!

Everything is in good condition and there are no safety hazards! You can rest assured!

Withdrawing his gaze and ending the perspective, Ye Tian strode forward and walked straight to the entrance of the cave, towards the steep cliff more than a hundred meters high!

“Stephen, be safe! Teach those stupid guys a lesson and send those idiots to hell. We are waiting for news of your victory!”

The voices of Jason and Logan came from behind, and each voice was very excited and full of concern.

Ye Tian, ​​who had reached the edge of the cave entrance, stopped and looked back at these guys, then said with a smile:

“See you later, guys, don’t worry, no one can hurt me, let’s celebrate!”

Before he finished speaking, he turned his head and strode out of the cave without hesitation, standing more than a hundred meters in the air, letting the sea breeze blow as much as he wanted.

“Mattis, pull me up! Get ready to fight!”

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