Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1110: Place a trap, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

The joint exploration team did not move very fast. It took five or six minutes to cover a distance of less than a hundred meters.

This is still the edge of the tropical rainforest, but the white sandy beaches of Weaver Bay and the vast and far-reaching Pacific Ocean are left behind and can no longer be seen!

At this time, all that surrounds us is endless green; all that lingers in our ears are the cheerful chirping of various birds, which is sweet and melodious!

Compared to the outside of the rainforest, the light here is much darker. The sunlight can only shine into the rainforest through the gaps between tall trees, bringing a little light to this dark world!

Although the surface of the rainforest is dark, humid and hot, with not much sunlight, it is a paradise of life, with an extremely wide variety of animals and plants, which is dizzying!

As the sub-canopy of the rainforest, the surface plants of this rainforest are mainly composed of small trees, vines and epiphytes, and ferns!

Some plants are epiphytic and wrap around parasitic tree trunks, while other plants only use trees as supports, forming a wonderful scene of “trees growing on trees” and “grass growing on leaves”.

There are also an extremely wide variety of animals living here, especially small animals and arboreal animals. Not long after entering the rainforest, Ye Tian and the others had already seen more than a dozen different animals!

The surface here is mostly covered with branches and fallen leaves, and is not as impassable as the legend says. Except for a thin layer of humus soil and fallen leaves, much of the ground is bare.

In addition, because it is close to Weaver Bay, people often enter here, including rangers from Cocos Island and tourists who come to Cocos Island for adventure tourism!

Pushing forward a bit, before 1978, more people entered this rainforest, and most of them were professional treasure hunters who came to Cocos Island to look for pirate treasures!

Because of this, unlike the original tropical rain forests in other places, there is no path to follow at all and new roads need to be opened.

Here, as long as you observe carefully, you can still find traces and paths left by people in the past, including many paths taken by professional treasure hunters when searching for pirate treasures on the island.

For Mattis and others, who are experts in jungle warfare, it was very easy to find that these roads were not difficult at all.

No, while everyone was walking, Charlie’s voice suddenly came from the headphones.

“Steven, we found two roads covered by humus soil and fallen leaves, both of which have some history. One road leads due east, and the other leads to the southeast. Which one should we take? “

Charlie and another security officer are the outposts of the joint exploration team. While investigating the situation ahead, they also have the responsibility to explore the way forward.

After hearing the report, Ye Tian did not respond immediately. Instead, he took out his handheld navigator and began to check everyone’s exact location.

After pretending to look around and confirming the exact location of the joint exploration team, he said through the wireless invisible headset:

“Charlie, you take the southeast route. According to the treasure map in my hand, that is the treasure hunt route that Gisler took back then. Let’s take it again today.

Follow that road until you reach Mount Jimenez. We don’t need to change the direction. After we reach the foot of Mount Jimenez, I will tell you how to go next! “

“Okay! Steven, we will leave markings on the road so you can see them when you come over!”

Charlie responded and immediately ended the call.

After ending the call with Charlie, Ye Tian asked in a low voice through the earphone:

“Mattis, where are Cook and his bunch of idiots? They shouldn’t be far from us, right?”

“Judging from the positioning information, they are still in the mountain forest on the north side of Weaver Bay, about four to five hundred meters away from us. They are approaching us, and they will probably follow us soon!”

Matisse’s voice came from the headphones and gave an accurate answer.

“Since these Los Angeles idiots are about to catch up, let’s play with them and see if these idiots have the ability to be our opponents! Or they are just a bunch of real idiots!

After we turn southeast, take your people and erase all the traces of everyone’s passing, create some illusions that we are going east, and confuse those idiots to see if they can see through this trap!

If they see through this trap, then we can go back and deal with these fools. There is plenty of opportunity! If they are too stupid to see the trap, then let them wander around in the rainforest!

Ye Tian chuckled and whispered, a sharp light flashing in his eyes.

“Hahaha, I like your idea, Steven, don’t worry, I will lay a perfect trap, which will definitely be enough for those idiots to drink a pot!”

Mattis responded with a smile and a rather excited tone.

During the phone call with Matisse and the others, Ye Tian did not stop and continued to lead the joint exploration forward, gradually entering the depths of the tropical rain forest.

Not far ahead, everyone came to the fork in the road that Charlie just mentioned!

Before he even got closer, Ye Tian discovered the mark left by Charlie!

It was a broken small branch, only a dozen centimeters long, thrown randomly on a pile of dead branches and leaves. It looked like it had been trampled by some small animal! Very inconspicuous!

Seemingly inadvertently, the longer end of the broken branch was pointing in the southeast direction of Mount Jimenez!

If it weren’t for the fact that it was one of their own and it was the mark agreed upon by everyone, it would be difficult for Ye Tian and the others to find this branch, let alone other strangers!

While seeing this branch, Ye Tian also discovered the traces of the two roads. As Charlie said just now, one leads to the east and the other leads to the southeast!

Immediately afterwards, he secretly turned on the perspective and quickly looked through the two roads covered by humus soil and fallen leaves!

Charlie is right, these are two roads with quite a history, which can be known from the scraps of copper and iron buried underground! It’s a pity that nothing valuable has been discovered!

In an instant, Ye Tian grasped the situation here!

Then he withdrew his sight, ended the perspective, and then prepared to turn southeast and head towards Mount Jimenez.

At this moment, several gray shadows suddenly flashed out from behind some big trees on the right side of the exploration team and rushed towards the joint exploration team quickly, making a strange sound.

As soon as these shadows appeared, several security personnel on the right side of the exploration team responded. The muzzles of their assault rifles were quickly pointed at the shadows, and they were about to open fire!

After a while, Ye Tian’s voice suddenly sounded, stopping several security personnel from opening fire.

“Guys, don’t be nervous, these guys are not our enemies, there is no need to end their lives! Just let them continue to live here!”

After the words fell, everyone saw clearly what these guys were.

It turned out to be four pigs, and they were four gray domestic pigs, not wild boars that should appear in the forest!

In the blink of an eye, the four pigs rushed past the joint exploration team and disappeared into the jungle on the other side.

It wasn’t until these guys disappeared completely that everyone woke up.

“Did I read that correctly? How come there are domestic pigs here? Who would raise pigs on Cocos Island? It’s so bizarre to bring domestic pigs here!”

Logan said in surprise, his eyes full of confusion.

The rest of the people were the same, and they didn’t quite understand the scene that was happening in front of them.

Ye Tian looked at Logan next to him, then smiled and explained:

“This is the masterpiece of the famous pirates in history. They brought pigs to this isolated overseas island and raised them here as a self-sufficient source of fresh meat!

In addition to domestic pigs, they also raised a lot of deer on Cocos Island. Now there are signs of overpopulation of pigs and deer on the island, causing considerable damage to the island’s rainforest ecological environment!

In the next exploration, you will definitely see these two animals. If you are greedy, we can also kill one or two and have a barbecue feast! “

“Steven, you have a good idea, I agree very much! You’d better kill a few more pigs and deer, it will be beneficial to the maintenance of the ecological environment of Cocos Island!”

Professor Delgado echoed, looking deeply convinced.

As he spoke, Ye Tian had already stepped onto the road pointing to the southeast, leading the joint exploration team towards Mount Jimenez.

Matisse was a few steps behind and began to quietly lay a trap!

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