Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 1043: A new record, the fastest update to the latest chapters of treasure hunting around the world!

All the buyers at the scene sat down and looked at the auctioneer on the stage and at the outstanding painting by Michelangelo on the display shelf.

Each of them was very excited, with lights shining in their eyes and high morale!

Everyone is ready, waiting for the auction to begin, and then start a fierce fight, defeat all opponents, and return in triumph with the “Creation of Adam”!

Seeing that all the buyers were seated, auctioneer Jefferson immediately said loudly:

“Ladies and gentlemen, the most exciting moment is here. The pinnacle work of the Renaissance art master Michelangelo, “The Creation of Adam”, is now being auctioned. Everyone is welcome to bid!”

“Pa bang bang”

Thundering applause immediately sounded, drowning out the auctioneer’s voice, forcing him to stop temporarily.

When the applause subsided, Jefferson’s high-pitched voice immediately came out again.

“Before announcing the starting price and officially starting the bidding, there are a few things that need to be explained here. It will take you a little time, and please be patient.

I believe everyone has witnessed the discovery process of “The Creation of Adam” and should be very clear about it. I will not explain this point to avoid wasting everyone’s time.

After discovering and extracting this top-notch work of art, Mr. Steven conducted an appraisal on the spot and gave a very positive appraisal conclusion, as everyone knows.

Before signing the entrusted auction contract, our auction house organized top appraisal experts and used relevant high-tech testing equipment to conduct a very comprehensive appraisal of the painting.

The identification conclusion we reached is highly consistent with the identification conclusion given by Steven. “The Creation of Adam” is indeed the authentic work of Renaissance art master Michelangelo, there is no doubt!

This oil painting should have been created between 1508 and 1512. It is the manuscript for the ceiling painting of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. It has a history of more than 500 years and is very precious!

During the auction preview, antique art appraisal experts from major auction houses and museums, as well as other senior professionals, also appraised the painting.

Everyone came to almost the same appraisal conclusion, confirming that this is the authentic work of Michelangelo. It is an extremely precious and top-notch work of art with extraordinary artistic value and is worth collecting!

At this point, there is no doubt about the authenticity of this painting “The Creation of Adam”! Everyone can bid with confidence! We at Sotheby’s Auction House can endorse this top-notch work of art!

Because this painting is extremely precious and has special significance, the Historical and Cultural Heritage Protection Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Interior has listed it as a precious artwork that is restricted from leaving the country and is not allowed to leave the country!

In this regard, everyone must consider that if you photograph this masterpiece of Michelangelo, do not even think about taking it out of the United States, as it will cause you huge trouble! “

“We all know this, Jefferson, hurry up and get started, I can’t wait to get this top-notch piece of art and make it my personal collection!”

A buyer in the audience shouted loudly, interrupting Jefferson’s words and appearing very anxious.

As soon as this person finished speaking, someone immediately shouted:

“Mark! Stop dreaming. This Michelangelo must have nothing to do with you. Just look at it and don’t think too much! It’s my treasure!”

“Richard, you are such a bastard, why are you everywhere? Don’t talk too much, it’s not yet certain who will win and who will lose! Let’s see!”

Mark retorted, his momentum was very strong and he did not fall behind at all.

Immediately afterwards, several more billionaire buyers jumped out and expressed their determination to win, while also sarcastically attacking their competitors.

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder was getting stronger and it was about to explode, the auctioneer Jefferson immediately interrupted these people and regained the right to speak.

“Gentlemen, there is no need to argue. There will be plenty of opportunities to compete later. If you are strong enough, you may have the last laugh, defeat all opponents, and win this top-notch piece of art.

The starting price is now announced. Based on the unparalleled artistic value of this painting and the opinions of the owner, Mr. Steven, we have set a starting price of $400 million for “The Creation of Adam”!

The minimum increase is US$3 million. After the quotation exceeds US$600 million, the minimum increase shall not be less than US$5 million. The bidding starts now, US$400 million, US$400 million, which gentleman should bid? “

While announcing the starting price loudly, auctioneer Jefferson immediately entered the state.

He turned his head quickly, his eyes like eagle eyes, constantly scanning the audience, in order to immediately spot the buyers who were raising their placards to accept the price.

Several auxiliary auction personnel standing on both sides of the auction table also quickly entered the state, staring at the hundreds of buyers in the audience, ready to remind the auctioneer Jefferson at any time to check for missing items and fill in the gaps!

The two dozen staff on the right side of the auction hall who are responsible for accepting telephone bidding and online bidding are also busy. They are all attentive and ready to accept remote instructions at any time and raise their placards to bid!

At this time, the auction hall was completely boiling, and there were a lot of exclamations.

“Wow! Four hundred million dollars! This guy Steven is just like the legend. He is a ruthless and extremely greedy guy. Who has heard of such a high starting price? It’s crazy!”

“It seems that the valuation given by Steven in the live video is true! With his usual behavior, this painting “The Creation of Adam” must have an auction reserve price, and it will not be less than 600 million US dollars!

No matter who has the last laugh today and successfully captures this Michelangelo’s masterpiece, he will definitely bleed profusely and be stabbed by that guy Steven, who will probably break his muscles and bones! “

Amidst the exclamations, many buyers in the auction hall and online had despair in their eyes, their expressions were very ugly and a little embarrassing!

Just this astronomical starting price, which has never been seen before, completely extinguished all hope and kicked them out of the ranks of competitors without leaving any chance!

“Faq! I hate this **** Steven, he is so cruel! He is also extremely greedy!”

A burst of angry curses sounded from some corners of the auction hall.

The same was true on the other end of the phone and the Internet. Many people were angrily cursing Ye Tian to vent their dissatisfaction and depression.

Ye Tian couldn’t hear these angry curses at all, and even if he heard them, he didn’t bother to pay attention.

What can you do except curse? Can you still bite me?

“Four hundred million dollars, four hundred million dollars, which gentleman or lady should pay? This is the “Creation of Adam” by the art master Michelangelo, the most top-notch work of art!

By taking a photo of this painting, you are equivalent to bringing the famous Sistine Chapel ceiling painting back to your home, where you can enjoy it at will. How exciting that is! ”

The auctioneer Jefferson shouted loudly, trying his best to confuse everyone.

Everything is difficult at the beginning!

This is especially true for antique art auctions, where unsold auctions often occur.

Many times, it’s not that people don’t like the antique artworks being auctioned, but they adopt a wait-and-see attitude, waiting for other buyers to take the lead before participating in the competition.

As long as the first buyer holds up his placard and accepts the price, the show will officially begin. There will be a lot of fun and the competition will become increasingly fierce!

The current situation is exactly like this. It depends on who jumps out first and kicks off this fierce competition.

Even if no one jumps out and the show continues to be so quiet, and the shoot ends up being rejected, Ye Tian doesn’t care at all.

As long as this painting is still in your hands, the initiative belongs to you. If you want this masterpiece of Michelangelo, you can exchange it for real money, no matter how much you lose!

I want my buddy to sell it at a lower price, but there is no way! Even if you think too blindly, you still won’t get that kind of good thing!

After the brief shock, many buyers quickly sobered up.

Although US$400 million is an astronomical figure, it is very amazing! It is also a starting price that everyone has never heard of, creating an unprecedented starting price record!

But this is Michelangelo’s pinnacle work! It is the most top-notch work of art that is almost impossible to appear at auction, and it is definitely not comparable to other antique works of art!

As long as there are buyers who are interested in this painting and are prepared to participate in this competition, I am afraid no one will naively think that they can win this “The Creation of Adam” with US$400 million!

Before Jefferson’s voice fell, someone immediately responded.

“Four billion dollars, Jefferson!”

On the right side of the front row of the auction hall, someone raised his bidding number.

The battle begins! The first shot was fired by one of the oldest religious groups in the United States, the United Church of Christ!

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