Sage King Chapter 1304: History

   “I don’t know what Fen Yin girl wants to say?” Yang Qi’s face also eased a little, but his expressions were all pretended. No one in his heart could guess. He was a character who was once in a sea. , How can it be easily seen through.


   Unless it is a masterpiece like Executing Immortal King, even if it is another supreme **** and Yang Qi struggle, it is really not enough to watch.


   “Void Master, do you know the history of this temple of marriage?”


   standing side by side, walking slowly in this temple, the temple of marriage is very large, almost an independent kingdom of gods, the stars in the sky are shining, and it always falls down meteor shower, there are quite a few Myriad Realms King maps deep the taste of.


  Yang Qi carefully observed the entire Kingdom of God and found that the people who created this Kingdom of God actually combined the sentiment and ruthless truth together to form a rule of heaven and sentiment. The structure of this temple is very close, and it can hardly be destroyed. In fact, it has reached the state of Yang Qi, and it has been able to penetrate the kingdom of God.


   If he now enters the kingdom of Gods, and exerts all the means, it can destroy the entire kingdom of God, but now let him destroy this temple of marriage, it will not succeed.


   can’t even destroy it.


   “The founder of this marriage temple shrine is not a simple person, but he can actually build such a powerful shrine.” Yang Qi showed obvious shock in his mouth.


   “The vision of the Netherworld Master is really powerful, and immediately he can see the supreme mystery of this kingdom of God.” Xia Fenyin exclaimed: “In fact, this temple of marriage is the most mysterious temple, compared to Our prayer shrines must be mysterious. It was impossible for us to appear in such a shrine in Yaoguang Holy Land, but because of the discovery of an earth-shattering event, we had this marriage shrine.”


   “What earth-shattering event?” Yang Qi was curious.


   “Master, you should also know that the original rules of our Yaoguang Holy Land are the most hated men. Any man who enters our Holy Land will be killed without amnesty, and women are forbidden to have men outside, otherwise they will all be executed. But now it has developed into such a situation. Many men have entered our holy place to pursue our disciples, and there must have been a big change in it, which caused this. Don’t you feel curious?”


   Xia Fenyin said.


   “Yes, this is a major change. According to the truth, even if a school is reformed, it cannot be changed to this level.” Yang Qi nodded: “In the reputation outside, Yaoguang Holy Land still hates men. But I entered into it, which was quite different, and even being able to talk and love in the Temple of Marriage is simply incredible. And I have seen Guang Han’s master Kong Xingmu, who seems to be adhering to ancient traditions and disdain men. Gu.”


   “Because, in a long time ago, a woman appeared in our Yaoguang Holy Land, called Xia Youqing, she was outside, and she fell in love with a man, but! At that time, we women in Yaoguang Holy Land, don’t say If you like a man, even if you see a man, you have to grab it back and become a slave or kill yourself. The rules and regulations even stipulate that seeing a man and saying one more sentence is a big sin. Repayed? So after being captured by Senior Elder in our martial arts, he was immediately imprisoned and ready to be executed.”

Xia Fenyin looked at the Temple of Marriage and recounted the vicissitudes of 1-stage’s history, “However, the man Xia Youqing came back and went directly to the school to take away his beloved one, so he and our Yaoguang Holy Land came into being In an earth-shattering battle, the man was alone, defeating our master Zhenshan master, nine infinite wills, and finally even provokes our ancient supreme **** take action, the founder of the three great Yaoguang holy places, joining the town Back pressure, but he still broke the big formation, rescued the beloved woman, and even made the three founders, the three high disciples of the high priest, bow their heads, let them set the rules and open their hearts. Bondage, so that female disciples in the holy place can feel free to return. This temple of marriage, which is left by the man, has been standing here. I don’t know how many hundred million years have been eternal. Many high-level in our Yaoguang Holy Land , Destroying this temple all the time, but basically unable is destroyed, even shaking is difficult, so no one dares to act rashly, change the door rules, and revert to the Antiquity rules that saw men beheaded because everyone is afraid of that The man is back again.”



   “What’s the name of that man?” Yang Qi secretly panicked, and even guessed that the earth-shattering battle of that year, one person contends against a huge martial art, and the power of Yaoguang Holy Land in the ancient times is far from being able now. The comparison is inherited from the high priest.


  The founder of the Yaoguang Holy Land is even directly a disciple of the high priest. How high is his seniority?


   Fortunately, Yang Qi has also seen big figures, such as Executing Immortal King. This is a level of existence with Lord Huizai, and even higher than the big sacrifice. Now Yang Zhuxian is a disciple of Executing Immortal King and a legend.


   “The man doesn’t have a name, he doesn’t know who he is, and no one knows his origin.” Xia Fenyin said: “Even, a long time ago, the knowledgeable supreme **** also guessed and calculated The origin of this person is not known. In that era, the Supreme Lord’s Return, the Great Sacrifice, the Executing Immortal King’s turbulent chaos, and the battles of various ancient gods have disappeared. , But it can also be said that talents come out in great numbers. However, afterwards, our three founders joined hands in rituals and prayers, and got the guidance of the declining high priest and passed the message. The man is the legendary Fateless, so No one can spy on his destiny.”




  Originally, Yang Qi was just listening to the 1-stage story. It was also very ordinary. A woman fell in love with a strong man, but she was imprisoned by the martial arts, so the man went to the martial arts and beat the martial arts one by one.


   But in the last sentence, the “nameless” man was actually Fateless, which made Yang Qi feel not easy. Because he is also Fateless, there is only one Fateless in the world, just like an era, a dynasty, can only produce one emperor, one mountain can not allow two tigers.


   now comes out with a Fateless, how is it related to him?


  What is the origin of the man? Throughout the ages, even the apprentices of the high priest did not know his origins. The spirit of the high priest’s decay told many people that he was Fateless.


   However, these are a series of thoughts in his heart. Yang Qi has long reached the realm where the waves are hidden in his heart. It doesn’t matter, but he secretly guessed in his heart that he vaguely felt that he entered Yao. Light Holy Land, it is very likely that big things will happen, and even if you leave Yaoguang Holy Land now, you can’t get away. He seems to be involved in a huge vortex of destiny, avoiding inevitable.


   And he does not intend to evade. Obtaining Jade of Virtuous One fragments is inevitable. It must be obtained before he can be promoted to a high level, breaking the **** of the ancient, transcending Gods Imprint and the unstoppable immortality, and comprehending reaching the realm of nothingness. .


   “What are you thinking?” Xia Fenyin saw Yang Qi being silent and couldn’t help asking. She naturally couldn’t think of it. Yang Qi was also a Fateless.


   “I was thinking, who the man is, the Yaoguang Holy Land upholds the priesthood of the high priest, the high priest and the king of the gods, one article and one martial art, is the main division and soldiers under the command of the Lord Marshal, the three great creators are supreme. They were defeated by an unknown man. It was really outrageous.” Yang Qi said nothing. “It seems that there are many noble people in the realm of God, and they are hidden deeply.”


   “Aren’t you just an unknown master?” Xia Fenyin said: “Come to our Yaoguang Holy Land, the first time take action, defeated the proud world, I can’t see what you are in the end. “


   “Defeating Aojie is a peerless master?” Yang Qi smiled dumbfounded: “That waste, combat experience is very poor, at first glance is the flowers in the greenhouse, self-esteem, do not know how to converge, will die.”


   “It’s really nothing to beat Aojie, but it’s not trivial to have so much wealth. Tell me, how much wealth do you have?” Xia Fenyin said after the 1-stage story, the conversation with Yang Qi Gradually opened up, and began to ask some confidential things ~ ~ This is also a trial.


   “If I say how much is it?” Yang Qi smiled: “What are you going to do? Robbery?”


   “How much? How dare you say it unless it was the Lord of the year, because the entire God Realm, countless gods belong to him, although you have been inherited by the Lord of Civilization, it is impossible to How much, how much, profligate, will definitely sit down and eat the sky.” Xia Fangyin said.


   “That’s all right, the wealth left by the Lord of Civilization is enough for me to spend a long time of 1-stage. Moreover, the wealth is used to spend it. After spending it, I don’t have any concept of wealth.” Yang Qi said: “Burn If Girl Yin wants me to invest in you, it’s not impossible, but you have to say, what the **** are you going to do to promote an unlimited promotion? How much difference is there now? Let me calculate, who is Xia Guanghan, who will be promoted first? For the realm of infinite level, the treasure of you two, in fact, I want to suppress, the first time I see the girl, I know that you are not an ordinary person.”


   “Okay, but my secret, you can’t tell Xia Guanghan.”


   Xia Fenyin said: “However, I don’t believe you very much now. To know my secret, once I say it, I will definitely be blocked by Xia Guanghan. by that time undermines my plan, and you cannot compensate me. And, besides, I have a huge amount of money here. I buy back some important things to carry out my plan. I don’t know if you have that much wealth.”


   “How much do you want?” Yang Qi asked.


   “At least two hundred billion yuan of money.” Xia Fenyin said an astronomical figure.

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