RPG Chapter 21: Set twenty-one

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Setting 21: Monster Hunter (3)

There are two main types of things that can make people feel scared. The first category is very deformed and has fewer human characteristics. The main reason for human fear is the exclusivity and self-protection of human race. The second category is frightening things that are similar to humans but have differences in details. When a thing is very similar to humans, humans will subconsciously divide it into their own races, but the differences in details will make people Feel the potential impact, which causes a strong sense of anxiety and threat.

Of the two types of things, the former is explicit-you know why you are afraid of an alien. Its long tail and twisted body make you intuitively feel the abnormality and threat; the latter is more implicit ——You may not know why you are afraid of a very simulated SD doll, because the stiffness and paleness of the doll make you subconsciously think of corpses and death. Obviously the fear produced by the latter will be more profound. Although it is not as explosive as the fear produced by the former, it will gradually ferment in the bottom of my heart until a qualitative change occurs at a certain moment.

And what Shanzi Wei is facing right now covers the above two types of things.

The woman on the opposite side is as beautiful as the picture above, with long, black hair draped vertically in front of her chest and behind her body. She is wearing a light blue hospital gown, with a wide hem covering the base of her thigh just right. Shanzi Wei’s gaze was there, he was not lustful—in fact, Shanzi Wei believed that even if the best man in the world stood here, he would not pay attention to the scenery under the skirt, they would only pay attention to the umbilical cord.

Yes, the umbilical cord, the umbilical cord that everyone once owned and connected to the mother’s body, is usually cut by the doctor when the mother gives birth to a baby. However, this rule does not apply to the situation at this time. A long, greasy umbilical cord hangs from between the woman’s legs and connects to the “baby” in her arms-although Shan Zi Wei looks at it, the woman on the opposite side is not holding a baby but a piece of meat. A ball, or a piece of meat just cut from the human body and spliced ​​into a spherical shape.

Seeing Shanzi Wei looking over, the beautiful woman happily displayed the soft, fishy, ​​deformed creature in her hand.

“This is your child, a beautiful boy.”

Wait how on earth did you tell that this is a boy-no, this is a men’s ball or a women’s ball! Shan Zi Wei didn’t have the excitement of being a new father. He deeply felt Li Jing’s mood for killing his third son. The creature in front of him that reads as a baby writing meat ball is simply anti-human!

Shanzi Wei can only alleviate the fear of frantic rise by constantly complaining in his heart. He was very scared, indescribably scared, he was afraid of the deformed meat ball in Maria’s hand, and even more afraid of Maria who was holding the deformed meat ball.

He was too scared to move, so scared that as long as he could move, he would run away immediately. He was already scared like this, but Shanzi Wei couldn’t tell what he was afraid of. Every place in front of Maria was different from the past. “Feifei” is similar, but so terrifying that he doesn’t want to take another look.

Little Gaia lay silently on Shanzi Wei’s shoulders, and his black and white eyes glanced at Shanzi Wei’s stiff face. He placed his chin on Shanzi Wei’s shoulder, holding his head, and covered it with long sleeves. The expression on the mask.

Maria saw Shanzi Wei looking straight at her and the child, and happily lowered her head to coax the meat in her arms: “Come on, baby, let my father hug you, he likes you.”

Hearing Maria’s words, the meat ball seemed very happy, and the squirming and contracting muscle tendons made Wei’s stomach cramp. However, Maria seemed to see an angel-like smile. She couldn’t help kissing the meat ball and rubbed her face against the meat ball. So Shanzi Wei saw that the fat on the surface of the meat was like sticky glue, sticking tightly to Maria’s lips and face, tearing her beautiful face off when Maria moved away.

Now, what Shanzi Wei is facing are two **** faces. Although the visual impact is greater, Shanzi Wei escapes from the boundless fear. The body paralyzed by fear finally regained his mobility. He almost instinctively raised the tracking marker gun and shot the meat ball in Maria’s arms.


The bullet coated with a special potion penetrated the flesh ball, and the hit flesh ball shook violently. Obviously, it had no vocal organs. The violently contracted flesh tendons seemed to express its pain, but also like Expressing its anger. Maria’s **** face changed. She stared at Shanzi Wei as if she saw a madman.

“Why did you hurt him? He is your child, the child born in accordance with your expectations–“

Shanzi Wei responded by firing another shot, and the adrenaline inspired by fear drove him into a state of stress-he has only one thought now, which is to kill the monster and leave the chessboard.

The second shot also hit the meat ball with precision. Shanzi Wei loaded the ball without stopping. He closed one eye, not only to aim at the monster, but also to investigate the monster’s information.

[? ? ?

Attribute: ♥10

Type: Soldier

mp: 1000/1000

sp: ♠(100[40]%), ♥(100%), ♣(100%), ♦(100%)

Position: Hostile

Relationship: Rumu (active)

Explanation: This little thing is a man-made accidental product. He will evolve and bear a lot of grudges. Once you offend him, he will chase you for a lifetime. 】

Two shots contaminate 40% of the monster’s spades sp, and five shots can completely contaminate its spades sp. Shanzi Wei thought so and pulled the trigger.


The bullet penetrated* and splashed out blood, Shanzi Wei’s face changed, and at the second when the third bullet was fired, Maria turned her back to hold the meat ball tightly in her arms and blocked it with her body. Shan Zi Wei’s bullet.

After hitting Maria, Shanzi Wei’s plum sp (sorrow) immediately dropped by 50%. He didn’t have time to figure out whether he violated Setting 2 or Setting 3. The opposite Maria received the attack. , Began to flee from the door holding the meat ball staggeringly. Under the set restrictions, Shanzi Wei could not attack his “wife”, but this did not cause him any difficulties. Under the influence of adrenaline, Shanzi Wei crossed Maria and seized the door at an unprecedented speed, turned around and shot the monster again.


Shan Ziwei stood at the door, blocking Maria’s path. Maria retreated to the window holding the monster, bitterly watching the white-haired young man load the gun smoothly like running water, raising the gun, aiming, and shooting. At the moment Shanzi Wei shot, Maria turned her back again, ready to bear the bullet with her body.


Maria looked down at the fourth blood hole in her “child” in a daze. She slowly raised her head and stared blankly at the marble window sill with the cobweb cracks on the opposite side. The marble then splashed and hit her “child”.

Maria is desperate. She knows that as long as she is in this room, she can’t escape the attack of the white-haired youth no matter what. Maria hugged the meat ball and turned to face her powerful “husband”, trying to call back Shanzi Wei’s conscience with her wailing.

“My dear… don’t hurt him… please don’t hurt him…”

Shan Ziwei did not shoot any more. Since only five bullets had been put on potion before, and one of them was wasted on Maria’s body, he had to stop the gun and reapply the potion on the bullets. Maria was happy for a moment when she saw Shanzi Wei taking the gun. When she saw Shanzi Wei taking out the potion, she—especially the “child” in her arms trembled very much.

“No…no no…”

The monster obviously knows that Shanzi Wei’s death is when he finishes applying the potion. Its flesh is full of strong and uneasy twists and turns, and then suddenly knocks out of Maria’s arms, and when it falls on the ground, it sounds like mature It chirps when the festering watermelon drops to the ground. The viscous juice flowed all over the ground, and the monster above the juice squirmed its muscles and tried to escape the danger, but the umbilical cord firmly tied it to the mother’s body. So the monster paused, the flesh of the whole body evacuated like a person taking a deep breath, and then tightened suddenly.

Single Wei Gang put the bullet after applying the potion into the gun, and he looked up and saw a fat circle of meat **** and a thin circle of Maria—the flesh on Maria’s body seemed to be a monster It sucked away, leaving only dry skin on the bones. The umbilical cord between the two began to dry from Maria at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was about to fall. The intense anxiety made Shan Zi Wei start his hand, he almost shot while raising the gun, eliminating the need for aiming.

Some deviated bullets shot at the monster diagonally, and the monster jumped, avoiding the bullet and letting it penetrate the elongated umbilical cord. Without the shackles of the umbilical cord, the monster that fell on the ground rolled into the bed. Shanzi Wei immediately squatted down, but when he saw the monster under the bed push hard, the entire bed was lifted towards Shanzi Wei.

“Kang Dang——”

The iron bed slammed on the ground and made a loud noise. The bed faced Shanzi Wei, making it impossible for him to tell where the monster was hiding behind the bed. Shanzi Wei could only walk around the bed to look, but when he left the door, a group of dark shadows rushed towards the door.

Shanzi Wei had expected that he raised his hand and fired a shot at Sombra. The bullet accurately shot down the black shadow, and the black shadow fell on the ground and made a crackling sound, like a lump of broken meat-it indeed looked like a lump of meat.

Shanzi Wei looked at the motionless mass of meat alertly. He suddenly realized something was wrong, and walked over to look at it quickly. When Shanzi Wei looked down and saw the mass of meat, a gust of wind quickly passed over his head. Shanzi Wei only felt a sudden pain in his scalp, and he was severely dragged away by someone—or something.


Shanzi Wei let out a cry of pain, he looked up at the instigator, and then saw the monster.

And it’s an evolved monster.

[? ? ?

Attribute: ♥10

Type: Knight

mp: 5000/5000

sp: ♠(100%), ♥(100%), ♣(100%), ♦(100%)

Position: Hostile

Relationship: Rumu (active)

Explanation: Obviously, you have offended it. 】

The evolved monster is a whole small circle, and what it has just thrown is the meat it shed. The most noticeable thing is its two extra tentacles, which are about one meter long and look soft and tough. Although the monster had grown two seemingly powerful tentacles, it was still like a ball. It stopped at the door and did not walk, but stretched out its tentacles triumphantly, displaying its trophies.


Shanzi Wei silently watched the monster’s soft tentacles curl up with a bunch of white hair, which was his hair. A certain **** is now in a state where his heart is so tired that he will not love. The evolution of this monster is also full of blood recovery effects. He finally contaminated its spades completely, and this squad will evolve him as soon as he evolves. All previous efforts have been abolished.

Shanzi Wei raised his weapon numbly and shot the monster. The monster quickly showed Wei Wei that its newly-grown tentacles were not ornaments, and saw that it crossed its two tentacles and quickly wrapped itself into a honeycomb-shaped object. The bullet hit the tentacles and shot down two tentacles, but the monster obviously didn’t care much, and soon reborn the same tentacles again, which only consumed 100 mp.

Shanzi Wei looked at the pitiful spiritual pollution and the MP level comparable to the bishop’s level, and only felt heartbroken.

In the eyes of a certain nymphomaniac with a broken heart, the monster picks up the fallen white hair, and then puts Wei’s white hair on his head-for the first time in the upper and lower positions, it is on the head-it has its own body. The juice quickly stuck the white hair firmly, like a nondescript headgear.

It raised its tentacles threateningly at Shanzi Wei, and then rolled away proudly against its trophy.

Shan Ziwei:…Wait for another pain when I go to gather my friends!

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