Rome Must Fall Chapter 39: Arrangement

“Women are more careful than men, are better at taking care of others, and are better able to soothe the pessimistic mood of wounded soldiers, which is conducive to their better recovery. The more important thing is-” Maximus said patiently and seriously Explained: “Arconis, you have to know that although our team is brought together by people who have suffered, due to traditional concepts, women’s status in the team is relatively low, and they are often treated badly by the soldiers. Harassment without any punishment for these soldiers.

But when soldiers are injured, they are often pessimistic and despairing. But when the injuries are healed under the careful care of women, it is as if they have gained a second life, and these women are the ones who gave him a second life. Mother’, doesn’t he have enough respect and gratitude for women? ! When these wounded soldiers return to their respective teams and spread the deeds of the women in the medical team, who will dare to bully you again? Will your status be improved? ! ”

“This…this…this is true.” Aknis was tempted, but she still hesitated: “But the young women in our kitchen are the main work force, so we have to divide them out. The work will not be easy to complete. If we cannot provide food to the soldiers in time——”

“Don’t worry about this. Many of the newly joined Roman army slaves can cook food and can temporarily come to your place to help.”

Why is it temporary? Because Maximus felt that these army slaves could play a greater role, it would be a pity to just be chefs.

“The soldiers of the **** can also temporarily go to your place to help. As long as they wait for a day or two, and the leaders agree to assign us people, I can give you priority to choose. But I think the people in your kitchen are actually A lot, but the work efficiency is not very high. In fact, as long as you make some changes, you can do more work with less people, and you don’t have to stare in the kitchen all day, which is too tiring! This matter… we can still discuss it after the meeting is over.”

Arconis was born as a peasant woman. She had never managed anyone before as a slave or a cook. Since she became the head of kitchen affairs, she has been thinking about how to manage people every day for the past month, so she listened to Mark When Sims said this, she began to feel itchy. After all, the young baggage captain had demonstrated his wisdom many times before.

Of course Maximus didn’t know what she was thinking, and continued: “After winning this battle, we obtained a lot of weapons, armor, multiple ballistas, and some military supplies, which are different from ordinary Living supplies are different and require specialized management by knowledgeable people, otherwise it would be a pity if they are damaged!”

After saying this, Maximus also looked at Cornelius.

“The captain is right. Weapons and armor are hard to come by. I have never been in the army and I don’t know how to maintain them. I really need to find someone to manage them.” Cornelius said smoothly. He didn’t care about it. , it is better to do more than to do less, it is better to be more leisurely.

“Frontinus.” Seeing that Cornelius had no objection, Maximus breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and asked, “Which of you is suitable to manage these weapons and equipment?”

Frontinus thought for a while and said: “Glaius Capito, he can write and do math. In the past, soldiers in the army often asked him to write letters and even help them keep their money.”

“Okay, let him be responsible for managing these military supplies for the time being.” Maximus nodded simply, looked at everyone, and continued: “The leaders have decided that the entire team will move to the one not far down the mountain tomorrow. Farm, build a new camp there, and our baggage team will be stationed in that farm. When the time comes, everyone must mobilize their men to work together and assist each other to complete the move in the shortest time, including of course the wounded soldiers, so shelter Grace, your transport team——”

“Captain, although most of the carriages of our transport team are still there, there are not many pack horses left-” Pigris was about to complain, but was interrupted by Maximus: “Chief Spartacus Didn’t the 15 carriages seized at the olive oil farm be handed over to you?”

“Oh, I almost forgot.” Pigris patted his face in embarrassment.

“If the carriage is not enough, I have also discussed with Oakmar that we can temporarily borrow some of the horses they captured to use as pack horses——”

“Captain, war horses are not pack horses. They are not easy to control without training.” Pigris reminded.

Maximus glanced at him: “This depends on the ability of your transportation team. If I can help you solve all problems, what else will you, the leader of the transportation team, do?”

“I know, I will find a way to solve it.” Pigris said quickly.

“I still have three oxen there that can help pull the cart.” Sexippus said.

“Look, when you encounter difficulties, everyone is helping you find a solution, so there is no need to worry at all.” Maximus said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Pygris was inspired and immediately said: “Captain, our transport team will do its best to transport all the wounded to the new station smoothly!”

“Okay!” Maximus said, turning his eyes to Sexippus, a Samnite man from the Apennine Mountains who was as lanky as a hemp pole. This was why he was abandoned by the leaders and thrown into the baggage train. The reason why the team came.

“Sexippus, although all the sheep in our baggage team have been eaten, I believe that we will get new flocks soon. Please don’t move the livestock team you are responsible for. I have already With the permission of the chiefs, after the soldiers leave, the farm can be used to raise cattle and sheep.”

“That’s great!” Sexippus said happily: “In the future, I can let the cattle and sheep graze on the nearby hillside during the day, and drive them into the farm at night without worrying about losing them again. . I can also raise more chickens and ducks on the farm…”

Maximus ignored Sexippus’ muttering and said to Frontinus: “After moving to the new station, I am not going to let the wounded soldiers live in the farm. I want to Open up a separate piece of land outside the farm and set up a tent for the wounded soldiers to live in. But I want these tents to be connected as much as possible so that the air can circulate so that the wounded soldiers can live more comfortably… How many tents are needed? ?How to build it?”

“How many wounded soldiers are there?” Frontinus asked.

“About 250 people.”

“How many people are there in our entire team?”

“Nearly 2,000 people.”

Frontinus thought for a and said: “We are responsible for transporting these military tents. I am very impressed, because although the army only has 3,000 people, the supplies are prepared for 5,000 people. Yes, I guess Grabo had a plan before setting off to call in Campania’s city guards. I saw some tents in the camp were burned this morning, but the rest can fully meet the needs of the entire team… ”

Frontinus said and began to make gestures with his hands: “The Roman army’s tent was made of cowhide and supported by special iron rods, so it was relatively strong and not easily damaged. It was built in a rectangular shape and could It can accommodate a team and 10 people to rest inside. If only 6 people can live in it, it will be more comfortable. In this case, we will need more than 40 tents. You said that the tents should be connected and the air should be circulated. This is actually very simple. Set up the tents next to each other, roll up the cowhide on the sides, and it will be clear.”

“How long will it take to build them all?”

“There are 35 of us building 40 tents. If we have some helpers… it will take about an hour.”

“That’s great, I’ll leave this matter to you. After we move to the new station tomorrow, you will immediately bring people to do it. I will provide you with as many people as you need, but we must set up all the tents as soon as possible. , so that all the wounded soldiers can live in it, it would be best… there is a wall or fence outside the tent area to avoid being disturbed by other people in the future.”

“I’ll try my best.” Frontinus replied reluctantly.

“Frontinus.” Maximus looked at him and said sternly: “You people have the military talents we urgently need. Except for those in charge of armaments warehouses and managing medical teams, there are other People set up a military advisory group, and you will be the leader.”

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