Rise Chapter 926: That’s it

Everyone only noticed that this wave of Demon Girl rushed forward to hit the blue side auxiliary wind girl’s consumption poke with an amazing amount of damage, but very few people were able to catch it carefully, just now For an instant, the blue ADC’s big mouth moved.

Nor can it be blamed for most of the God team members who were watching the game.


It’s really fast.

In such a tight and chaotic battle situation, everyone’s eyes were focused on Demon Ji’s body at that moment.

Other things seem to have no sense of existence.

So there are really not many people who noticed the blink of an eye, the big mouth of the ADC in the blue side actually caught the opponent’s single demon girl’s shooting action, and a W skill was activated almost synchronously to increase the range. The range then squirted several times in a second, quietly consuming LeBlanc’s blood volume by a small half of the tube.

It’s like saying–

It seems that this wave is a successful shot of Demon Ji to consume poke.

But in fact, the purple side makes no money at all.

Lin Feng and Dawn Chenxing themselves had a sudden warning sign because of this. The alarm bells in their minds have begun to ring continuously, because they have also realized the danger through this shot.

Even the witchcraft demon under their control, even with such lightning-fast hand speeds, still can’t escape the fate of being simultaneously stared at by the big mouth on the opposite side.

This is just the consumption of a small wave of tricks, which comes fast and goes fast.

But if they just stayed for half a second?

Give Big Mouth another half a second of output time.

It’s even more dangerous. If Shan Lulu reacts in time and turns into a sheepskin on her backhand…

Perhaps by this time their mid-lane enchantress is dead or disabled.

“The fault tolerance rate is too low.”

Dawn Chenxing smiled bitterly.

Originally, the time has reached this stage. It stands to reason that it should be the ADC who is the only output main force on the other side to undertake such a difficult task with extremely low fault tolerance, but they did not expect an assassin-type AP mid-danle. Fran, actually has to bear the same risks and pressures.

Lin Feng squinted his eyes, the gaze in his eyes became a little bit sharper:

“We have to continue.”


The situation has reached a point where there is no retreat.

The high ground of the bottom road cannot be allowed, and as the purple mid laner under the control of the two of them, Le Fulan, who is under the control of the two of them, must continue to look for opportunities to shoot quickly even if they take the risk, and force the other blue players on the opposite side. The position of the hero’s HP will further consume and defeat the disabled, otherwise they will not be able to start a team battle.

Xiao Xiaochenxing nodded slightly, and did not have the slightest objection to the conclusion of coordinating with his partner. At the same time, his eyes were slightly condensed, and he spoke calmly and calmly in the voice channel of his team:


“QE Erlian, don’t face the big mouth. If you find a chance, you can hit anyone.”

“Just hit the damage.”

“Veros is too.”

The situation has not allowed their purple legion to continue to walk with the idealized script. It is too difficult to consume the big mouth on the opposite side of the poke. The huge mouth on the opposite side is almost like a moving position with all non-directional skills. The chance of hitting it is almost negligible, and even more skills will be wasted.

Then, you can only choose to turn the spearhead.

Can’t hit your mouth.

You won’t be able to move your teammates at the same level as you in the other positions!

Facts also prove–

Such a decision is correct.


Boom! ——

Another sharp plasma cannon shot through the air under Dan Jess’s QE second company on the purple side, and shot into the front row of the blue legion formation under the high tower.

This time, it hits the jungler Nunu and Zhongdan Lulu on the blue side firmly, with a double shot.

Almost at the same time.

A Q skill of the purple ADC Verus, the “Penetrating Arrow”, is filled with power and shoots through the air, with a purplish red tail flame like a streamer that penetrates when the opponent has no time to react. The target blue side assisted Feng Nu and Zhong Dan Lulu’s body.

An uproar and exclamation erupted from the surrounding spectators.

Even if the Blue Legion like the Wind Girl and Lulu both have shield blessing methods, the angels also have the ability to milk blood, and even the jungle snowman Nunu can recover by eating a small soldier with Q skills. A considerable amount of blood, but on the purple side of this wave, the skills of the two poke heroes, Verus and Jace, all hit the target, and they still dealt a considerable wave of damage in an instant.

The blood volume of Feng Nu was beaten by LeBlanc just now, and the damage has not been recovered. After taking the Q of Verus, the blood bar has fallen to only half a tube.

The fairy witch in the blue square ate two skills one after another. Even if the skill shield was released with a faster reaction speed, the blood volume dropped by half.

“That’s right!”

Many of the God players who support the Purple Army can’t help but feel refreshed.

That’s how we should fight!

Speaking of, in fact, the lineups chosen by the blue and purple sides in this game have a common feature, that is, there are no front row heroes on both sides. The purple side is probably an auxiliary Japanese girl, and the blue side plays here. Ye Nunu can barely be considered a meat, but they are all half a catty.


It’s all crispy.

And this feature will correspondingly bring two results.

One is that both sides focus on the output ability, and the other is that under the condition that both sides have extremely objective damage and even burst out second-hand ability, the player heroes of both sides have extremely low error tolerance in operating position, almost all the time. If you want to walk on thin ice, you can’t easily make any bigger mistakes.

This has just become the biggest attraction of this game right now.

Tense and anxious.


It seems that the situation is still in a stalemate, but as long as there is a little accident…

“Everyone can be wiped out in a wave–“

Li Shiyi murmured subconsciously like this, and couldn’t help but sweat on both sides of the blue and purple in his palms.


The time of the game is still passing silently.

Almost half a minute passed.

At this time, the big dragon buff effect on several heroes of the blue army has ended, and the buff effect of the minions is gone, so that the difficulty of clearing the line on the purple army has also been greatly reduced.

It’s just that at this same time, the blood volume of the highland defense tower blood bar in the purple side road has only been left in the last half ~ IndoMTL.com~ less than a quarter.

“Let’s see the next wave of troops.” The God team members who were watching the battle made their judgment very confidently.

As long as this wave of troops enters the tower, the blue team can basically flatten and demolish the opponent’s high-land defense tower, but the purple team has already lost all the high ground on the road and will definitely not easily get down the road. This highland tower also gave in.

Although the current situation on the scene has become more and more intense *smoke, and the poke and temptation of various skills of the two legions have become more frequent and intense, it seems that there is still a core point missing——


The point that is enough to truly and completely detonate the team fight.

On the side of the blue legion on the field, the number five in front of the computer screen seems to be still calm, Zhu Lips Qingqi seems to be doing something to the other players in the voice channel of the team.

At the same time, in the purple square on the other side, the atmosphere became more solemn and solemn.

Lin Feng and Fuxiao Chenxing seemed to be quickly communicating something in a low voice, and finally seemed to have reached a tacit agreement. Lin Feng’s gaze swept across the formation of the blue legion not far away, and then moved quickly to control The mouse cooperated with Dawn Chenxing to make a signal mark on a blue hero:

“Wait for the next wave of soldiers.”

“That’s it.”

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The update is delivered, and I will go to the company tomorrow. There is a lot of work to be solved tonight. The update is difficult to guarantee. . . I hope my friends will forgive me.

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