Rise Chapter 770: The strength of No. 5

In this round, Li Shiyi, who was the blue side jungler’s widow, chose a red starter.

After brushing the red.

Rely on the unit target penetration feature of Widow’s Q skill to quickly clear F6.

Then rushed to the upper semi-wild area of ​​his house, finished the three wolves, and finally put the blue buff into the bag.

The time just happened to be in the early 4 minutes.

However, after such a round of wild monsters, the widow’s own health status has also been affected. Generally speaking, the widow who has finished the first round can choose to go back to the city to replenish a wave, update the equipment, and then go out and start again. Consider the plan of wandering gank.

This is more stable.

But Li Shiyi did not choose this way. Instead, he ate the last blood bottle on his body, slowly regaining his blood volume, and quickly swept his eyes across the three lanes of the minimap, and then hesitated for a while and controlled it. His widow Evelyn quickly walked towards the lower half of the wild area.

This is still not a normal wandering idea.

Because your widow is the blue square and the red starter, after brushing all the way to the upper half of the field, the most suitable gank goal is the top lane. Secondly, if you have a chance, you can try to catch a wave in the middle lane. As for the bottom lane——

If you go back to the city for a wave, it’s okay to come out and head towards the bottom road, but now if you don’t go back to the city, you have to rush from the upper half of the wild area to the bottom road, and the distance and time spent in the middle will be more. .

However, because of Lin Feng’s instructions before the start of the game, Li Shiyi still chose to obey and follow without hesitation.

He has only one task for this one.

Keep your way down.

From the jungler of Senior No. 5 on the opposite side, try to keep the development of his blue side ADC as far as possible!


For this, Li Shixi actually didn’t have the slightest confidence in his heart.

Because you have to know that just a few days ago, he was just a substitute for the LSPL Alpine Team Club. Now, just being able to fight against the first-line professional players of the KG team has made him feel like a world away. , Not to mention that his matchup jungler is still number five in this round.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is equivalent to that he is competing against powerhouses like Nian Shisan and Mafa.

The change was that year, in his peak state, he had confidence to fight against the powerhouse of that kind of series.

But now…

Sweat oozes out of the palm of the right hand holding the mouse. At this moment, even though Li Shiyi has tried to keep his mood calm and steady, he still can’t help his heart shrink and tighten.

Can he do it.

Prevent the jungle spiders of Senior Five.

As much as possible to help several other partners and teammates to reduce the pressure.

Even Lin Feng on this mid laner is unable to make any results in the early stage under the restraint of the top one. He is also going all out to fight against the line; although Tian Tian on the road is stronger than Opponent, but Kenan on the other side must be cautious when he comes up. It is not easy to kill alone.

So the only thing that can really bring the rhythm in this time period is his jungle position.

Heavy responsibility.

Li Shiyi does not seek merits, but seeks no demerits. He does not expect that he can bring his own jungle carry rhythm in front of Senior Five, but even if he tries his best, he cannot let Senior Five fight. Wild spiders took the lead and easily defeated the online rhythm on their blue side.

In the middle, it is impossible for both junglers to go.

On the road, Tian Tian’s top solo girl, it is impossible for any jungler to dare to cross his tower.

So there is only a bottom road.

It can only be a drop.

The light in his eyes flickered and Li Shiyi gritted his teeth and accelerated the click of the right mouse button, as if he wanted the widow Evelyn under his control to rush towards the bottom road to support.


At this time, the line of soldiers was pushed by the female policeman and the wind **** the blue side towards the opposite defensive tower.

In the early stages of the line, the combination of policewoman and wind girl does have a very strong suppression ability on the line. The policewoman has a long hand, and the wind girl’s E skill shield is no matter the shield value of the blessing. The extra offensive power that is improved for teammates is also very impressive.

In addition, the two ADC support players in the blue side on the bottom lane were originally the two main players of the KG first team, such as Konjac and Xiao Zou. When the opponents were only substitutes from the own club, the laning was still very easy.

Although there is no money from the head for the time being, the HP of the purple ADC astrologer on the opposite side has been consumed a lot, and the female policeman is also leading the way in terms of making up.

When manipulating his jungler widow to enter the lower half of his home, Li Shiyi also quickly thought and calculated in his mind:

This line of soldiers, his widow finds it difficult to find the right angle to go around.

At the same time, the policewoman and the wind **** the side of the teammates do not have enough retention and control skills, so it is unwise to start hard.

The most suitable choice——

It was through the wave of his own bot lane teammates to advance the past **** line, his widow walked directly out of the tower into the grass and did ambush and anti-squat. On the one hand, he supported his two teammates on the bottom lane, and the other On the other hand, as long as the spider on the opposite side walks and gank over, he will be able to catch the cicada and the oriole and make a backhand.

With his thoughts flying like this, Li Shiyi has already started to signal his two teammates on the road.

At the same time, his widow Evelyn also followed her red buff all the way down the wild area.

At this time.

Consider brushing a wave of pebbles and monsters.

This thought flashed in his mind, and at the same time, Li Shixi was controlling his widow maker and he was just about to walk past the corner of the wild area wall, and his vision of the stone wild area was quickened. bright.

But at this moment, the eye-catching picture was unexpected–

I don’t know when the stone manned area is already empty.


Swipe it?

In an instant, Li Shiyi’s scalp was numb and a chill suddenly rushed from the back of his back to his forehead. The alarm bell in his brain rang frantically at this moment almost without thinking. He immediately desperately manipulated his widow Evelyn. They have to turn around and run away.

But the next second–

Almost at the moment when Evelyn was about to turn around, a cold and elegant monster figure suddenly appeared in the grass below the rocky manfield!

Purple party jungle spider!

The W skill suddenly turned on “Sweeping Rage” to increase the attack speed, and the Queen Elise in the spider form directly had a Q skill “Vicious Sting” carrying several small spiders and rushing towards the target widow like lightning. Biting away fiercely!

Sudden face suddenly!

The red buff slows down and sticks to the target!

Connect even A!

The bo of a set of skill combos was almost done in the blink of an eye, and the burst of damage instantly cut the blood bar on the widow’s head!

While Li Shiyi’s eyelids jumped wildly, he directly tried his best to hit and press the Summoner skill button with the fastest speed!


The golden light exploded, and the widow’s figure suddenly disappeared in place. The next moment she appeared hundreds of yards away and desperately fled towards her second tower. The W skill “Dark Fury” was simultaneously activated to remove the deceleration control. Continue to accelerate to quickly get rid of the opponent behind him.

The speed of operation and reaction is already extremely fast.


The spider is even faster!


In an instant, the keyboard and mouse movement and percussion in front of the purple army’s jungle seat almost suddenly became a crisp line because of the extreme speed. The number five in front of the computer screen was still calm and even the corners of his mouth were still moaning. A smile, but the operation in his hand is almost to a shocking level!

E skill “Pansi”!

The figure of the Spider Queen was suspended in the air at the moment when the widow Evelyn gave out the flash!

The next moment~IndoMTL.com~ falls suddenly!

Already appeared behind the target Evelyn again!

Switch people form.

Ping A and Q skills are simultaneously thrown out, and the red buff slow down effect is again applied!

A bunch of white cobwebs with E skills raise their hands and shoot towards the target, as if completely ignoring all the opponent’s attempts to move, hitting the target with extreme precision and entangled it!

Chasing into the tower.

Connect even A.

A again.

With the blue square down the road to defend the second tower from another energy light bomb, the last one hits the A, and the next moment the Spider Queen has turned around gracefully and retreats, as if she doesn’t even bother to watch her chase. The prey glanced.

The last second.

The last trace of blood on the widow Evelyn’s head was just burned and scorched by the red buff.

Injury calculations accurate to single digits.

Evelyn collapsed weakly and turned into an icy corpse in front of the second tower on the lower road of her home.

The killing announcement of the female voice of the system also came:


There was a sudden silence in the audience.

Li Shiyi’s face suddenly became pale, and even Lin Feng, who was on the line in the middle of the road, couldn’t help but suddenly his eyelids twitched slightly.

This is…belonging to the true strength of No. 5 (Sister Xiaowu)!

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The update will be sent. The third update will be later. I suggest you watch it tomorrow morning!

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