Rise Chapter 719: Confidence in teammates?

While talking casually with Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao beside him, Lin Feng has also controlled his male jungler and went on the road.

Before his male gun came over, Tian Tian, ​​who was a single player on the purple side on the road, had already marked Lin Feng, indicating that there was no eye position on the opposite side of the blue side in the grass at the mouth of the river. Field of view

In fact, because Tian Tian’s top laner was strong enough in the early stage, and the line was fast, so Seven’s top laner Rambo didn’t have time to spare his energy and walk to the mouth of the river.

And when Lin Feng’s male jungler entered the blue field area, Tian Tian had already further pressed the line of soldiers directly toward the outer tower of the blue side road.

It is indeed an old teammate.

The tacit understanding of the year is still there even now.

There is almost no need for communication between the two people, they can accurately grasp the other’s heart, and then make timely cooperation.

The line of soldiers pressed to the blue outer tower on the road.

The blind jungler under the control of Lin Feng has already circled into the triangular grass behind the obliquely behind the tower outside the opponent’s road.

Seven, who is the blue top laner Rambo, realized that something was wrong, stepped back from the tower and walked over to prepare for a defensive vision in the triangle grass of the river.

However, at the same moment

The moment Lin Feng marked Rambo.

The top single promise hand under the control of Tian Tian directly and decisively surrendered [Flash] to advance!

Before Seven’s top laner Rambo was too late to react, the Promise hand who rushed in and a “Relentless Iron Hand” with the E skill slammed the target Rambo back like lightning!

Pull straight to the front!

Small combos of ping A and W skills are played instantly!

Slow down and control the target!

At the same moment, the male jungler under the control of Lin Feng swiftly passed through the triangular grass, aimed at the target, Rambo raised the gun, and shot his face with a shotgun.

Red buff slows down and sticks!

Tian Tian’s upper single-handed Q skill “Big Kill Quartet” was turned on, but just before the giant axe swept out, Seven’s Rambo immediately surrendered [Flashing] Retreat and avoided the Noble Q skill s damage.

But it’s still useless.

Lin Feng controlled the male gun to continue fast approaching. While the second flat A shot was fired, he quickly picked up the E skill “Quick Gun” and moved diagonally forward, avoiding Rambo’s E skill harpoon. The reset shotgun blasted out of the chamber again!


Dodge the second harpoon.

Q skill shot.

The barrel is cooled and reloaded with two rounds of ammunition.

Ping A again!

Relying on the slowing effect of the red buff, coupled with the continuous damage of Tian Tian’s promise hand by passively attached Debuff, Lin Feng controlled the last shot of the male gun and blasted out, directly taking away the last short section of the blood bar on Rambo’s head. Blood volume


“FirstBlood (first blood)!”

On the road, the killing announcement of the female voice of the system sounded.

The head is steady in hand.

At about the same time, a warning signal suddenly sounded!

Shi Hang, who was down the road, issued a retreat warning to the middle road.

But at the same time, on the middle route, the blue side’s support Morgana and the jungle prince almost indiscriminately circumvented from the direction of the river, outflanked and driven out, and cooperated with the mid lane teammate Victor to block and kill the purple side’s goal, Love. Orchid.

A wave of gank linked by Nosuke!

Fortunately, Han Shihao’s mid-laner demon girl reacted very quickly. The first time he turned over the W skill to move and violently retreat, he backhanded E to hold the prince who came up, and relied on a [Flashing] two-stage displacement. Fleeing back to the tower without any risk.

Escape smoothly.

In the Internet cafe box, Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief:

Good risk.

Sure enough, the jungler on the opposite side helped to gank the mid lane.

Almost, F’s enchantress will be forcibly killed.

Only Lin Feng laughed heartlessly:

“Hahaha, I said it earlier, the demon girl of guy F can’t die.”

“Trust your teammates!”

Unlike Lin Feng, who said it carelessly, on the Internet, in the secret battle OB live room of the major live broadcast platforms of the national service, the audience of countless national service players could not help but be frightened.

This wave in the middle…a bit dangerous.

Fortunately, F’s reaction operation is fast enough, otherwise it will really be killed, right?

Fortunately, good luck, no one died in the middle, and the male gun got a blood on the road. The results are still very gratifying.

It’s just…

Hey, it’s still a bit risky!

It’s not just the online water friends audience. At the same time, the SSK team club training base and the training room behind Han Shihao’s team 1 and 2 players can’t help but talk:

“Nosuke linkage, the opposite is to target the middle road from the beginning.”

“Really, the male gun should have turned and squatted just now.”

“If it weren’t for Shihao’s response speed, something would really happen”

“Hey, this male gun…”

In such a conversation, Mafa, who is a seven-king jungler of the team, shook his head:

“It’s useless to come to the middle to squat.”

“Morganna is weak, and it is difficult for a male spear to squat back to cooperate with the demon girl to fight back, and he can’t get the head.”

“Going to gank on the road… is indeed the most correct choice.”

At the same time, Han Shihao, who is sitting in the seat in front of the computer screen, still has a calm and indifferent expression on his face. It seems that whether it is a wave of gank that the opponent Nosuke has just linked, or the male gun failed to come over and squat back in the middle, they are all facing him. No impact.

His opinion is the same as Mafa.

The best choice for this wave of male guns is indeed to go gank on the road.

Squatting in the middle, at best, it is just to help cover his mid laner demon girl to retreat. He can’t get the head. In fact, for himself, he has already noticed that Morgana on the opposite side will cooperate with him to walk over. , If it weren’t for Autumn’s flashover to directly stick to the face Q, his enchantress could even save a [Flash].

I can definitely escape anyway.

No more than

Han Shihao’s gaze swept over the male gun of his teammate on the road, his eyes flickered slightly, and a faint weird feeling subconsciously developed in his heart:

That male gun…

It seems that he is quite relieved of his enchantress.


The kill took away the opponent’s top laner Rambo, and Lin Feng controlled the male gun to invade again into the blue field area.

He directly and unceremoniously reversed the big toad wild monster in the opponent’s wild area, and then controlled his male jungler with a bulging wallet and chose to return to the city.

In the spring water of the base, a round of equipment update was completed, and Lin Feng’s male gun walked out of the high ground again.

This time…

He rushed to the lower half of the blue army on the opposite side.

“I was on the road just now.”

“If the opposite jungler is not stupid, you should guess that the monsters in the upper half of the jungle have been reversed by me.”

“Next, if he wants to develop, he can only come to the lower half of the wild area.”

“This wave of bot lanes has more chances to gank, so he should hit F4 now and then go to scavenge Stoneman.”

In this simple and casual explanation, Lin Feng saw that the F4 field on the opposite side was already empty, and laughed:

“Yes, I just finished F4.”

“It should be the stone man.”

“This happens to be a catch.”

Facts have proved that Lin Feng’s judgment is almost accurate to the point of no mistake.

Ten seconds later, in front of the blue stone manned area, the blue and purple junglers met in a narrow path.

The male spear under Lin Feng’s control suddenly appeared and reacted extremely quickly. [Punishment] snatched the opposing stone man and just upgraded to one level. I grabbed the opponent’s prince who was still in the cooldown of the skill and raised the spear. A Q skill blasted out.

If it is smooth enough to be pleasing to the eye, walk A.

Connect to E.

The displacement rushes into the face and then A.

The prince crossed over.

Men’s gun cross-flash chase and follow-up~IndoMTL.com~ After the ammunition was loaded, two flat A shotguns fired out, directly blasting the golden armor and golden helmet on the residual blood prince into slag.

“You-have–an-enemy (You killed an enemy hero).”

The killing announcement of the female voice of the system sounded again.

Lin Feng happily controlled his male jungler’s rifle and returned to the wild area. Only then did he suddenly notice the ID name of the unlucky jungler prince on the other side


Someone has a moment of joy:

“Hey, that guy.”

“Just found out.”

“What a coincidence!”

The update is sent, after 11 o’clock in the next chapter, in the new week, continue to ask for red envelopes and flowers~

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