Rise Chapter 717: 1 and a half months

Late night.

There is still a constant flow of traffic on the streets of the Magic City, but there are already a lot fewer pedestrians on the road. The street lights on both sides of the street are shining with yellow and soft light, and the night is gradually calming.

The street lights came in slowly through the car windows like tide.

The face of Lin Feng sitting in the back of the taxi was also shot into a soft and dim silhouette.

The light is soft and not glaring.

But Lin Feng still closed his eyes slowly, as if he was taking a rest to dissolve the light drinkiness of eating two waves of supper and drinking two drinks tonight, and he seemed to be digesting and reminiscing about the scene that happened tonight. Screen picture.

For example, I hugged hard when I reunited after a long absence.

For example, at the dinner table, Shi Hang said firmly and resolutely “I don’t know, but I want to try.”

Another example…

Everything tonight has come to an end. It is extremely rare for Senior One to watch their orders and orders with sharp eyes like this for the first time:

“Since I’m back–“

“Then this time, don’t leave with regret.”

The dim yellow street light fell on Lin Feng’s face gently and softly, illuminating the slender eyelashes, the closed eyelids trembled slightly at this moment, and the hand placed on the leather seat next to him subconsciously Slightly clenched.

The last words of Senior One.

Allow him to clearly feel the weight contained within it effortlessly.

That is a solemn request.

It is an exhortation full of eager expectations.

It seems that a heavy burden of responsibility has been placed on him. Whether it is for himself or to live up to the expectations and hopes of several most respected predecessors, he has to choose to do this without hesitation. Take responsibility.

What is…Don’t leave with regret?

The last words of Senior One at the moment before the farewell were not fully explained.

But neither Lin Feng nor Li Shiyi understood the true meaning of this sentence too clearly.

For them.

Even for the entire national service professional gaming circle.

The deepest regret in the history of the League of Legends e-sports in the national server is the only one–


Leaning on the back of the chair and closing his eyes, Lin Feng whispered as if unconsciously.

These words are too common but they are too unusual. They seem to possess some of the most magical powers. Even if they are just thought of in their heads, people can’t help but produce a passionate impulse, as if they are all over the body. The fighting spirit from above and below will be ignited accordingly.

National service.

It’s been too long, too long, to be one S series world championship.

The Chinese have waited too long for too long.

Professional e-sports players in the national service have also worked desperately for it for too long, too long.

“Why can’t I get it?”

“Fucking me, I’ve been so desperate, why can’t I take it down oh oh oh oh–“

I didn’t know which team club of the national service LPL was the main player. When I had a late night snack, I drank too much alcohol with my partners and teammates and became drunk. I beat the table hard and seemed to complain. It seemed to question again, and finally lost his temper and cried bitterly while holding the wine bottle.

Such a scene was secretly recorded by a netizen who was also eating supper at a small stall and posted to the online post bar forum. No one ridiculed and no accusation. The water friends who should have been the most happy and active or have sharp mouths All seemed to be silent at that moment.

Heavy and silent.

The picture in the video has a seemingly funny bitterness.

That’s not the bitterness of a person.

It is the heaviest and most suppressed pain in the whole national service.


Opening his eyes again, Lin Feng’s gaze fell through the car window on the street scene that was fast going backward.

The shadows projected by the street lights change from length to time as the taxi moves forward, and the image reflected in the pupils of the eyes also seems to be constantly flickering and beating.

It seems to be home soon.

Lin Feng leaned forward slightly and greeted the driver in the driver’s seat:


“Turn left at the intersection ahead.”

“Go through the alley and get closer.”

The local master of Modu copied a Shanghai accent and responded happily, and never forgot to praise Lin Feng for the last two sentences: “What a little brother is familiar with this road~”

Lin Feng smiled.

You can find a shortcut in such a thing as a car.

But in the e-sports arena, when everyone is rushing towards the goal of the world championship trophy, there is no shortcut.

The smile faded, Lin Feng flashed back to the last picture of the previous parting in his mind——

After speaking the last sentence, No.1’s eyes fell on Li Shiyi:

“So, have you really figured it out.”

The tone is meaningful.

Li Shiyi’s body trembles slightly, and then it seems that he has finally been awakened. He takes a deep breath and nods his head firmly, and his eyes firmly face Number One:

“Think clearly.”

Number One smiled, with satisfaction and relief in her eyes:


“Then you will follow me first for the next while.”

Lin Feng was a little stunned to hear him next to him, and he hadn’t fully reacted yet, but Li Shixi seemed to have already thought of this and didn’t show any unexpected expressions. Instead, he looked very solemnly and stood up to face Number One deeply. Bow:


“Troublesome seniors!”

A very solemn bow.

Number One, who was sitting firmly at the table, felt it happily, and Number Three and Number Five on the side didn’t seem to be surprised, but they all looked at this scene with a smile on their faces.


These seniors, they still have to spend a lot of time thinking about giving these juniors of the new generation a little bit of help.


Withdraw my thoughts.

Lin Feng’s gaze is still looking out the window, but his gaze is a little more complicated with emotion.


They left with Senior One.

Of course, only temporarily.

In fact, this is also the best choice, because although he finally managed to bring back eleven after the turmoil at Shanyue Internet Cafe tonight, the next thing is not him. The current ability can solve the problem.

Speaking of smashing faces and smashing the field, even if it is a professional LSPL team that overturns the mountain team, Lin Feng can do it steadily with his sturdy strength.

But the problem now…

This is the problem Li Shiyi will face after returning to join the new team.

With his current level of strength, he is indeed far worse than at the peak of the year, even to put it bluntly. Compared with the current national service, most of the active players in the second and third tiers are still far behind. Distance ~IndoMTL.com~ Under this situation, perhaps compared to Dou Zi and Jingong Ying in Lin Feng’s team today, he may not be able to say that he must be much stronger than the other party.

Not to mention that if the team wants to return to the professional circle and compete in the professional league in the future–

His current level is far from enough to become Lin Feng’s most powerful and assured jungler partner.

So he needs to re-enhance his strength.

Recover the state of the year.

In this regard, although Lin Feng said that he has a certain amount of experience and experience, he also trained his friends and partners in the school’s e-sports club at the time in high school, including Tang Bingyao, who was pointed out by him.


This kind of teaching level can teach ordinary players.

And when the teaching object is Li Shiyi.

It’s not enough.

It’s no exaggeration to say that looking at the entire national service professional gaming circle, you are truly capable and qualified to rehabilitate Li Shixi in the shortest possible time and restore it to the level of the year. It’s true. That is to say, there are only a few people like No. 1, No. 3, and No. 5.

Lin Feng’s eyes flickered slightly, thinking of the last words left by Senior One when he left before, and couldn’t help feeling a little bit of excitement and anticipation in his heart.

Before leaving.

The last tone of No.1 left a sentence like this at random:

“At most one and a half months.”

“At that time…”

“Return a brand new eleven to you.”

*********************************************** *****************************

The update is on, the two updates are done, and the weekend is preparing for the three changes, my friends should rest early~

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