Rise Chapter 385: Crazy power

To be honest, just before Vayne killed Delevingne, almost the vast majority of spectators in the entire stadium hadn’t had time to find Vayne on the minimap.

The few people who were fortunate enough to see the movements of Vayne’s figure were all caught by the stunning operation between the ADC heroes of the two sides who suddenly entered the fight to death, shocking and marveling at the ADC players of both sides. The reaction and hand-speed can be called superb skills, and there is no time to think about other things.

Wait until Vayne kills and takes Delevingne, followed by the harvest of the second half of the team battle.

Vayne’s four kills, explosion carry.

Until now, when the decisive team of the purple square turned to the center to prepare for a wave of crystals from the opponent’s base, people finally slowly recovered and thought about other issues.

Of course, there is no suspense in this game.

And in the critical wave of dragon team battles, which played a decisive role, it was naturally the purple ADC Wei En who went around the game against the sky.

If it weren’t for Vayne to kill Delevingne solo after going around, then this wave of team battles is almost destined to be the blue side’s Xiamen city decisive team to win.

Vayne is the biggest hero.

To be precise, this wave of operations that everyone would have unexpectedly turned around is the winner of this wave of team battles and even this entire game.


Then I have to come back.

How did Wayne do it?

How can you do such a detour, and when and in what way can you go around in such a tricky position without making a sound?

“Director, replay! Replay!!!”

The old black on the commentary stage can’t help but began to rush to the table.

It’s not just a few commentators. Even in the back corner of the audience, the players of the LPL three players have vaguely guessed some possibilities, but they are eagerly looking forward to the replay to help them confirm their conjectures.

Not to mention that all the players and spectators in the entire scene are eagerly waiting.


Under the public eye.

The replayed video is shown on the big screen of the game.


The director is indeed professional, and he understands the audience’s thoughts and needs very well. From the very beginning, the camera angle of the playback video is given to the key protagonist who won this wave of team battles.

So, the starting time of the replay was not the moment when Wayne opened up and took Q suddenly and singled Levine.

Instead, he pushed forward for another full eight seconds.

That is the purple ADC Wei En just finished pushing a wave of pawns in the middle, and then he walked quietly through the narrow aisle under the grass on the left side of the middle road.

A few steps later.

I came to the protrusion of the blind spot outside the opponent’s blue buff field wall.

The purple jungler has also arrived here to ambush the spot one second in advance.

Just seeing this, the audience can’t help but whisper in the commotion.

On the commentary stage, the old black is also shocked and awakened:


“Wayne was in this position just now?”


It’s just that, compared to the position of his own jungler teammate, Vayne’s figure is even more leaning down.

So, when the blue jungler prince walked forward a few seconds later and saw the figure of the purple jungler excavator hiding in the corner, he did not see Vayne who was hiding in the deeper shadows. Physique.

“Wayne should have wanted to go around a big queen here–“

Hetu sitting next to Lao Hei quickly gave an analysis: “Try to bypass the opponent’s blue buff wild area directly, and then go around and cut into the field.”

But as he said, his brows couldn’t help but wrinkle:

“But not right.”

“It takes too much time to go around like this, at least seven or eight seconds, it’s too late.”

Indeed, because everyone knew that, just a second or two later, the prince walked up and saw the location of the excavator, and the excavator immediately took the initiative to open the initiative and detonated the group battle— —Wayne at the back then cuts Delevingne at the back, with no more than three or four seconds between them.

Three or four seconds is not enough for Vayne to complete such a long circumnavigation plan.

In the corner of the back row of the audience, the players from the three LPL teams also felt puzzled. Suddenly Shi Hang seemed to think of something, his expression changed:


“Could it—”

The playback screen in the shot continues.

As analyzed and told by the commentary, after just a second or two, the prince found the location of the excavator, the excavator took the initiative to open, and the team battle started.

But at this moment, no one pays attention to the frontal battlefield where the team fight broke out in the replay screen. The eyes of all the spectators in the entire stadium are smashed tightly on Wei En alone.


They saw it.

When the team battle detonated, when the excavator forced the prince to open, the purple heroes attacked frontally under the acceleration of the full shield of the auxiliary fan mother RE, and the blue team quickly stabilized his heel and prepared to start a counterattack At that moment–

In the outermost outer circle of the battlefield that no one had noticed before.

The lower half of the blue square.

A golden glow quietly lights up.

The silhouette of the night hunter flashed across the wall.

In this way, he got to the back row of the opponent’s Blue Legion formation.

Open it up.

Connect to Q.

Enter the stealth state.

Then, it was the kill of the single-chip Delevingne, and the subsequent harvest.

The wonderful killing operation screen behind it, even if it is watched again, is enough to make any audience fascinated by it, but everyone’s mind is no longer there.

When I finally saw the truth, I saw the moment of the golden light.

The entire stadium…

Shook and boiled thoroughly!

“Flash through the wall!”

On the commentary station, the old black could hardly contain his shocked emotions, and suddenly patted the table vigorously:


“It’s such a bold… a wave of operations to the extreme!”

He Tu, the most calm character, couldn’t help but straighten his eyes and murmured: “No wonder, no wonder–“


It’s no wonder that Vayne can complete the circumnavigation in such a short time. No wonder everyone didn’t expect this move.

Because no one has ever thought that at such a juncture in such a situation, ADC Wayne, who is on the disadvantaged side, dared to make such a decisive and boldly risky wave of selection operations to the extreme!

Not enough time, too long distance.

All the problems are solved by flashing directly through the wall!

The audience under the stage was shaking and boiling. On the front row of the top sixteen teams, almost every team’s players looked straight and saw the monster-like horror expressions all over their faces:

“Lunatic…this guy is really a lunatic!”

Probably only the mid laner of the King’s Landing team was almost overjoyed at this moment, slapped Yu Ping on the shoulder and laughed wildly:

“Lao Yu sees it!”

“Don’t say I am playing crazy in the future!”

“The guy on the stage…the crazy guy is bigger than me!!”


Not a madman, not alive.

Almost everyone didn’t even dare to think about the operation, but at the moment just now, in someone’s hand, he was beaten out almost without hesitation.


The victory of the whole game was established in one fell swoop.

This is no longer madness.

It’s a miracle.

A miracle created by humans.

In the back corner of the auditorium, the players from the three LPL companies sucked in cold breaths one after another, even if they, even if they are already very familiar with someone, can see that such a one-handed operation still brings them indescribable Great shock.

Shi Hang murmured subconsciously:

“This guy… is not just gambling with his teammates.”

“What’s special is just betting on yourself!”

The shadow puppet swallowed: “Moreover, I won the bet.”

Huang Xue Yege was silent for a long time, and finally slowly said: “I’m not as good as him.”

It may be the first time to hear such words from the first ADC of the LPL recognized as the national service. Even if I have played against someone countless times before, this God-Hand of God’s ace AD ​​also learned from Has not really expressed conviction in his position.

Until this moment.

Dawn Morning Star patted his old friend on the shoulder as a comfort:

“It’s okay.”

“He is a mid laner after all. It’s really better than that. I should have a headache.”

The corner of Huangxueyege’s mouth twitched:

“It doesn’t make people feel much comforted to hear this…”


Hotel, high-rise suites.

Similarly, as the audience watched the whole process of Wei En’s perspective of the team battle through the replay of the director, the reactions of the two people on the 1st and the 5th appeared to be more calm and calm.

Because they had discovered all the actions and details of Vayne in advance when they watched the game for the first time.

But the two generations of national costumes still show admiration and appreciation on their faces:

“That is Xiaofeng, it is impossible for someone else to dare to do this kind of operation.”

“Even if there is, I probably won’t be as decisive as this kid-the opportunity is only a second and a half, hesitate, but I missed it.”

No. 5 gazes on the live OB screen on the computer screen:

“This way…”

“It’s the match point.”

The venue, the scene.

In the scene of watching the battle on the big screen, accompanied by a burst of distorted light~IndoMTL.com~The blue square base crystal burst open with a sudden explosion, and the purple square “Victory” emblem pattern slowly rose.

BO5 third round.

The purple cubes are all decisive and won.

At this point, the current score is 1 to 2, and the Magic City has a decisive victory over the team to win the match point.

Be the first.

The opponent’s Xiamen City decisively defeated the team and pushed to a desperate situation.

Outside the stadium.

The sky is sinking, and there are faint dark clouds in the sky condensing and approaching from a distance.

A muffled thunder blasted through the clouds.

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The update is sent, and the third one should be around twelve o’clock. Roll away and continue the codeword.

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