Rise Chapter 243: Are they okay?

Since the previous two met and reunited, Tian Tian has always been extremely happy and excited, but until this moment, when he brought up the unavoidable topic, his mood fell again and heavier. In the 5 World Finals, his KG team carries the hope of all players in the national server to become the only LPL team in the national server to reach the top four.

But in the semifinals, they were crushed by the Korean SSK team 3-0.

This blow is extremely heavy for every member of the KG team.

Not to mention Tian Tian, ​​who carries the most hopes and expectations of the majority of national server players.

He is the number one player in the national server.

It is the “round god” in the minds of countless national server players.

But in the semifinals of the semifinals, what he handed over was a terrible answer.

After returning to China, not many people criticized Tian Tian, ​​but the sadness and self-blame in his heart never really dissipated.

Tossing and turning in bed every night, unable to sleep.

Every night, I fall asleep deeply with red eyes and a wet pillow.

He doesn’t care if he is scolded.

What he is sad about is that he has let down the hopes of countless national server players, countless support for the KG team and the expectations of his fans…

And Lin Feng’s trust.


“Fengzi, yes, sorry”

Tian Tian’s eyes were red, and his nose was sour and couldn’t help crying.

Lin Feng frowned suddenly:

“Don’t cry!”

Tian Tian shuddered at hearing, and subconsciously sniffed his nose, abruptly holding back the tears, and accidentally burped, which looked a little funny against the round and fat face.

But Lin Feng didn’t smile.

He looked at Tian Tian in front of him with a serious expression, his tone was extremely serious:

“What’s so sorry?”

“You didn’t feel sorry for anyone at all.”

“You have done a good job.”

Tian Tian sniffed, still whistling: “But…but I was given by SSK…”

“It’s 3 to 0, I know.”

Lin Feng interrupted Tian Tian’s conversation directly and looked at Tian Tian seriously:

“What about being 3 to 0? The current SSK is indeed so strong, let alone you, I changed to go up, maybe three games can last 20 shots, thank God.”

Tian Tian was busy listening and shook his head desperately:

“No way.”

“Fengzi, if you are here, you are definitely better than me!”

In his mind, Lin Feng will always be the world’s top and strongest mid laner no matter what, even the existence of “F” Han Shihao, who is the head of the Four Emperors, has never wavered this in his heart. belief.

Lin Feng also shook his head seriously and corrected:


“Now my strength, against the guy from SSK, there is no drama at all.”

Tian Tian is still arguing: “But… the little murloc in the third game of our double row just now, didn’t you also say that he may be a professional player, you also easily beat him up.”

Lin Feng waved his hand: “Isn’t that uncertain, and that guy is too confident, he has to fight with me when he comes up, and I use the demon girl who is best at it, so he rolls the snowball all at once. “

Speaking, he paused, then seriously added:

“And even if I am better than that guy, what about it?”

“At most, it is the level of LSPL. I can beat him, it doesn’t represent any problems at all.”

Tian Tian was choked by words.

Indeed, defeating a second-tier professional player at the LSPL level is nothing at all.

At the time when Lin Feng was at his golden peak, he was recognized as the strongest mid laner in the national service, and even qualified to be the strongest in the world. Compared with today’s small results, it was impossible. Same day.


“But, but…” Tian Tian is still racking his brains and trying to find some reasons to argue.

But Lin Feng waved his hand indifferently:

“It’s nothing good, but this is actually the truth.”

“I am in a state that cannot be compared to when I was at its best.”


Speaking, Lin Feng once again showed a confident expression on his face:

“I will get the status back soon!”

“At that time…We must compete with guy F again in the World Finals!”

Seeing Lin Feng’s full of fighting spirit, Tian Tian was also relieved, couldn’t help but get excited, and nodded vigorously:

“Hmm! Fengzi, you can definitely blow that F!”

“I believe you!”

Lin Feng chuckled: “Yes, then you must be right! Oh, right, order food first! Eat and eat!”


The chat atmosphere between the two people at the table suddenly became cheerful and relaxed again. The two ordered dishes on the menu. When the waiter delivered the hot pot and the rich ingredients to the table, Lin Feng and Tian Tian simply refused Start to eat politely.

The wind swept across like a remnant cloud.

Two guys are better than the other. In just over half an hour, all the ingredients on the table have been thrown into the hot pot and wiped out.

Tian Tian ate his stomach swollen and satisfied:

“So full…”

Lin Feng is also satisfied with emotion:

“This meal is real!”

The two satiated guys leaned back in their chairs comfortably, digesting the food in their stomachs contentedly, and didn’t even need to talk anymore.

The atmosphere on the table suddenly became quiet and comfortable.

For a while, Lin Feng suddenly said:


Tian Tian, ​​who is still immersed in the satisfaction of the food, recovered for a long time, and looked up blankly:


After yelling, Lin Feng suddenly fell silent again. Tian Tian looked at the former with some confusion:

“Fengzi, what’s the matter?”

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

In fact, in addition to an unavoidable thing for Tian Tian that has just been resolved, there is also an unavoidable problem for him.

He has avoided it for a long time.

Actually, he should have asked a long time ago, but only now has he really made up his mind and courage.

Lin Feng looked up, looking at Tian Tian with an extremely serious expression:

“Tell me.”

“October, Aqiu, and Amo, they…”

“How is it now?”

The three mentioned in the words are also members of their team.

They were…comrades who fought side by side.

Is the closest and familiar partner.

Such a question is backlogged in the bottom of my heart. I don’t know how long it has been. Now after asking it out, Lin Feng subconsciously feels that his throat is slightly dry.

He is a little nervous.

He is nervous.


Shanghai, E-Sports Association Division.

At the door of the president’s office, Chu Fangnan knocked on the door, then unscrewed the handle and pushed the door in.

In a spacious office with bright windows and clean windows, Fang Hao, the president of the Shanghai E-Sports Association, is sitting at his desk, operating a computer and browsing a work document on the screen.

Chu Fangnan gave a light cough:

“Brother Fang, are you looking for me?”

Fang Hao raised his head after hearing the sound:

“Come on, sit down by yourself.”

For his subordinates and juniors who have worked with him for many years, Fang Hao’s tone is also very casual.

Chu Fangnan nodded, pulled a chair and sat down on this end of the desk.

“Today, the Beijing E-Sports Association Headquarters issued a document, you should have read it too”

Fang Hao continued to type on the keyboard, while casually saying:

“It’s about the new National LOL College League.”

Chu Fangnan nodded: “Well, I’ve seen it.”

Fang Hao: “At that time, the preliminary and finals will be held on our side~IndoMTL.com~ So the contact with the venue and the arrangement of some personnel must be done first, and you will get a plan later. Show me.”

Speaking of official business, Chu Fangnan also nodded solemnly:

“Okay, I will try to make a draft within three days and show it to Brother Fang for your review.”

Fang Hao nodded nonchalantly, as if turning away the topic casually:

“By the way, there is one more thing.”

“This time the National College League, the Beijing headquarters has made a new trick. A team of high school students from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou will be formed to participate in this college league.”

“I thought about it, the candidates for the high school team in our magic city…”

“Just choose from the teams of the Shanghai Sixteenth School League that just ended a while ago.”

Hearing this sentence, Chu Fangnan’s heartbeat suddenly quickened.

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