Rise Chapter 200: Bump against the wall

Speaking of it, in fact, this is still the problem of insufficient experience of the few players themselves.

The main manifestation lies in the field of vision control in the middle and late stages of this game.

Like this wave of Tulong team battles that are about to unfold, it is extremely critical for both parties, and before the team battle breaks out, the most important preparation is to master and compete for the view of the river area.

At this point, Zhou Mo has actually given instructions and reminders to a few teammates as much as possible.

But after all he is just a person.

It is impossible to take care of all the work.

Even if I told a few team members to remind them, try to pay attention to the vision of a few key positions, but when the words are true, it is still impossible for a few team members to perfectly follow all the orders of the former.

There will always be such and such omissions.

And Zhou Mo himself can’t really master the overall situation. He already needs to concentrate on operating his ADC Vayne, always beware that the opponent may violently open up.


When the opponent’s jungle prince quietly disappears from the map’s field of vision.

No one in the entire Blue Army Corps has made enough vigilance in advance.


This makes the jungle prince of the purple Fang Tian’a team go around and cut in this wave, and is finally grasped by the pinnacle team…

It’s too late.

This wave of the prince’s detour is almost deadly.

Originally, the formation of the Blue Legion was a frontal stalemate with the opponent’s Purple Legion, and all the attention was focused on the front-row heroes on the opposite side.

While the prince went around and cut in, he caught the weak flanking opportunity of the blue legion in an instant.

Several members of the pinnacle team were suddenly shocked, and immediately prepared to retreat and widen the distance, but only then did they react, but they were doomed to be lucky.

After seeing his jungler prince successfully circumventing, the other people in the front row of the purple Fang Tian’a team also acted immediately.

Assist the Japanese girl to open up directly!

The long sword in the hand of the Goddess of Aurora suddenly pointed to the sky, and the ultimate “Sunflare Flare” suddenly summoned to explode in the middle of the formation of the opponent’s blue army!

Slow down and control the three heroes on the blue side with the dazzling golden light spots!

Zhou Mo’s ADC Wei En reacted immediately.

Turn on Q immediately.

A tumbling displacement retreated and escaped from the middle zone of the Japanese female’s ultimate move, avoiding being controlled by the dizziness on the spot, but was still affected by the aftermath of the sun’s flares, and the speed of the figure was slowed down.


In the voice channel of the purple team, Captain Wushuang Jianxian’s burst of shouts sounded again!

In an instant, all members of the Tian’a team burst into force!

It was still Daikin’s auxiliary Japanese woman taking the lead. The E skill “Zenith Blade” swung the sword forward and threw the beam of light shot to hit the auxiliary Morgana in the front row of the opposite blue square.

In the next second, the figure of the goddess of Aurora rushed forward along the pointed sun beam and lightning-like displacement!

Zhang Yuan, the assistant of the blue pinnacle team, urgently and subconsciously put an E-skill shield anti-glove on his body.

This is to use the shield to counteract the Q skill shield attack control of the Japanese girl’s sudden face.


I didn’t expect it.

At the next moment when the face suddenly swept to the front of the blue assistant Morgana, the Japanese woman suddenly flashed a touch of golden light on her body.

It turned out to be just letting go of Morgana in front of her.

Using the opponent’s auxiliary hero as a springboard, a [flash] displacement and rush, the goddess of Aurora flashed into the face of the blue ADC Wei En!

The Q skill “Shield of Dawn” is aimed at Wei En and slapped down!

At this time, Morgana gave herself a shield, but was unable to provide protection for her ADC partner.

Electric light flint room——

The ADC Wei En under the control of Zhou Mo opened E almost at the same instant when the opponent assisted the Japanese girl flashed a face.

The heavy crossbow arrows of “Devil’s Trial” are shot out!

Suddenly knocked back the body of the goddess of dawn!

The reaction has already reached its extreme.

But it was still half a beat.

The Japanese woman’s body was knocked back by a heavy crossbow and flew away, but before that, the shield shot had already been slapped firmly on Vayne’s body.

The figure of the night hunter suddenly froze in place, falling into a state of dizzy control. At the same time, the single demon in the purple square on the opposite side has also moved suddenly for a period of W skill “Magic Shadow”, the moment QE of the displacement landed. Erlian shot at Wei En.

The same moment—-

A beam of translucent light on Wei En’s body lit up.

[Mercury Ribbon]!

The dizziness can be solved in seconds!

Almost no hesitation, the body shape of the night hunter, while getting rid of the control of the Japanese female Q skill, makes the extreme right-angle dance moves, and the E skill phantom chain thrown by the opponent’s single LeBlanc is a little bit different. Dodge the thrill!

Everything only happened in a short period of one or two seconds, and the various deadly threats against Vayne were almost dizzying.

Wayne’s operation seems to be still limited and perfect.

Just such a moment.

When the other teammates were too late to react, Vayne had already made several operational responses.

Forced is trying to find a way out for oneself in the most critical and dangerous situation in the narrowest and cramped space.


The crisis is still not over.

While Vayne escaped the opponent’s single Le Fulan’s E skill chain in a small step, a surprise attack from the purple jungle prince on the opposite side finally appeared.

Prince EQ Second Company!

“German Banner” then “Dragon Clash”.

Without the slightest hesitation, the steel spear in the hands of Prince Jarvan pointed directly at the target night hunter, suddenly carrying a murderous intent!

If it is before changing.

Such a series of targets that seemed destined to be unsolvable for any ADC player, with Vayne’s operation still able to escape perfectly and to the limit, and then once again won a moving exclamation and cheers from the crowd of spectators off the court.

This time.

The steel spear came suddenly like a tiger.

Wayne’s body shape seemed to stagnate for a moment at this moment.

It was as if the reaction was a bit slow.

Wayne reluctantly tried to dodge the position when he realized that the prince on the opposite side’s rushing second consecutive attack, but it was too late to keep up with the rushing speed of the steel spear.


The prince’s EQ Erlian suddenly appeared.

The iron spear flew the body of the night hunter heavily into the air.

On the blue side of the field, Zhou Mo’s face suddenly paled in front of the computer screen!

The exclamation of the crowd watching the battle suddenly sounded like a frying pan, which was even more shocking and unbelievable than seeing Wei En avoiding the second company of the prince.


I was actually charged! !

In the next second, the prince’s ultimate move, “the sky is broken and the earth is torn apart,” is directly overwritten!

The rugged and towering ring-shaped rock wall suddenly protrudes from the surface of the river, enclosing the figures of the prince and Vayne!

The blood volume of the blood bar on Vayne’s head plummeted!

Then a sprig of golden awns exploded brightly!

Everyone at this moment easily judged ~IndoMTL.com~ this is Vayne being forced to cross-talk and prepare to escape.

But the next second…

The scene in front of me shocked all the spectators off the court.

Vayne exchanged views.

But in the next moment, the body of the night hunter appeared again after flashing, but he still couldn’t escape the envelope of the prince’s ultimate move, and just hit the ring-shaped rock wall with one head.


Bump against the wall!

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The update is on, ah, sleepy, roll away to sleep. Good night, good night, see you tomorrow.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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