Rise Chapter 1895: Suspicious Cloud

? Sometimes, it’s not just that you didn’t observe carefully or think thoroughly that prevented you from seeing the truth.

It’s completely limited because of the height of your own vision and strength.

It’s like you let an ordinary bronze and silver player, even if you see the various smallpox operations of the top gods of the king rank, it is only dazzling at best, but it really makes you want to be careful I analyzed and commented, but I couldn’t tell the reason. After holding it for a long time, I could only hold out an exclamation “Fuck” or “Bull B”.

In the gymnasium at this moment, perhaps most of the ordinary players and spectators present can also marvel and admire the performance of Tian Tian’s single sword Ji’s runaway carry, while the real team professional players are A deeper truth can be found out from it, “it seems that the’round god’ YGG of KG has gradually reached the threshold of the realm of the four emperors.”

But even if the professional players in the finals are allowed to watch the performance of this SSK team’s Han Shihao mid laner Victor, they can only fall into confusion and confusion, at most they can only draw a “F God”. The state is not good” conclusion.

It’s better than the other three and four emperors, but it is only vaguely felt that the truth may be more than just the word “state”.

But the answer to the question is still hidden in a faint fog that is difficult to see.

And several truly top-notch strongest people of the previous generation, such as M, Lee Do-jae, and Crow, have to see more of them.

But what they guessed with confidence…

It’s too shocking.

Even to a point where they can’t stop being excited even if they are cultivated with their level of realm or their tolerance.

So at this moment, even as a companion teammate fighting side by side, in the SSK team competition room on the stage, Ray, Wolf and Cube among the other four SSK main players are only because of their own captain. There was a panic in his performance, only Mafa barely noticed something, his gaze fell on Han Shihao’s body, and he spoke cautiously and carefully:

“Shihao, you–“

However, after careful consideration and temptation, Han Shihao’s answer is so calm and indifferent that people can’t continue:

“It’s just not done.”

“My question.”

This is just a sentence that directly blocked all the remaining confusion and problems of several teammates.

It even made it clear that it was an attitude that he didn’t want to continue talking in depth.

Recognize the pot directly.

I do not intend to make any other excuses.

But this time Mafa was finally unwilling to expose the question easily. Hearing the almost irresponsible answer from his single companion, the former frowned slightly, and he spoke again without any concealment:

“This is not the answer we want.”

“We can all see if it’s’not done’ or not.”

“But what we need is a more reasonable explanation. No matter what kind of problem or reason, at least you should let us as teammates know a little bit, right?”

This is a rare and rare place. As the second core of the team, Mafa will directly question Han Shihao.

The atmosphere also seemed to become a little nervous and solidified all of a sudden.

Ray next to him feels wrong, and he hurries to come out to make a smile and make a round of it: “Hey, Brother Mafa, don’t worry, Brother Shihao must have his own reasons, and I feel that Brother Shihao really hasn’t rested well in the past two days, understand. Besides, we won this round anyway-we won it!”

It’s just that these words have little effect.

The atmosphere is still solid and suppressed, and Ray’s laughter has also become a little dry and rigid in this atmosphere, and finally he can only retract to the side in embarrassment.

And Mafa’s gaze is still fixed on Han Shihao’s face:

“Don’t forget.”

“We are teammates.”

“And you are not only SSK’s mid laner, but also our captain.”

Intensified tone.

After finally silenced Han Shihao for a moment, he slowly spoke:

“Don’t worry.”

“It’s just my personal little question-I’m trying something.”

It seems to be the same answer as before, but a key word in the words this time was keenly grasped by several members of SSK——


Ray was still at a loss, but the gaze under the Cube lenses suddenly flickered as if he had guessed something. The expression on his face suddenly changed a bit. Wolf seemed to realize the truth and looked at him with a slight vibration. Captain, and Mafa has already awakened, the serious expression just swept away and replaced by an unstoppable violent surprise:

“You mean!?”

Han Shihao nodded, but then shook his head again, his tone still calm:

“I haven’t tried it out yet.”

“So it’s not easy to say for now.”

But such an answer seems to be enough to satisfy Mafa. The second core deputy captain of the SSK team now nodded and showed a sincere smile on his face:

“It’s okay.”

“Say it clearly.”

“If this is the case…then you continue to try on your own, don’t worry about the rest.”

Cube helped the frame on the bridge of his nose and smiled: “Yes, just leave the rest to us.”

Wolf next to him nodded slowly:

“Four people’s SSK…the same can be played.”

It seems that several main players have made their own firm promises at this moment.

Probably only Ray is still at a loss and not in the situation:

“Hello, what are you talking about?”

“Why didn’t I understand, what exactly is Brother Shihao trying?”


After all, not everyone can hear some answers and explanations from Han Shihao, like the main players of SSK, and thus learn part of the truth.

So most people are still out of shape.

Even the few people who faintly see the problem and the wrong place, the only thing that can be confirmed is only a little——

“That’s not right!”

“This guy F definitely has a problem!”

Even Nian Shisan couldn’t help but ran over from the members of my club at this moment, and made his own judgment and conclusion to Lin Feng and the others with such vows.

But as for “what is the problem”–

“Anyway, I’m just a jungler, and I don’t understand anything in the mid laner position.”

Reading the thirteen appears quite straightforward. In the next second, he looked at the morning star of dawn and raised his eyebrows:

“What did you say?”

Dawn and Morning Star can only helplessly smile and shake his head:

“He was not like this when he played with them in the SSK training match yesterday morning.”

“There must be something we didn’t see, but I can’t think of it for the time being.”

One more moment.

Everyone’s gaze fell on someone’s body.

Among all the people present, if there is no clear answer, then only someone should have the most say.

However, at this time, Lin Feng has an innocent look on his hands:

“Don’t look at me~ IndoMTL.com~ has nothing to do with me—”

An Xin next to her raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at someone with unkind eyes: “Who asks if it has anything to do with you, just ask your opinion, what are some people anxious to explain?”

Someone was choked so hard that he almost didn’t choke, and then coughed for a long time. Under the gaze of everyone also gradually becoming suspicious, he forcibly gave up a bachelor’s appearance:

“I don’t know anyway!”

“It’s useless to ask me!”

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The update is sent, the next chapter looks like before 10 o’clock, roll away and continue the codeword.

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