Rise Chapter 1832: No. 1 choice

? There are a total of seven honorary advisors, which means seven votes.

No. 5 and No. 1 have voted for the first and second negative votes. This situation is naturally in everyone’s expectation. This also represents the attitude of the Chinese e-sports circle——

It’s hard to prepare for a brand new event, but in the end, it will be forcibly taken away by others. It is naturally intolerable. The organizer and venue of this intercontinental game will undoubtedly have to be defended.

After the two raised their hands to vote against, the atmosphere at the conference table fell into a moment of silence.

Lee Dojae, who is sitting across from him, still clasps his arms and looks cold and indifferent, as if he’s too busy.

The legends of the previous European generations at the end of the long table turned their gazes towards the ones headed by Number One.

They are not looking at number one and number five.

It is also natural that it is not the number two, number three and number four without voting rights.

Where the gaze falls…

Is the only legend who represents the power of one vote in the North American e-sports circle.

As if unaware that everyone’s eyes were falling on him, Bullet’s expression remained indifferent, but he reached out and rolled his eyes on the material file in front of him, and then put the file down on the desktop.

And in the eyes of everyone.

Raises his hand blankly:


Even though they had anticipated and prepared for this a long time ago, the legends such as Lee Dojae, J and Crow who saw this scene still couldn’t help but narrow their eyes suddenly and become a little cold and sharp.

As the host of the conference, Martin seemed to be surprised by the actions of the fourth honorary consultant representing the attitude of the North American division. He glanced at Bullet, and the thick lens was in the eyes of the old man. His eyes flickered slightly with an obscure meaning:


“Your Excellency Bullet, do you also object to this motion?”

After receiving such inquiries from the old man, Bullet also turned his head to look at the vice chairman of the World Telecom Association headquarters who was sitting at the top of the conference table. Change:

“Yes, against.”

Martin was silent for a moment, then slowly nodded:


“So… there are currently three negative votes here.”

While speaking, he looked at the other people on the other side of the long table who have not yet voted:

“Everyone else, if anyone opposes this motion, now is the last time to consider it.”

And this kind of inquiry was only exchanged for Arrow’s uncontrollable interjection: “Consider? What else needs to be considered, Martin, you can directly count the votes for the approved options, the results are not already clear Are you—”

Speaking of his eyes looking at Bullet here, he sneered:

“Even if your bullet supports 001, what use is it?”

“One less vote for you, one more vote for you…”

“Nothing can be changed anyway!”

The tone was full of pleasant sarcasm.


The current situation is actually completely clear when this number of votes comes out. There are only two votes for the interests of the Chinese e-sports circle on the 1st and the 5th, and even if you count the Bullet’s reverse One vote, combined with three votes, can still only occupy a minority among the seven members of the honorary advisory group.

On the other hand, as long as the four honorary consultants from Korea and Europe stand together, there is no doubt that they can hold the majority.

But Bullet still just glanced at Arrow indifferently, and said:

“It is my own right to vote for or against.”

“How to vote for love is my business. What does it have to do with a trash you are not even qualified to vote?”

One sentence directly choked Arrow so that his face suddenly turned blue again:


J next to him has already pulled his companion, and uttered a low voice: “Arrow, that’s enough.”

And Martin, who was sitting at the top of the conference table, looked over again with stern eyes:

“Your Excellency Arrow.”

“This is the second warning, please be quiet.”

“One more time–“

“Don’t blame me for not being affectionate.”

Arrow, who was deflated again, almost blushed, but at this time he didn’t dare to do more risky and presumptuous behaviors, and shut up angrily.

As the chairperson of the meeting, Martin looked at the No.1, No.5 and Bullet who raised their hands to vote against and nodded:


“Then next, please raise your hands in favor of this motion.”

Lee Dojae raised his hand first without hesitation. Then Crow and J calmly raised their hands and voted for approval. The remaining M hesitated for a while, and finally sighed and slowed down. Slowly raised his hand.

Martin nodded:

“Yes, four votes.”

“No abstentions.”

The old man’s gaze once again scanned the legends on the conference table:

“In this way, the voting on the first motion is over.”

“Four votes to three votes, this motion…”


An announcement is a complete conclusion.

You can see that the look on everyone’s face on the side of No.1 and others is quite ugly, and some like J, Lee Dojae, Ghost and Shield all breathed a sigh of relief–

Originally, they were indeed worried.

Until the last moment, they will always be wary of whether the 001 has any tricks that they don’t know about the bottom of the box, but now Martin, as the chair of the meeting, has directly announced the result of the first motion, which is completely finalized. There is no more room for maneuver, which proves that their worries are unnecessary.

Even this 001…

Faced with this reality, I can only choose to bow my head and give in.

At this moment, Crow at the end of the long table suddenly narrowed his gaze and looked at Number One here, unexpectedly speaking:

“If I remember correctly–“

“As the chief of the honorary advisory group, I should also have a privilege to make a one-vote veto at a meeting.”

“Are you not going to use 001?”

The voice fell.

Everyone present, including Martin, who is the chair of the meeting, all looked at Number One in unison.


In terms of most of the other rights, the seven consultants of the honor advisory group are basically equivalent, but as the chief consultant, they also have a special right that the other six consultants did not have. This is what Crow mentioned at this moment. Of this one-vote veto.

As the name suggests, it is with this power that the chief adviser can veto a motion proposal regardless of any other conditions.

Such a special right is also a special commendation for the great contribution made by the chief consultant to the world’s professional e-sports in the past, a unique one.

But again, this veto power cannot be easily abused, only once a year.

It stands to reason–

In the current situation, this first motion has almost seriously infringed the interests of the Chinese e-sports circle represented by the first few people, and this veto power should be used.

Martin also speaks slowly at this time:

“Indeed~IndoMTL.com~If your 001 thinks it is necessary, you can exercise this right now. After you use it, this motion will be repealed, but after you have used it, you can no longer use it.”

Speaking, he looked at Number One:

“Your Excellency 001, you can make your choice.”

Everyone’s gaze is cast over, but the one who is focused on seems to still look calm and unchanging, smiling:

“No need.”

“Go on to the next item.”

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The update is sent, today is still a busy day to vomit blood, roll away the codewords.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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