Rise Chapter 1654: The core of only 1

Ten minutes into the game.

The purple top laner Ike’s record came to 4/0/0.

Two waves of on-lane single kills.

There is also this wave of tower-crossing double kills wandering in the middle.

Originally, Ike quietly touched the middle road during this time period, and the wave behind it was simply and neatly harvested and took away the head of the blood Verus. It was already to let the spectators of the various teams and clubs down the field. He took a breath, but the subsequent anti-killing of the widow Evelyn… actually came even more shocking.

The flash spreads away.

Deviated the opponent’s first wave of damage.

In advance, he has already thrown the time and space field of the W skill at the feet of the widow.


R back in an instant.

A set of burst damage direct second person.

From the beginning to the end, it was like a flash of lightning, making the opponent completely unable to react or even unable to hand over the slightest operation, just like this directly and unreasonably achieving double kills.

On the side of the SSK team off the court, the expressions on the faces of the main players became more serious.

Of course they have unconditional trust in their top lane teammates.

But the level the Minx team, the top laner The-Sword has shown in the past ten minutes…but it is indeed enough for them to treat it seriously.

Wolf still said nothing.

Just leaned forward slightly, as if still watching the play and operation of Shan Ike on the purple side in silence.

But those who are familiar with Wolf will know that when the main player of the SSK team shows such a look and posture, it means that he has regarded someone as a real rival.

Mafa, standing on the side, shook his head:

“The previous information is still too little.”

“This Minx…the real core, there is actually only one.”

The tone is somewhat meaningful.


The same words appeared in the conversation between someone on the other side of the audience and Autumn.

“This The-Sword is estimated to support at least 70% of their Minx team.”

Lin Feng touched his nose and gave an evaluation.

The remaining 30%?

Maybe the mid laner Fly can barely account for 25%, and in the end, the jungler ADC and support will share only half of the remaining.

Autumn glances at someone plainly:

“Do you understand now?”

“Perhaps Fly is not a concern, but their top laner The-Sword is destined to become a big concern for any team in this year’s finals.”

“Seven couldn’t do this wave of carbine just now. I don’t think your old teammate YGG can do it either.”

Lin Feng was silent.

Without rebuttal, that is an intangible confession.


Return to the carbine.

Speaking of this word, it reminds people of the last S series finals last year. At that time, KG team had such a match. Tian Tian’s own control of Shan Ruiwen also did this and similar. operating.

But the scene at that time, compared with the scene just now…but it still seems a bit less interesting.

It’s not that Tian Tian really couldn’t do it.

This is not a difficult consideration in terms of operational level.


A question of consciousness.

Lin Feng knew that if the situation just now was replaced by Tian Tian operating Ike on the field, he would decisively choose to retreat after killing the head of Verus, even if the widow suddenly appeared was just a big move. R go quickly to ensure that there is no risk.

Because Tian Tian’s style of play was originally more stable, he got a head and he has already earned it.

But The-Sword is different.

The scene just now…

In fact, even at the moment when the widow suddenly appeared, Ike was not in immediate danger, and he didn’t need to [flash] so quickly and decisively to escape directly.

Because he actually didn’t want to escape at all.

It’s just…in order to retain other key skills, use [Flash] to open the position to make the opponent’s widow Evelyn relax her vigilance, and then calculate the position of the time phantom’s trajectory, and turn her head directly. Erupted beheaded.

You should even know that before Ike’s crossover, he threw out the space-time field of the W skill.

The intention is self-evident–

He planned to double-kill from the beginning.

“This is the ultimate pure offense…” Li Shixi, who was standing at the back, couldn’t help but sigh with emotion at this time.

Tang Bingyao still seems to understand, but Zeng Rui and Shi Hang next to him also nodded subconsciously.


The pure and extreme offense is not only reflected in the sharpness of the operation.

It’s that even the player’s own concept of consciousness… has never been said to seek stability and retreat.

Only offense.

“Calm, but with an absolute desire for the ultimate pure offense.”

“This type of top laner, otherwise you will also use this style to fight head-on, otherwise your strength is a full level higher than the opponent, otherwise… if you meet easily, you will lose. It’s ugly.”

This is the comment given by An Xin, and at this point, the girl paused, then shook her head and added:

“Even if it’s A Tian…meeting The-Sword, life and death is unpredictable.”

Everyone looked in the direction of the KG club subconsciously. Sure enough, Tian Tian was also standing off the court at this time, standing with several coach leaders from the club, his face looked extremely solemn, as if I also felt the invisible huge pressure.


But by comparison, the people who really feel the pressure at this moment are naturally the five God teams of the Blue Army on the field.

Even the various spectators off the court, all those who support God’s team at this moment can’t stop feeling tensed.

This rhythm…

A wave was beaten back by the other side.

The head count immediately became a 4 to 4 tie.

Although the four heads of the Purple Minx team actually fell in the hands of The-Sword’s top laner Ike alone, this kind of team’s fattening alone makes people feel happy to see most of the time. To-after all, you have only one fat point, and the other four people are of normal development. As long as I am careful about the restrictions on your orders, there is no need to worry about anything else.

The problem is…

The Ike controller who got four heads at this moment is The-Sword.

It seems that just such an ID name is enough to make people feel depressed and heavy.

This level of level, this style of play is the top laner——

Is it really able to stop it after getting so many early-stage head development economics?

“A-turret-has-been-destroyed (a defensive tower was demolished).”

The announcement from the female voice of the system came from the middle again.

This is after Ike on the purple side got a wave of double kills over the tower, and cooperated with his own single snake girl and the jungler Zach, took the opportunity to lead the line to demolish the defense one blood tower of the blue team God. Was in ruins.

In terms of economics, the Minx team achieved a go-ahead~IndoMTL.com~ More importantly, it lost the middle outer tower so early, which will severely weaken and affect the next development space and rhythm of Verus in the blue side. .

On the blue side of the field, the morning star at dawn in front of the computer screen looked as deep as water for the first time.

Even him.

I also began to really feel the pressure from the opponent.

This round…

It’s really hard to fight.

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The update is sent, the next chapter looks like at about 11 o’clock, roll away and continue the codeword.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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