Rise Chapter 1616: The-Sword

Professional players, regardless of their strength, always have the capital and confidence to rely on and rely on. Perhaps their personal operating ability may not be better than many passerby players, but compared to those passerby masters, they are professional The player’s biggest advantage is stability.

Whether it is a stable contribution to the team.

It’s still cautious in terms of personal style of play.

So often in the professional arena, you may see a professional player being suppressed due to weaker strength during the laning period, but still has not really fallen in the development of the supplementary knife, and rarely will there be a laning collapse. Case.

So when Phoenix in the hallway slowly uttered such a sentence to Lin Feng and others at this moment, it seemed so shocking and difficult to calm down.


This kind of thing, even if the strength is as strong as the Seven Kings level, I can’t easily say that I can do it against an opponent who is one level weaker than myself.

I can stabilize you.

Or relying on the help of jungler teammates to target gank infinitely, it can also kill you to a developmental rhythm collapse.

It can be said that the personal laning has been crushed and beaten with blood…

This kind of thing is too rare.

“The seven kings may not be able to do it, wouldn’t it have to be–” Zeng Rui vibrated and exhaled almost subconsciously, but before the last two words were spoken, he suddenly reacted in shock and looked at Phoenix.

It wasn’t until this time that he seemed to truly understand why the four emperors and the third most powerful French king in Europe would have said that he “dare not” to judge easily.


If it were true, the truth would be too shocking and shocking.

“The one on the order is called The-Sword.”

Phoenix’s tone is not rushed, as if he was also recalling the scene of the game he saw earlier:

“He used Sword Princess in that round.”

“It’s true…it’s the same style as his ID name. The offensive aggressiveness of his style of play is almost so aggressive that I have never seen it.”

“Oh, if I can barely make an inappropriate metaphor, it might be similar to the style of Thirteen-Nian Shi 13 in the jungle.”

“A fierce attack like a storm.”

“10 minutes of laning, solo kills the second team on Season’s side twice, and one time was when the opposite jungler walked over to Jian Hee 1v2.”

Phoenix paused after speaking:

“Although it is not easy to make an assessment, if Seven of Cog and The-Sword meet, I think the ending will be quite bad.”

“Seven’s words…should be overwhelmed to resist.”

The weight of the news revealed by this sentence is equally astonishing. It is estimated that the hosts and reporters of the e-sports media in the corridor next to it will be excited and mad when they hear it, but for Lin Feng and the others at this moment, it is just It makes people feel more sinking.

Legend just played against the Cog team.

Phoenix is ​​naturally very clear about the current strength of the top laner of the Cog team’s seven kings, so it is absolutely credible to be able to make such a judgment at this moment.

But this kind of judgment also makes people feel a bit depressed to breathe.

After all, a few people have only seen the Cog team and KG fight before. Perhaps there are obvious problems with the overall strength of the Cog team, but in terms of Seven’s personal top order level alone, it is definitely a stable seven. At the level of kings, it’s not that you have just stepped past the seven kings you haven’t seen, but you can be rated among the seven kings.

Such a veteran seven-king top order……

In Phoenix’s judgment, is it possible that the The-Sword could be overwhelmed to resist?

Speaking of the veteran Seven Kings top laner, if Seven is not its opponent, then the other one–

As if seeing the thoughts of the few people present, Phoenix smiled and then looked at Lin Feng:

“If it were your old teammate, YGG who is now in KG, I think the situation should be better.”

Lin Feng nodded:

“Of course.”

“He is much better than Seven now.”

If the strength evaluation given to the top laner in North America is close to or reaching the seven kings, then Tian Tian has now firmly stood at the level of the seven kings. I really want to say who can be right. The superior defeated him head-on, and now this new generation of top professional players can not be found, only a few legends of the previous generation are possible.

But Phoenix suddenly shook his head again:

“But in terms of laning, I don’t think YGG is necessarily the opponent of The-Sword.”

“Perhaps only four or six open, but also can only resist pressure.”

“Only by dragging the rhythm to the middle and late stages, YGG can rely on its teamfighting ability to bring the situation back.”

Lin Feng and the others were moved again.

Today, Tian Tian can be regarded as the strongest professional top laner in this new generation, and his strength is reflected in the characteristics of almost no shortcomings, whether in line or team battle, as small as anti-gank awareness, To the extent that he has control over the rhythm and the overall situation, he can be regarded as the strongest among the top laners today.

Personal laning ability cannot be regarded as Tian Tian’s greatest strength, but at least in the past season, almost no one has been able to suppress him on the road.

According to Phoenix now…

If you meet the The-Sword, even Tian Tian can barely resist the pressure during the laning phase.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Phoenix and suddenly asked:

“Compared with J?”

I’m talking about the top legend of the previous generation in Europe. During the Nightingale’s dark battle, he shocked the entire e-sports circle. It was also the fastest to be recognized as the top laner with the strength of the four emperors. The realm was even Above Tian Tian.

It just so happens that it seems that the European legendary style of play also tends to be extremely strong offensive.

Phoenix shook his head:

“Can’t compare like this.”

“The words of ‘that’ have reached a level where they can be retracted and released freely. A strong offense or a stable defense is just a corresponding adjustment and choice made according to the situation and the different needs of the opponent.”

“But that The-Sword—”

Speaking of this, the No. 1 French King in Europe paused, with a slightly solemn expression:

“His nature seems to be only offensive.”

This is even the third time he emphasized this feature in his description and evaluation of the top laner of the Minx team. If it is meaningless gossip, it will not make the European No. 1 French king so emphasized and repeated.


Even if they haven’t seen it with their own eyes, Lin Feng and the others seem to be able to imagine the operation style of that The-Sword.

Lin Feng nodded: “Understood.”

Next to Li Shiyi: “But ~IndoMTL.com~ such a type of opponent, if you meet Lao Tian, ​​you will be restrained?”

The words fell, and Zeng Rui next to him also subconsciously nodded in agreement.


Tian Tian’s strength does not lie in his personal laning ability, but in the same way, his biggest reliance lies in his calm and almost drip-proof style of play. This type of top laner is the least afraid of opponents. The fierce attack, even if your offensive is like a storm, but I can still stabilize the rhythm.

Just like Phoenix’s evaluation just now, maybe Tian Tian can only play with others in the early stage, but the situation of forty-six will be dragged into the middle and even later stages. Tian Tian can also rely on his own team battle. Ability to beat the rhythm back.

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The update is on, and the third shift is done. Good night and good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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