Rise Chapter 1451: Everyone is happy?

The same person, the same temperament, but when the identity and position of the character change, everything looks completely different.

At this time, Hu Jun’s strong and domineering character as the head of Chase Sports has turned out to be a pleasing thing–

Before, I still refuse to give in half a step in the argument against someone.


It became an unconditional position on An Xin’s side, and in turn, he stared back at the question that Zhang Wenming had just tried to raise.

Regardless of your three-seven-one, whether you belong to the China Telecom Association or not, and whatever I just said–

Lao Hu just helps his relatives but doesn’t help, what’s the matter?

Furthermore, the identity of the gold master’s father is here. Whatever you say is an indisputable truth. Can you still have an opinion?

Zhang Wenming naturally did not dare to have any comments, and he was not qualified to make comments at all, because even from the perspective of the Telecom Association, he could point to Zhou Wei, but at the moment, Hu Jun Hu has already understood what he said. Now, the three girls are the ones he brought to visit from Chase Athletics. They are between Chase Athletics and the gymnasium, and they don’t have a taka at all.

So the deputy director Zhang could only be choked and his face turned blue and green, and he couldn’t hold back a word of rebuttal.

The other staff of the Telecom Association present around the scene couldn’t help but feel relieved, not to mention that Lin Feng and Zeng Rui almost didn’t give high fives to celebrate–

This old Hu is fine!

It’s so awkward that it’s a straightforward and not polite!


But it’s not over yet. Suddenly thinking of something, Lin Feng looked up at Hu Jun:

“Uncle, what about the other thing I said earlier–“

“China Telecom Association and your follow-up cooperation……”

“Oh this!” Hu Jun suddenly patted his head, glanced at An Xin on the side, then smiled heartily: “Small things! Originally, our Chase Athletics and Electronic Association Divisions had talked about follow-ups. For those with the intention of cooperation, I was waiting for our Director Zhou to give a plan before–“

Speaking, he turned his head to look at Zhou Wei and raised his eyebrows:

“How about Director Zhou, your plan is settled…Let’s make an appointment to have a meal and talk slowly?”

The meaning is obvious.

I’m totally relieved.

Even more than that, he used Hu Jun’s character and behavior before, and talked about things without mixing anything else, but now he has also actively invited dinners, which is the next step to further enhance each other. Emotional…

Zhou Wei couldn’t help being happy after hearing it for a while:

“Good, good!”

“Of course! No problem! My plan is almost out, next time I will call on Mr. Hu!”

Can’t help but not surprise him.

Because you have to know that even before today’s accident, their UK branch and Chase Athletics had only negotiated a preliminary cooperation plan, and the follow-up was just an intention, far from being finalized. However, looking at Hu Jun’s attitude now, although he has not directly given a clear guarantee, the meaning revealed in the words… As long as he has given the plan here, it has already become seven to eight points.

There will be no surprises.

This single cooperation…

It can be considered to be able to win all!

The more important point is that this will add a heavier and more solid performance to his work history. Even though the domestic headquarters has some different voices about his promotion and transfer, but after this After that… there is absolutely no possibility of any other variables.

“You don’t have to ask, I will come.”

Hu Jun laughed and stretched out his hand to Zhou Wei, with a somewhat meaningful tone: “It can be regarded as… Congratulations to our Director Zhou in advance, your transfer went smoothly.”

Zhou Wei wakes up, his face suddenly showing gratitude, stretches out his hand and squeezes Hu Jun tightly:

“Thank you!”

Everything is naturally stated.

The Lin Feng and the three of them could not help but smile, saying that with the support of Hu Jun, Zhou Wei’s position in the British branch of the China Telecom Association will be more solid and unshakable. Closer cooperation is also a win-win situation that is worth looking forward to.

Of course, it can’t be said that everyone is happy.

Because it is true that not everyone will be satisfied with this.

There is always someone…

Today is very scarred and embarrassed.


“Then there is nothing to do with me here, so I will go back to the company to deal with something.” After talking with Zhou Wei for a few more words, Hu Jun waved his hand to leave.

Originally, this place was just called by some people with selfishness to find a reason, and it almost became a tool for others to use. Of course, the misunderstanding was finally resolved and the misunderstanding was solved satisfactorily, and I unexpectedly met my old comrade The boss’s daughter, for Hu Jun, the gain from this trip is not small, and she is satisfied.

But it is indeed as he said, there are too many and too busy, it is impossible to spend time here all day.

After all, Chase Athletics has just settled in the UK for half a year. Although the group’s connections and funds have achieved a very moving level, there is still a long way to go. You can go–

According to what he just mentioned to An Xin Lin Feng and Zeng Rui, this subsidiary’s Chase Competitive will have huge ambitions next. Compared with its competitors who are still competing in the domestic market, Chase Athletics is stepping out of the country faster and ready to seize the foreign market share. At the same time, it is also contacting and contacting more technical support here to further improve the quality of their e-sports brand products to the top international standards…

Of course, too professional and rigid terminology sounds a bit strenuous. Lin Feng made a simple general understanding:

“Anyway, in the future, all professional players of professional teams will only use our Chase equipment to play games.”

Hu Jun laughed heartily:

“Yes, yes, that’s what it means!”

Lin Feng beamed: “That’s great! Looking back, uncle, you can get some top-level customized keyboard and mouse. Give me a special set–“

“Must!” Hu Jun promised without even thinking about it: “We have just started research and development in the technical department now. Xiao Feng and Xiao Zeng are both preparing to play professionally in the future. Professional players, tailor a set for each of you!”

An Xin on the side also smiled and answered;

“Well, then you can let them both help the company advertise for free-endorsement fees are saved.”

It’s true… Don’t mention it, just take someone’s level as an example. Now, even if it’s a professional player at the level of Dawn Morning Star, Huang Xue Ye Ge or Tian Tian in China, I’ll take an e-sports game. The advertisements or endorsements of chairs or sports equipment are all starting at a price of at least one million or even higher. The prices of the “Four Emperors” are even more scary. If this matter is really just verbally negotiated, Chase Sports is equivalent to It was a huge profit of millions of dollars in vain.

Lin Feng heard the protest: “Hey, this will help his family get business, will you still want the endorsement fee!”

The girl squinted: “Huh? Say it again?”

Someone: “Give me something…”

The girl nodded happily: “Okay~ IndoMTL.com~ Five dollars can be bought for 30 years, no more.”

Someone: “…”

Zeng Rui sympathetically patted the shoulder of the former: “Say a few words… Besides, five dollars are gone.”

This is the end of the matter.

And just as Hu Jun was about to leave, all the people present suddenly heard a voice full of resentment:

“Hold on!”

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The update is on, and the third shift is done. Good night and good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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