Rise Chapter 1290: What happened?

For the youth, if he joined “that” team during the S1 season, and joined a few partners and teammates to reach the World Finals, the journey he missed the most was a period of time that he missed the most. The ADC teammate on the road… is undoubtedly his most cherished partner and companion.


Can’t find the second one.

Can have such a tacit understanding with him, the level of strength is comparable, and the perfect complement of play styles.

Few people would know that when he didn’t even join “that” team as early as that year, he himself had been playing solo match ranking in the passerby because of his personal strength and record. Outstanding and outstanding. Some teams at the time also approached him online and extended an olive branch to invite him.

He also agreed because of interest.

The result was that in the online training of the team, I was always unable to cooperate well with my ADC teammates. What’s more, every ADC teammate at the time complained and complained from other companions in the team. :

“That guy is so alone.”

“How can an assistant play in this way, should I take care of my ADC?”

“When you fight so fiercely, you can’t protect your ADC. What do you do with the auxiliary charge so fast, do you send it?”

For such complaints and accusations, he always just smiled contemptuously and didn’t bother to argue with people more, because in his opinion, it is not a problem of his support at all, it is obvious that the other ADCs are too weak. , Can’t keep up with his rhythm at all.

This kind of person does not deserve to be his teammate.

So he chose to quit the team again and again without hesitation.


Once, after a passerby game was over, a guy suddenly added his friend and took the initiative to find the door. He also sent out an invitation very enthusiastically: “Hey, your support is so good, I’m going to start an online game. What about the team, do you want to try it?”

The first time I added a friend to chat, I came up so directly and without being polite.

It was also right for his temper and appetite, and in that passerby game, he also saw the mid laner of the guy who invited him. That was the skill that even he had to feel sincerely surprised and admired.

But he still replied somewhat provocatively at the time:


“But I’m helping to watch people, I don’t accompany the ADC who is too good to be a nanny.”

What I didn’t expect was that the guy’s answer came more quickly and simply:

“Don’t worry, I have found an ADC here. It’s very strong. It’s absolutely perfect for supporting you!”

The tone was a vow, as if he was patting his chest across the chat window and promising to guarantee.

He couldn’t help but sneered. He didn’t believe it at all, but because he was bored anyway, he agreed to join the team according to others’ wishes, and by the way, let’s take a look at the ADC that this guy is boasting about.

So he joined the team.

After I met several other partners, I had a tacit understanding and shared the honor and disgrace.

I also met his only ADC partner who can trust his back.


The combination of the two of them in the bottom lane. With the rise of the five-man team, they blasted all the major online events in the country, and then went offline. Finally, they won countless consecutive trophies and entered the world finals. .

The national service was shocked.

The people who once disliked him were almost dumbfounded. There really was an ADC who could fight with him, and even reached the height of almost horrible and incomprehensible strength.

Some of the top professional commentators in the circle at the time gave undisguised praise:

“One is the most powerful offensive and aggressive support like ADC.”

“An ADC with a meticulous and thoughtful mind and a calm style comparable to professional support.”

“Such a pair of bots…”

“It can only be described as a match made in heaven!”

Of course, even if the two of them cooperated in such a tacit understanding, as partners in various training and competitions on weekdays, they sometimes still have some disputes and differences. The partner who has always been excellent in personality and temper is rare to get angry. Say two words: “Your style of play and temper…changing to other ADCs would have long since quit–“

Then he leaned forward with a hippy smile and affectionately clung to each other’s shoulders and shook it twice: “Hey, I don’t like other ADCs. You have to be the old Mo… I’m relying on you! Don’t try to run away!”

Following some guy who is the captain of the team will also come over with interest to speak:

“So look, you both should thank me.”

“If it weren’t for me, how could you find such a reliable partner–please have a takeaway later?”

The result is that both of them roll their eyes out of anger at the same time:

“Get out!”

But speaking of it, it does seem to be thankful to that guy.

Without the guy’s proactive and enthusiastic invitation and promises to have a reliable ADC word at the time, it might be impossible for him to meet that partner.



It is also because of that guy.

It made everything fall apart completely before it came to the end, and even caused even more unbearable damage results——

How thankful he was to that guy back then, then later…

He also doubled how angry he was at that guy.

His thoughts receded slowly like a tide. The young man in front of the computer screen in the Internet cafe took a deep breath, but only felt that the anger that had been suppressed for a long time in his chest could not be stopped again because of the recalled thoughts. To come up.

Fire pulsed in his chest.

The gaze in his eyes became more and more icy, looking at the high ground of the purple army not far from the game screen on the screen:

I didn’t even think about it.

Then, let’s make a quick fight.


It seems that even in the platinum diamond segment, the mental endurance of the players has not improved with their strength, but it seems that they have become more vulnerable.

Only when the blue side assisted Thresh in the bottom lane again set off a wave of offensive rhythm, after the ADC’s ​​Jinx and the jungle prince both fell down, the purple side legion directly launched a vote to surrender. .

4 votes.

The resolution was passed very quickly.

The auxiliary Thresh controlled by the youth on the blue side and the ADC policewoman of the girl next to him have just pushed down the opponent’s high ground defense tower, and the game perspective screens on the computer screens in front of them are already facing uncontrollably. Move in the direction of the opponent’s base crystal.

The crystal exploded with a bang.

In the center of the screen, the eye-catching emblem pattern of “Victory” in the blue square slowly emerged.


From start to finish, it takes only 20 minutes to start.

Even from the time when the youth temporarily took over the auxiliary Thresh, only ten minutes have passed.

Ten minutes.

Reversal and comeback~IndoMTL.com~Return defeat to victory.

Crash the opponent directly and surrender.

The ups and downs of the plot are presented in this way, so that the girl sitting next to the youth still looks dazed at this time:

This… this won?

When I rubbed my eyes again, the game has returned to the record statistics interface. Seeing the last super god-defying record of the policewoman in Pi City, the girl is even more at a loss——

She, she is still super god?

Just now…what happened in the past ten minutes?

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The update is here. The third chapter is recommended to be watched tomorrow morning, it will be very late, and there will be some work to do temporarily. .

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