Rise Chapter 126: Be targeted?

There was a commotion in the crowd.

As the blue jungler Olaf, Lin Feng just attracted the attention of all the freshmen watching the game because of the enthusiasm of Dou Zi, the president of the e-sports club, but now he is playing the first blue. The operation of buff’s Q skill surprised everyone a bit.

This Olaf’s operation…

I made mistakes as soon as I came up, and I felt like an unskilled rookie at all.

Many freshmen couldn’t help but glance at Lin Feng, then secretly glanced at Dou Zi, the president of the e-sports club, who was standing behind watching the game. Some guilty whispers in their hearts

At this level, is it worthy of their president’s praise?

Zhao Yang, who was also watching this game, also saw Lin Feng’s “mistake” operation by Olaf, and he was delighted. If Dou Zi was not present, he could not help but laugh at this moment. He made a noise, but due to Dou Zi’s prestige, he managed to control his emotions as much as possible, but he was still a little gloating.

This kid named Lin Feng…

The level of support is indeed quite high, but it seems that this is all about playing jungle.

Song Jia was also a little surprised.

She has much more confidence in Lin Feng’s strength than others, but such a “mistake” operation also made her puzzled, because it is really difficult to understand why Olaf’s Q was lost over the wall.

Amid the commotion and discussion, only Lin Feng, who was the subject, remained unchanged.

The mouse and keyboard in his hand moved quickly and skillfully. Lin Feng controlled Olaf while walking with the A blue buff monster, and at the same time, he walked towards the place where the axe fell above.

The blood bar on Olaf’s head was slid down a little bit.

Finally, the Berserker who had picked up the axe again backhanded and threw the axe again with the reset Q skill “Reverse Throw”.

Cooperate with a [Disciplinary] and accept your first blue buff monster.

But by this time Olaf’s health bar was already just over a third.

“It really hurts.”

Vice President Deng Zhe frowned and commented.

At this time, almost everyone believed that Olaf’s Q skill had made a big mistake, but it was also at this time that Dou Zi, who was standing next to Deng Zhe, suddenly curled his lips:


“Not necessarily.”

Song Jia, Cheng Qingqing, and Deng Zhe all looked at Dou Zi subconsciously, with a puzzled expression on their faces. They didn’t understand why their president was still speaking for Lin Feng at this time.

Dou Zi glanced at the three of them, and the corners of his mouth hooked:

“You still play too little in the jungle.”

“Olav is not familiar with the characteristics of this hero, have you forgotten the effects of his passive skills?”

“Hey? Olaf’s passivity?” Cheng Qingqing was a little dumbfounded. Her game rank was not high, and she had never used Olaf as a hero, so she couldn’t answer the question like this.

Song Jia frowned and tried hard to remember:

“It seems… if the blood volume decreases, the attack speed will increase?”

“It should be that for every 1% reduction in blood volume, the attack speed will increase by 1%.” Deng Zhe subconsciously began to supplement and correct, and then suddenly he came to his senses and hurriedly looked at Olaf’s current blood volume. , Could not help but take a breath: “Could it be…”

Dou Zi nodded in satisfaction and laughed:


“That’s it.”

After a pause, Dou Zi’s gaze fell on Lin Feng’s computer screen game screen again, looking at Olaf, who was already going to fight the Three Wolf Wild Monsters, the president of the Shangcai E-sports Club. There was a burst of light:

“The Q that Fengfeng just now…”

“I missed it on purpose!”

“Damn, only Old Olaf can play this hand!”


The hero Olaf has a very high efficiency in farming.

This feature is divided into two situations.

The first is that Olaf relies on the passive effect of the Q skill, picking axe, to constantly refresh the reset skill CD, picking axe and throwing axe repeatedly to clean the wild, and this is also the familiar and habitual play style of most junglers Olaf .

The other is to use Olaf’s passive skills.

The less the berserker’s blood volume, the higher the attack speed, so a few professional junglers tend to actively and deliberately lower Olaf’s blood volume in the early game and then continue to go to the field. This efficiency is It is higher than simply throwing the axe back and forth with Q skills.

It’s just that there are not many junglers who know this style of play and are accustomed to using it.

Lin Feng is one of them.

To be precise, the most iconic player of this style should be the seventh king-level jungler of the Taiwan Assassins, “Nian Thirteen”. This old friend of Lin Feng is particularly fond of playing style in the game. Choose heroes with extremely high efficiency in the field. The gank frequency is not high in the early stage, but the speed and development speed of the field are extremely important.

Compared with Nian Shisan, another seven king-level jungler in the world, the mafa of the SSK team, is a different style. He is more adept at the early stage and frequently starts roaming gank or online. Anti-squat.

The two jungle styles cannot be said to be higher or lower, and more should be the players’ personal preferences.

Lin Feng doesn’t pay much attention to this aspect.


He is more familiar with Nian Shisan.

With the mentality of “supporting old friends”, he chose this way.


After brushing the blue buff, brush the three wolves.

After finishing the three wolves, the red buff wild monsters are used.

Olav, under the control of Lin Feng, ran back and forth in the upper and lower wild areas of his home. He was happily brushing the wild with an axe, and his efficiency was so high that he flew up. The new students watching the battle around him became more and more concerned. Can’t help but widen

This Olaf’s brushing wild…

It’s really fast!

Obviously, when I hit the blue buff in front, it was still very hurt, but this brushed and brushed. After learning the W skill, Olaf continued to fight the wild monsters, but he actually pulled back his health!

After the [Punishment] that had just finished cooling down, the red buff was removed, Olaf’s health status has actually returned to about two-thirds!

Just licking another blood bottle, it’s almost full!

“The endurance of the wild area is too strong!”

Several freshmen who are also playing jungle can’t help but be speechless.

As for the people in the 504 dormitory, Qiu Le’s eyes shined even more:

“Fengzi’s rhythm is okay!”

“Olav’s speed in the wild is too fast, and his development speed is almost equal to that of single-player online heroes. The spider on the opposite side hasn’t even finished the double buff right now!”

Shen Zhuang also looked excited:

“You don’t have to go home now, you can just gank a wave!”

Lin Feng also planned the same.

After hitting the red buff, he glanced at the center. The mid laner Malzaha on the opposite side had already pressed the line toward his blue defense tower. It seemed like a good opportunity.

So he controlled his jungler Olaf directly through the F4 field next to him, preparing to rush towards the middle.


Just when his Olaf walked into the river channel and was about to squat into the grass at the mouth of the middle road, the Void Prophet on the opposite side seemed to have spotted him and immediately retreated alertly.

Lin Feng was a little surprised, and then judged:

“There are eyes.”

Shaking his head, someone gave up the plan to gank the middle road. After thinking about it, he took a look at the bottom road on the minimap. On the opposite side, the double road combination EZ and Nami were also playing fiercely.

Then let’s go down the road for a wave.

Five seconds later.

When Olaf under the control of Lin Feng is about to cross the river in front of Xiaolong Fjord~IndoMTL.com~ The auxiliary Nami and ADC explorers on the opposite side are as keenly smelling danger as the mid-laner grasshopper, unambiguously Give up the line and retreat decisively.


Also have eyes?

The two ganks ended without a problem. Lin Feng subconsciously rubbed his nose: He seemed to be a little adequate to prepare to face Olaf, the jungler of him.

At the same time, Song Jia, Cheng Qingqing, and Deng Zhe, who stood behind watching the game, all turned their heads and stared at Dou Zi in unison.

A certain culprit who just caused trouble for Lin Feng, the president, was seen laughing dryly:

“Ahahaha, what do you think of me doing like this?”

“Hey, it’s definitely fine.”

“For Fengfeng, this small target is nothing at all!”

The update is sent. The next chapter will look like around 9 o’clock. There should be three updates today.

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