Rise Chapter 1111: Bump back!

Manchester, United Kingdom.

The whole city is still shrouded in the baptism of torrential rain. The water level of the Mersey River on the outskirts of the city has risen by several tens of centimeters, and the water surface seems to be surging over the embankment at any time between wind and rain.

In front of the information desk in the lobby on the first floor of St. Edward’s Hospital, Zhou Wei’s mood at this moment also seemed to suddenly become a little bit cold with the heavy rain.

Of course.

The real reason lies in the few words said by the tall and thin Doctor Phil in front of him——

“There have been some bad changes in her condition.”


“Still on the operating table in the emergency room.”

Even though I have never met the girl named “AnXin” without a mask, Zhou Wei couldn’t help but trembled when he heard such an answer.

Because no matter what, he can roughly infer the importance of this girl to Vice President Chu from the solemn and sincere tone of Chu Fangnan’s request to him before.

Probably… someone who is very concerned and concerned.

Then if he tells the other party about the current situation, what kind of reaction and mood would Vice President Chu, who is still in the domestic magic capital on the other side of the ocean, react?


The situation right now sounds like it’s really terrible.

Emergency room?

Operating table?

Zhou Wei’s eyelids twitched slightly inadvertently, words like this… generally only associated with certain ominous results.

Take a deep breath and force myself to calm down temporarily, Zhou Wei raised his head and stared at Doctor Phil in front of him, and said in a deep voice:

“Excuse me, what is going on?”

Doctor Phil smiled bitterly and shook his head:

“A word is hard to say.”

“But the basic situation is just like what I said, all changes happened this morning.”

“Cassie’s condition…in fact, it has always been unstable. We have tried our best to treat and control, but we have never been able to ensure that there will be no worse conditions—”

“Then, did it really happen?” As he spoke, Zhou Wei’s eyelids couldn’t help but continue to beat: “May I ask…what is wrong with her?”

This question seemed to make Dr. Phil a little unexpected, with a surprised look on his face. He looked around:

“Sir, didn’t you know?”

“I thought…”

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Wei interrupted him by shaking his head and replied frankly and candidly:

“No, I don’t know. The doctor, as I explained to you, the girl and I don’t actually know each other, but were commissioned by a friend—even please allow me to be offended, but for You St. Edingen… My understanding is limited to some fragments of information I have seen on the Internet. For example, you seem to have extraordinary achievements in certain areas of neurological diseases.”

“The evaluation of the extraordinary is too grand.” Doctor Phil shook his head again and again, and then showed a bit of bitterness and helplessness on his face: “If it can really be like what you said, sir… Then Cassie’s Illness, we won’t be helpless now.”

This sentence reveals a lot of information.

Zhou Wei suddenly woke up and suddenly looked at Dr. Phil again:

“You mean—”

“This girl… is she suffering from this kind of disease?”

Doctor Phil nodded, but shook his head again:

“I can’t say that completely… Because from the professional field, Cassie’s disease is more complicated and more serious than what we have studied.”

Zhou Wei almost quickly answered: “What is going on, can you explain it to me?”

He needs to know enough information to be able to be as detailed as possible in his report to Chu Fangnan later.

Speaking of this, Zhou Wei paused and looked at Dr. Phil again:

“In addition–“

“If it is convenient, could you please tell me where the girl’s operating room is?”

The tone was more serious and sincere than before.

Probably moved by Zhou Wei’s attitude, and at the same time, the conversation and the work certificate presented by the former have relieved Dr. Phil, and finally he nodded after hesitating a little:


“It just so happens that I am fine now, and I was thinking about going over there to see the situation–“

“Then MR week, let’s talk while walking.”


Mad City, Shanghai.

The atmosphere in the Longteng E-sports arena in Zhabei District vibrates like boiling water with the wave of team battles suddenly started by the purple party in the giant LCD viewing screen OB on the stage!

The second Q skill “Death Judgment” after the CD Flow Thresh has cooled down comes out of the Dalong Fjord.

Q mid-blue side jungle prince!

Guardian of the Soul Lock Code Q skill moves forward in the second stage!

The clockwork magic ball directly slammed into the blue legion formation!

E skill swept out the pendulum of doom!

Slow down and control the two!

The clockwork’s ultimate move was turned on, and the terrifying energy storm set off by “Command·Blast Wave” instantly pulled the two blue jungler ADC heroes into the center of the storm, and then received the “Command·Buzzer” of W skill Burst a wave of amazing magic damage!

At the same time, Sword Ji Fiona lights the W skill lantern of the teammate’s auxiliary Thresh and cuts into the battlefield.

Even the purple side jungler widow who is also in the Dragon Fjord suddenly turned to save at this moment, keeping up with the pace of the top laner assisting the two teammates and rushing to the front row of the battlefield in lightning speed-the big move” “Painful Embrace” slammed directly at the prince and the dramatist Jhin, and the dense thorns of hatred detonated and penetrated the target’s body!

It can be said that this wave of purple legion’s strong starter is almost tyrannical and perfect to the extreme. In an instant, the blood volume of the two blue heroes was suddenly crippled to an endangered state!

Everything can be said to be the pot of the blue party jungle prince.


It is also when everyone in the audience watching the battle subconsciously thinks that this wave of teamfights can already decide the outcome.

On the stage, in the voice channel of the blue army team, a loud shout from someone came:

“Null Head!”


For an instant, the gaze in Lin Feng’s eyes suddenly became sharp and biting like a sharp blade!


A moment ago, he was still frantic about the scams of the jungler teammate prince~IndoMTL.com~ but after a second–

He has adjusted his mentality as quickly as possible and devoted himself to this seemingly turbulent group battle.

Before the result is really decided…

The concept of giving up early has never been in his dictionary.

Not to mention.

This wave is not that it cannot be fought or that it cannot be saved!

Under the stage, the number one in the back row of the spectator stand subconsciously squinted slightly, as if casually speaking:

“No matter how good an offense is… it is inevitable to expose flaws.”

Number 5 answered with a slight smile:

“As long as you put it together, you will have a chance.”

The conversation between the two of them was suddenly overwhelmed by the sound of shock and exclamation from the audience in the next moment.

On the stage, here is the Blue Legion–

Someone moves and taps the mouse and keyboard under the control of almost instantaneous lightning speed!

Mark the Widow!

Take a shot to indicate the river Dalong Fjord!

“Bump back!”

In such a short moment of lightning and fire, verbal communication can no longer be sufficiently detailed, but at the same moment when someone’s voice fell, the auxiliary bull’s head under the control of the shadow puppet moved.

Slap! ——

The W skill key on the keyboard was struck down suddenly!

“Savage Crash”!

The Bullhead Chief Alista let out a low roar, his figure was slightly protruding, and then he slammed forward like a cannonball!

Target, Widow Evelyn!

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The update is sent, and the next chapter looks like at about ten o’clock, roll away and continue the codeword!

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