Rise Chapter 1102: Photos and Thunder

At the same moment, on the purple side of the field, the atmosphere did not lighten up because of the team battle that just ended.

Even if they succeeded in resolving the opponent’s blue side’s strong opening.

Even even in terms of the final number of winners, they still made a small gain of 3 for 2.


It doesn’t make much sense.

In front of the computer screen, Tian Tian’s expression became more and more solemn:

“The other side will continue to force the dragon to force the group later.”

Huang Xue Ye Ge nodded and smiled bitterly: “The next wave…we are really not good at fighting.”

At this time, I can’t even discuss the matter of letting Tian Tian’s Upper Sword Fairy continue to single lane, because the last wave of team battles was someone’s mid laner. The reason is arrogant and forceful, abruptly forced the sword Ji Fiona from Tian Tian on the bottom road to send back to defense support.

Besides, Tian Tian had to send it.


Even if he can really break the opposite highland when he gets down the road, the Dalong Fjord on the river is definitely the result of their purple side breaking up and destroying the small group, and then the big dragon takes it and takes the middle road and takes the line straight to the high ground. The same is true. Can break them all the way to summon crystals.

And now–

The team battle is over.

But in fact, their purple army will definitely lose more.

Sword Ji has no double summoning, Obama has no double summoning, and the clockwork has no flashing…Almost all of the summoner skills have been used completely, and just now the first two of the three fell on Tian Tian’s In Sword Ji Fiona’s hands, the benefits are not big anymore.


It’s the top dog head on the opposite side.

The ADC Obama who killed Huangxueyege again took a head bounty, and then he grew up a bit.

Sometimes, many heroes in the League of Legends game are really unreasonable, such as Barbarian King, Weapon, Yasuo, and they are not as good as a dog’s head. If the situation collapses in the early stage and develops in the middle and late stages, it can make people Headache to madness.

So the current situation is just like the conclusion Huang Xue Ye Ge made with a wry smile.

The next wave.

The chance of their purple side winning head-on…really not high.

“But you can only play.”

Tian Tian came to the conclusion without hesitation. Now that this time period is reached, the rhythms of both sides are actually fast, and the victory or defeat is about the big dragon to see who wins and who loses:

“And… it’s not impossible to fight at all.”


At least, Tian Tian’s own Shangdan Jianji still kept a hand of Resurrection Armor just now, and he still possesses strong combat power and survivability in the next wave of team battles.

At the same time…

The dog’s head and the bright moon on the opposite side also disappeared.

The threat to their purple back row is not as strong as the previous wave.

The only thing to pay attention to, there is only one point.

As if thinking of something, Tian Tian presses the Tab key to quickly call up the battle panel, and his gaze falls on the information column of the auxiliary bull head on the opposite side:

“The bull’s head didn’t cross over just now.”

“But in the next wave, his flashing will definitely be better.”

Huang Xue Ye Ge took a deep breath, and the flames in her eyes began to burn and beat:


“Don’t worry, next wave, I will find a good location to output!”

The game time slowly came to the 27th minute.

After clearing their respective three-way army lines, the ten heroes of the blue and purple legions almost unanimously and tacitly converged in the direction of the Dragon Fjord.

This time.

The orders on both sides have not been sent.

All choose to join the group.

And this also means that there will be no more leeway in the future.

Get on…

It is the most critical battle to determine the outcome!

“Which side do you think will win?”

Dawn Morning Star, who was in the front row of the audience watching the stage, couldn’t help but ask Shi Hang next to him as his gaze fell tightly on the giant watching screen on the stage.

Shi Hang subconsciously squinted his eyes and touched his chin:

“I don’t know.”

“But this posture…”

“The rain is coming!”


There was a muffled thunder in the sky.

Immediately, dense clouds visible to the naked eye began to gather slowly over the magic capital, covering the night even more dim and gloomy.

The pedestrians on the road raised their heads subconsciously, realized something, and hurriedly hurried to the eaves of the roadside building, and it didn’t take long before the rain fell.

First sparsely.

It quickly became a pouring down.

This is…

The first heavy rain after the magic city entered the late autumn.

The evening breeze is blowing.

With flying and scattered raindrops falling on the road, before the windows of taxis flying across the street, they also splashed into blossoms on the umbrellas hurriedly propped up by pedestrians.

At home, Su Xue hurriedly put away the clothes drying on the balcony, and closed the windows of each room one by one, and when the last window was closed in someone’s bedroom, her eyes His eyes fell uncontrollably on a photo frame placed in the corner of the desk in front of the window.

There is a photo in the frame.

That is…

The shooting was on the last day at the end of last year.

The night of New Year’s Eve.

Su Xue still clearly remembers that that night she took someone and everyone else to open a party at home, and also drove a live broadcast, lively and joyous.

The photo is a group photo of everyone leaning together at the dinner table.

She was still wearing an apron and holding a spatula in her hand, rather embarrassed, staring angrily at someone and opening her mouth as if she was saying something.

The Xiao Zeng, Ouyang, Yang Fan, and A Rou next to him were all gloating and smiling happily. Tsk, watching the little fat man Ouyang and A Rou were sitting so close at the time, it turns out that these little lovers were so early It’s developed together.

As for the place where her staring gaze falls in the photo, a little idiot is holding a big bowl and holding chopsticks excitedly while picking vegetables in a hot pot that hasn’t boiled completely.

On the right hand of the little idiot, Tangtang is also holding another pair of chopsticks to help very cooperatively—the girl… always listens to what Xiao Feng says.

And to the left of that little idiot…

Only half of the figure was photographed in the photo, and a slender white hand seemed to sneak a napkin into someone’s big bowl cunningly.

That’s right.

That’s… after dipping a paper towel into the hot pot hot soup, Baozi pretended to be a prank of tofu skin, and then the little idiot actually took a bite into his mouth, and after chewing for a long time, he found that something was wrong. A mouthful.

Su Xue, who suddenly remembered that scene, couldn’t help but laugh out knowingly.

Can be the next moment.

The smile on her face suddenly receded again.

Looking blankly at the left corner of this photo~IndoMTL.com~Looking at the figure of the girl who has only left the country with only one hand and half of her side, but has never seen the specific face clearly, and then thinks of being in Shanghai this morning The scenes and scenes between the E-Sports Association headquarters building and No. 5… Su Xue’s mood sank again little by little.

She stretched out her hand unconsciously and gently stroked the photo on the frame, her eyes involuntarily looked at the night view outside the window that was already raining heavily, and she couldn’t help but mutter:

“It must be…”

“Should be fine.”

The voice fell.

At exactly this moment, in the dense dark clouds of the sky outside the window, there was again a rolling roar of low and dull thunder.

As if responding.

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The update is here, the two updates are done, and the friends rest early, good night and good night.

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