Reverend Insanity: Verse 373: Not yet returning?

Fang Yuan’s soul flew away from the pure dream for the real body, and resolutely flew into the mysterious Nine-turned Immortals.

Fang Yuan felt an unparalleled power of absorption at the moment he first contacted.

This fairy who is named the Supreme Immortal by the ghost of ghosts seems to have been waiting for the soul.

Fang Yuan’s soul enters, as if falling into the undercurrent vortex at the bottom of the falling river.

For a while, the soul was firmly sucked and caught by Xianyu, and melted at an incredible speed!

Fang Yuan couldn’t think, only felt into a deep darkness.

But this darkness is not cold, but warm.

It’s as if the baby is back in the mother’s time, walking in amniotic fluid.

And outside.

After Fang Yuan’s soul entered the Nine Turns of Immortals, the sky suddenly issued a thunderous thunder, seeming to be extremely angry, but helpless.

The Supreme Immortal Wren begins to shine.

The first is white light, from the transparent slightly white color, to the pure white, and then to the rich milky white color.

Then there was a little red in the white light. Red is rapidly rendered, so that the light first becomes reddish, then pink, and then red, like fire.

After red light, it turns into orange light. The orange light turned into yellow awn …

The colors are constantly changing, finally turning black.

In the glory of black, the Supreme Immortal Cricket constantly collided. It was originally only the size of a finger, but at the moment it has become the size of a basin.

Amidst this dark ball. A splendid splendor of color is looming outside a placenta.

A vitality is brewing in it, and it continues to grow and rise.

The white mist hovered silently.

The surrounding temperature is rapidly getting worse. The mist turns into a white frost, covering the surface of the ball.

Then electro-optical flashing, entangled balls, forming a grid.

Electric light collides with each other, marking Mars. Mars fell on hoarfrost, and instead of being extinguished, it burned hoarfrost.

The hoarfrost turned into an air of gas. Wrap the sphere firmly.

Green pattern. Gradually emerged on the surface of the sphere. Soon, it turned from false to solid, and grew into countless branches and vine leaves.

The branches are withered, and the vine leaves are verdant.

Sometimes, at a rate that is visible to the naked eye, flowers and fruiting between vine leaves.

These purple fruits give off a very nice and delicate fragrance. But the appearance of the fruit. But it was very ugly, potty, as if it had decayed for a long time.

The changes are incredible. At first glance, it seems chaotic, but careful taste seems to contain a sense of heaven and earth.

As the outside world continues to change, the placenta in the ball has grown stronger.

Finally, after undergoing nine hundred and eighty-one changes. The sphere is transformed into earth, and the elementary tires inside it have completely grown to the limit, turned into a baby, and the limbs are shaken!

The ball surrounding him was shattered and the baby was born!

I saw this baby boy, the court is full. Eyes are as bright as stars, white and tender skin, hoarse arms and legs, cheeks with two red halos, pink and lovely, immortal.

An invisible force that envelops his whole body, making him immune to injury and safe and sound.

The baby boy slowly landed on the ground.

In the process, he grew quickly.

It took only one breath from birth to two or three years of age.

Four, five, six or seven, eleven or twelve … When his feet fall to the ground, he has become a sixteen-year-old boy!

His skin is still fair, but it is not weak pale, nor delicate white, but clean and simple white.

His long hair, black and bright, hangs all the way to his waist.

Slight build and no trace of fat on the body.

His nose is upright, and what attracts him most is his eyes. The star-like light has been restrained and transformed into a pair of deep blue lakes.

His lips are a bit thick, with a healthy ruddy. Holding on tightly at this moment, revealed his perseverance.

This boy is naturally Fang Yuan.

At this moment, he blinked his eyes and looked at his teenager’s body, his heart was shocked: “A brand new … body?”

From the ghost of the demon, and from the upper and lower shadow sects, with painstaking management, tens of thousands of years of accumulation and hard work, the body is not so simple on the surface.

The mystery remains to be further explored by Fang Yuan.

At this moment, Fang Yuan’s first impression was that his body fit his soul incomparably.

For example, his immortal body seemed to be a piece of clothes made of decaying leaves, so the body was like soft silk.

Everything seems different.

Fang Yuan felt that he was walking out of the dark alley suddenly, seeing the blue sky and white clouds, his mind was wide.

“Is this the role of the ghost of the demon lord, painstaking solitude, and the refining of the immortal immortal?” Rebirth! And once rebirth, there are six rotations. “

Fang Yuan’s breath is immortal and he doesn’t fake.

He bet it right!

Although he didn’t understand, how exactly this fairy owl was used. But when he saw the ghost of the demon, floating towards the fairy, Fang Yuan did the same.

Focus turned his head into the air as his mind and power turned.

There, the ghost of the demon is still in a dream. This was as expected by Fang Yuan, after all, the state of the demon ghost before was very poor.

The shadowless body, without Fang Yuan’s soul, has closed his eyes, suspended in the air, motionless.

Fang Yuan shouted, “Come back.”

Suddenly, a large group of maggots flew out of Ying Wuxie’s body.

Before, Fang Yuan’s soul devoted himself to the Supreme Immortal Fetus, and the maggots he carried could only stay in the body of pure dream.

Fang Yuan now recalls these maggots with a call.

Attitude Fairy, Mystery Fairy Fairy, Soul Fairy Fairy, and many other soul fairies and dreams.

“There are still a lot of fairy tales on Ying Wuxie’s body. How to take them out?” Fang Yuan frowned. Difficulties in my heart.

He changed his soul before, and by disguising his attitude, he evoked an immortal killing to draw soul into dream. Although the success of the Mozun ghost has been calculated, the will in these dreamworms seems to have responded. Fang Yuan can no longer be transferred.

“Not only the immortal body in his body, but also the body without shadows, it also has great research value! Huh?”

Fang Yuan suddenly looked back, and saw a fairy stiff in the sky, flying fiercely.

Fang Yuan’s eyes flickered, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said, “You are finally here.”

The visitor is himself.

No. more specifically. It is the shadowless spirit that controls Fang Yuan’s original immortal body.

At this time, Fang Yuan has just acquired a new body and is still in the adaptation period. The tapeworm on his body is not as good as the immortal body.

But Fang Yuan was not nervous at all, but looked forward to the arrival of innocence.

“You are?” Ying Heixie hesitated, slowly approached Fang Yuan, and looked up and down.

Fang Yuan is pretentious. Carrying his hands, he disguised and said, “No evil, I’ve done it. Fangyuan Fangyuan has already lost his spirit.”

“No! You are not the body! Wouldn’t there be no induction between the body and my soul?” Ying Wuxie’s eyes shot violently, and in response, broke his true identity.

“Oh, the ghosts have become flawed. But if you can urge you to meet each other, you should be able to cheat.” Fang Yuan rubbed his chin. Laughed.

He was so calm, his eyes glowed with confidence, and he seemed to be in control.

“You are Fang Yuan!” Ying Wuxie soon understood that a steel tooth was crunching by him, and he was so angry that he burned all over!

His anger is completely understandable.

My family has worked so hard for so long, and struggled for tens of thousands of years. Look like this. Turned out to be succeeded by Fang Yuan.

Ying Wuxie yelled and smashed Fang Yuan, he could not wait to kill Fang Yuan!

Far away, Fang Yuan showed a conspiratorial smile: “The shadow is evil, don’t you think it’s strange? Dingxianyou is my fairy, how can you use it?”

Ying Wuxie’s expression suddenly stagnated.

At that time, he was so anxious that he used it subconsciously, without considering this level at all!

Now being reminded by Fang Yuanyi, he knows badly, his momentum is blocked, and he plummets.

“You can use Dingxianyou, naturally I took the initiative to borrow you. I just want you to come over, most of my accumulation is in the original body.” Fang Yuan said again.

Since he knows that he needs to exchange souls with Ying Wuxie, how can he not make some arrangements with his mentality and means?

First, in his mind, he secretly buried a lot of Fang Yuan’s imagination.

Because of this, after Ying Wuxie was awake, she had to rush back and ignore a lot of inadequacies.

As in Wang Tingfu, Fang Yuan who was deliberately conspired by Mo Yao.

Second, Fang Yuan instilled his deliberate intentions into his ascaris.

What is intentional?

In the eighty-eight corner Zhenyang Tower, the giant Yang Xianzun left behind is a massive deliberate intention. He will take specific actions under specific conditions.

As it is now.

Fang Yuan looked at Ying Wuxie as he approached, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was more intense. He opened his mouth and shouted, “Not back yet?”


A large group of maggots flew out. Most of the maggots were mixed with fairy magpies.

The milk swallows return to their homes in general, and they are thrown into the arms of Fang Yuan.

Ying Wuxie’s eyes widened and he was shocked.

In an instant, he became solitary and unarmed. In his body, only spring and autumn cicadas remained, and he could not urge them.

The situation is upside down on both sides!

Fang Yuan’s original setting is just the same.

As long as Yingwuxie controls Fang Yuan’s body, return to a certain range of Yitian Mountain. When you hear someone chanting “Not yet returning”, these maggots will fly out and be put into the hands of those who chant.

These tapeworms are originally from Fangyuan. Now returning, driving at will, just like before, such as arm fingers.

Fang Yuan didn’t know the usage of the Supreme Fairy Tail at the time, nor could he predict that he would be born again and have another body.

He was worried that using the inscrutable maggots was not appropriate and he was prone to accidents. He needs his maggots to increase his combat power at a critical moment!

Of course, Fang Yuan’s deliberate intent is more than that.

Once the time has passed, these maggots will destroy themselves regardless of Xianfan!

Enemies are often good teachers. Fang Yuan had suffered so much in Juyang deliberately and Mo Yao pretended to be with him. Could he not learn one or two?

With a wave of his hand, Fang Yuan easily flew Yingwuxie.

“Everything is over.” He walked in front of Yingwuxie, looking at “self” in his eyes, and sighed in a complicated mood.

Ying Wuxie only feels like falling in an ice cave, and the ice is cold! (To be continued.)

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