Reverend Insanity: Section 937: Responsibility and sacrifice

The mountain behind Zongmen, the mountains are green, the birds are singing.

“Xiaodu, what are you doing lying on the ground?” A gentle female voice came into my ear.

“It’s sister.” Yuan Qiong, a boy, opened his eyes and saw a young girl looking down at him with a pair of water and spirit eyes, with a smile in her eyes.

The young girl ’s eyes shifted to Xiaodu ’s hands, and she exclaimed with an exclamation: “Wow, Xiaodu, you have turned into a three-turn maggot. You are really amazing.”

“But I’m not happy at all, you know, I don’t like the practice of cultivating Taoism.” Yuan Qiong mumbled and got up.

“Don’t be so listless, you are so envious of talents like you.” The girl sister patted his shoulders and comforted.

But Yuan Qiong is still in a state of weakness and shrugs.

“Haha, let’s do this, I will share one of my secrets with you. A few days ago, I found a clue to the inheritance of the Master in my father’s study, and it was hidden somewhere in the back mountain of Zongmen. Corner, do you want the instrument to search for it? “Sister Shi turned her eyes and said to Yuan Qiong.

Unsurprisingly, the youthful Yuan Qiong couldn’t bear the loneliness, and his eyes flashed immediately after hearing the words: “There is such a fun thing? Wonderful, there is indeed a legacy left by previous generations .Xianxian inheritance is extremely rare, but there are many inheritances of Xishi. Tell me clues, sister. “

“Well, there is only one verse in the clue. I have been pondering these days. I want to hear it from you.” The sister is not a secret, it is just a inheritance of the teacher. The sister’s father is also the master of Yuan Qiongdu, but Xunxian exists.

Yuan Qiong listened to it and didn’t think about it, then slap it: “I see, this clue is solved this way. Take the first and last words together, and then take the second and last penalties. Match it again. So, it is a position. “

Sister pondered for a moment, and captivated: “It was there! Xiaodu, I was so smart, I guessed it all at once.”

“Let’s go and find it.” Yuan Qiong took the lead.

“Wait for me.” Sister stomped her feet and hurried after her.

“Relax, sister, I will leave this inheritance to you, I won’t grab it from you, haha.” Yuan Qiongdu’s figure quickly disappeared into the mountains.

In the end, the two found their heritage in a cave.

“This is a legacy of Yan Dao.” Yuan Qiongdu and her sisters carefully investigated, “Yihuo? It is a flame that burns with will as fuel. This method is ingenious and amazing. Creation How did you think of the master who came out with such a flame? It ’s really interesting. Alas, how is this model, Master? “

Yuan Qiong was very surprised.

My sister was also quite surprised, she said indefinitely: “Maybe it is the same name and the same name.”

Yuan Qiongdu thought about it, and there was a light in his eyes: “I’m afraid not! Sister, I remember you said at the beginning that this clue was originally obtained from Master’s study.”

“Yeah, I sorted out Dad’s Tablets. You know my dad likes to collect these antiquities. Then I stumbled upon a bamboo stick dropped from an old Tablet, which is the clue.” Recalled.

“This inheritance was indeed arranged when I was young.” At this time, Master Yuan Qiongdu slowly walked into the cave and appeared in front of Yuan Qiongdu.

Along with him, there is also Yuan Qiongdu’s master, short figure, round face, and amiable.

Yuan Qiongdu and Shijie salute immediately, saying in unison: “Meet the Master (father) and Master Shi.”

Yuan Qiong pouted his lips: “Master, are you doing this on purpose?”

“Of course not.” His master shook his head and looked at the inheritance in Yuan Qiongdu’s hands. His eyes contained a bit of nostalgia and sigh.

“Hahaha, you ghost spirit.” The fat teacher on the side pointed to Yuan Qiongdu. “My master and I just came back from Lingyingfeng and found out the trace of the two of you while chatting. This heritage I can testify that it was indeed left by your Master when he was young. He really liked Yan Dao that year, and after five years of hard work, he spent three turns to acquire a Yan Dao.

“But Master practises watercourse clearly.” Yuan Qiong’s eyes widened. He did not expect that Master liked Yandao as much as he did when he was young.

“No way.” Fat Shibo sighed, “The inheritance of the waterway of the Shimen requires an heir. How can personal preferences be compared with the big plan of the Shimen? You must know that every inheritance of Wuxian needs to be inherited from generation to generation Each generation is continuously improved on the basis of its predecessors, so that each lineage can’t be separated from the development of the times, and not be eliminated by the times. This is my responsibility and so on. This lineage is your master’s farewell. I stood by myself when I was there. I was at the scene and saw him crying. “

“Ahem.” Master Yuan Qiongdu interrupted. “Now that you two have found this heritage, let it go to you. Let’s go.”

The two elders left, leaving only Yuan Qiongdu and the girl sister in the cave.

“Sister, I practice the wooden road. I don’t need this, I will give it to you.” Sister also said goodbye to Yuan Qiongdu.

Yuan Qiong looked at the inheritance in his hands, with a slight wave in his heart, and murmured in his mouth: “Master …”

Open your eyes again.

Yuan Qiong found that he was still in the prison tower.

“Damn! I suffered from interference during the process of refining pupa, so I suffered a backlash. I was fainted and died!” Yuan Qiong recalled and couldn’t help his heart beating.

Lian Ye is most taboo to be disturbed. It is not important how serious his injuries are at the moment. The important thing is that fate is not going to be troublesome and cannot be implicated. This is a plan for millions of years in heaven!

Yuan Qiong is almost desperate.

He himself, the only puppet for refining the puppet, has passed out. So, can fatalism be the object of refining?

Destiny will not be destroyed because of this, but it is very likely that the results of previous repairs will be consumed by most, and it may even be returned to the original damaged state.

Now, Yuan Qiong can only hope that his fate is better, and he and Tianting’s innumerable years of efforts can’t be completely wiped out.

But when Yuan Qiong raised his eyes and saw his fate, he froze.


A blaze of flames replaced him, and he was refining the puppet for him. The fateful fate was peacefully located in the heart of the flame, only half a step away from the repair.

After the shock, Yuan Qiongdu’s heart warmed up instantly.

It’s a fire!

The flame using will as fuel was obtained from Master’s heritage when he was young. Later, although he practiced Taoism, he did not forget the Yan Taoism, and he continued to improve the meaning of fire, carried forward, transcended the ordinary, and reached the level of immortality.

“Yihuo has already become my most familiar and most effective means of refining. At the moment of fainting, I’m afraid I subconsciously urged Yihuo!” Yuan Qiong guessed secretly.

This is not the first time this has happened. In fact, in his lifetime, many times through the experience of refining, he rescued the scene through intentional fire. Whenever he could hardly support himself, he urged his mind to temporarily replace himself and stabilize the situation.

After countless times, using Yihuo at critical moments has become his, a subconscious habit of deepening the bone marrow.

Yuan Qiong spit out a stale gas.

He watched the fire burning quietly, thinking in his heart: “It is not a habit, but a responsibility, more accurately.”

He couldn’t help thinking of his Master, so he smiled: “Responsibility … Master, it seems I haven’t let you down.”

Yuan Qiong knows his condition. At this time, his injuries are too heavy, and he can no longer continue to practice. But hope is right in front of him, and he will use the last life and will to fuel this fire.

“Burning, burning.” Yuan Qiong murmured to himself, he used his life to light up the fire!

The fire is burning quietly, the flame is bright and very stable.

In the heart of the flames, the fatal falcon finally took the last half step, completely repaired!

Yuan Qiongdu has no interest.

Like his master, just like his sister, like countless ancestors of heaven, they put their light and heat into the great cause of heaven, and set up the foundation of heaven with their lives regardless of their lives!

My enemy, my hero.

The foundation of Tianting, the huge Zhongzhou, is indeed an inch of blood.

The fire finally dissipates.

“Hehehe.” The silent Jiantian Pagoda towered with a sound of extremely weak and weak laughter, “Yuan Qiongdu Xianyou has done it, now it’s our turn.”

“But you and me are so difficult to communicate with the voice, let alone get up to urge the tower.” The voice from the back of the car was low in tone.

Strictly speaking back, it seems very happy: “There is still a way. There are only cents left in my body, and it can also urge my signature method. Are you lucky?”

The back of the car and Cong Yan are close friends. The back of the car immediately understood the words of Yan Yan: “Do n’t do this. You have absorbed the injuries on me and you will die immediately.”

“Why are you afraid of death? At the moment, all of you are fighting together, and the front is at stake. I’m afraid you can’t get out of it. Brother Brother, you and I have been together for many years. Your word hasn’t finished yet. I’m really looking forward to the genre you are about to create … Unfortunately, I can’t see it for myself. “

Speaking from faintly, the body began to scatter a light blue light, and the light covered the back of the car.

The flesh of the two magpies are both rotten, like two pieces of bone and flesh. But with the effect of blue light, the physical body at the back of the car began to recover, but the strictness became more serious.

“My friend …” The eyes closed at the back of the car slowly opened, and two lines of tears flowed silently.

The strictness on the side has no life. The injury at the rear of the car is still very serious, but he tried his best, but he could barely crawl to the fateful front.

“Hurry up, get up … I beg you.” The tail of the car turned black for a while, and he imbued all the celestial beings, then he could only pray silently.

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