Reverend Insanity: Section 91: Death of the ghost

“Fast, hurry up, as soon as possible!” Fairy Ziwei urged herself from the bottom of her heart.

She is the only wise and powerful person in the audience. It is naturally her responsibility to crack the battlefield killing task.

The Lagerstroemia mirabilis has been transformed by the ghost and loyal to the ghost. This time it is calculated to crack the battlefield and try its best.

However, Lu Weiyin’s Magic Sands Battlegrounds are absolutely unusual.

“In addition to the stability of this dirt road battlefield, there is still a layer of hazy feeling. I am afraid that based on the battlefield of Le Tuxian Zun, the successors have made innovations and made improvements!

The crape myrtle is frowning, her head is swollen, and she has done her best to calculate a lot of results.

It’s just that the overall progress has been modest.

In the end, once the battlefield killing moves were successfully deployed, they shrank a little, pinning on the void, and they were isolated from the outside. It is difficult to crack whether it is from the inside or the outside.

At first, the Ziwei Fairy fought in Langya Blessed Land and cracked Fang Yuan’s Yanluo battlefield, mostly relying on the positioning of Fengjiao’s Mingjiaxianyu in Yanluo battlefield.

With a combination of inside and outside, we can make a sharp breakthrough on the battlefield.

Secondly, the magic sand battlefield is not ordinary. This is Xian Zun’s handwriting, and keeps improving with the times.

The Lagerstroemia indica can quickly find the key position entrusted to the battlefield, and it is already extremely powerful.

The Lagerstroemia indica uses various methods one after another, sometimes it is simply to spur the fairy, sometimes it is to mobilize wisdom, and sometimes she directly directs Changshengtian, or the heavenly gods, constantly turning the magic sand. Spy on the battlefield.

This is an incredible scene.

The three parties: Yingzong, Changshengtian and Tianting actually united closely and collaborated together!

On the outermost side, the black bat group seems to be as dark as the tide, and keeps killing them. The heavenly courts guarded by several fairy houses, forged a solid line of defense, killing the dreaded black bat swarms who dare to commit crimes.

While in the inner circle, Lagerstroemia indica hung high in the air, surrounded by the elderly Zhengyuan, Bai Ningbing, and Miaoyin Fairy.

In the center, there are two big fairy houses facing each other. They are Changshengtian’s Altar of Fortune, and Tianting’s Demons List. Whenever the Ziwei Fairy gave an instruction, the two fairy houses cooperated tacitly, using their means to pry a corner of the battlefield.

Qin Dingling, Bingsaichuan, and others have no doubts about the eagerness of Lagerstroemia indica. They also lack the wisdom and power, so they are willing to sell hard labor.

Everything is targeted by Fang Yuan!

In the process of hunting down Fang Yuan, the three parties also involved each other and guarded privately.

But now the battlefield killing moves have engulfed Fang Yuan, Ghost, and others. Under such circumstances, the three parties immediately used their main mind and energy to crack down the battlefield killing moves.

Fang Yuan’s cunning and insidiousness has long been popular. Since Fang Yuan could ambush here, it must have ulterior motives and the plot was wrong.

The three parties are feeling bad, and immediately cooperate, or spare no effort to destroy Fang Yuan’s attempt.

This is indeed wise.

Just …


The crape myrtle suddenly trembled and opened up a mouthful of blood.

“Huh?” This change of events immediately attracted the attention of the rest of Wuxian.

The Lagerstroemia indica wipes the blood on the corners of her mouth, her face pale, but clenches her teeth, and immediately resumes her calculations.

“The good fairy cultivated in heaven is really desperate for the master.” In the hijacking altar, the cold laughter of Bingsaichuan came out, which hit two generous words.

In the fairy house, Qin Dingling hummed and frowned, “How come my fortune suddenly swayed?”

The next moment, the Ziwei fairy and Zhengyuan old man suddenly shot, and the magic light phantom fluttered. After enshrining all the immortals of the Shadow Sect, it looked like a shooting star and blasted outward!

Bingsaichuan and Qin Dingling throbbed their hearts. Before they could think too much, they subconsciously manipulated the fairy house to chase the Ziwei fairy.


A horrible explosion, which happened suddenly.

As soon as the hijacking altar set off, I felt a powerful force, slamming in the back.

Bingsaichuan growled: “Lagerstroemia indica!”

The harbinger of alchemy was hit hard immediately, but the momentum was more severe, and she still perseveredly killed the Ziwei fairy.

The Founder’s experience in the Demons List still lacks much experience, not as good as Bingsaichuan and Qin Dingling. At the time of the explosion, the Demons List was still in place.

In this way, the demons are far more endured than the gangsters.

For a moment, the Founder seems to have fallen into the turbulent waves, caught off guard, and the entire Demons List was blasted away.


This explosion originated from the self-detonation of the ghost of the demon.

After the explosion blasted the magic sand into the battlefield, the three parties who were afraid of the unknowing princes were horribly pitted.

The two immortal stilt houses, such as the Haunting Altar and the Devil’s List, were severely damaged. Even if the Ziwei Fairy calculated the explosion in advance, but the time was too short, the explosion quickly spread to them, blowing them out and scattered around.

Many of the heavenly fairy houses on the outskirts are like kites and are blown by the wind.

The black bat group is even more tragic. Hundreds of thousands of black bats, regardless of the wild beasts or the ancient wild beasts, are exploded to pieces in an instant.

The ground is shaking, the sky is falling, and the scene becomes very chaotic.

A dilapidated earth tower appears in the air.

Become a giant enemy of the giant, his body was blown into three sections and fell to the ground.

It’s dilapidated. It was originally intact, but now only 30% is left.

The blood of Qi Jue Mo Xian is barely flying out of this secret world. He stared like an eagle, staring at the earth tower.

The earthen tower is exactly the castle of Antu heavy mountain!

This eight-turned fairy house is worthy of first defense. Although it is damaged, it still resists the ghost’s self-destruction.

The next moment, Fang Yuan was included in Xianju by Fang Yuan.

This fairy house is too slow to be blindly dependent.

Fang Yuan appears!

In an instant, he caught the eyes of all the immortals present.

But Fang Yuan is not alone, and Lu Weiyin and Wu Shuai are beside him.

“Come to kill Fang Yuan!” The state of misfortune was unbearable. Bingsai Chuan abandoned it directly and was repaired by others.

The eight-turn power who once fought side by side with Fang Yuan did not conceal the assassination of the other source.

“Fang Yuan, what are you doing to the Lord?” Fairy Ziwei didn’t escape, and her mouth and nose continued to bleed and she drank loudly.

The qijue magic fairy boy looks old, sounds old, and sneers: “Did you not feel the explosion just now? The ghost has already exploded.”

What? !!

Qunxian heard the words, and her body and mind shook.

“Dangerous ghost, is it really dead?”

“The big bang just now, the mighty power is horrible. It was obviously a killing move. Is it a ghost’s mortal counterattack?”

“How is this possible!”

“No, the ghost is no longer a demon.”

“Even so, he is now the first combat force, even in the hands of Fang Yuan and others!”

“Fang Yuan killed the ghost?”

Qunxian’s face changed wildly, her pupils shrank, her eyes fluttered a little and then she solidified, and Fang Yuan was locked dead!

Even if the ghost dies, it is the power of combining the immortals. But Fang Yuan is undoubtedly the mastermind.

“Fang Yuan really can’t be underestimated, he is too insidious. He actually hangs the ghost. That was the former demon statue!”

“He can ruin even his fate. What a surprise to do such things.”

“Kill him, you must not let him run away. It is definitely a misfortune for such devil to stay in the world!”

“Yes, even if he had previously acted, but beheaded the ghost, the state must be extremely low. Do not kill him at this time, when will he be killed?”

The immortals roared.

“Fang Yuan, I want you to die even if I am broken!” Ziwei Fairy twisted her expression and ran up with her teeth.

On the one hand, the fairy Lagerstroemia is transformed by the ghost, loyal, and the death of the ghost makes her out of anger. On the other hand, it was she who repeatedly defeated Fang Yuan. In the heavenly court, Ziwei Fairy failed many times. When she reached Yingzong, she still failed, always losing to Fang Yuan.

“Kill, Fang Yuan is not dead. The first person to suffer is the person who is now chasing and killing him.” Qi Jue Mo Xian Xiaoxiao, actually also started to Fang Yuan.

At the same time, secretly, he laughed at Fang Yuan: “Fang Yuan, the ghost had exploded before. I didn’t care if you hadn’t let me hide in Antuzhongshan Fortress. Now you want to escape from this place, you can’t do without me Help. Come up with some Honourables, and show your sincerity! “

The qijue magic fairy’s damage is great, but he himself has retained most of his combat power.

The moment before this old demon head, he was still teaming up with Fang Yuan to slay the ghost of the demon statue. At this moment, he turned his face directly, turned his gun, used the three parties to immortal, and came to blackmail Fang Yuan!

Fang Yuan’s state is indeed not good, and the sorrows in Supreme Fairy Tale continue.

Beside him, Lu Wei shook his body because of his golden paper. Even if he was in a coma the next moment, no one was surprised.

Wu Shuai is embarrassed. The breath of eight turns is unstable, but the combat power is still available. Right now, only after sacrificing him and letting him break can he win time. Even so, there is no guarantee how long he can win.

As for the ancestor of Qihai, Fang Yuan has been included in the fairy. In the Supreme Fairy Tale, the last War Beastmaster is still fainted, and Fang Yuan needs a strong fairy to enter to preside over the whole situation.

If you do n’t do this, the ancestors of Qihai will be forced to reveal their identities in order to maintain their ontology.

“At the critical moment, I had to abandon Qihai and Wu Shuai to fight for time and opportunity for me.” While turning his mind, Fang Yuan passed on his voice to Lu Weiyin.

“Lu Xianyou, what is the escape method you said before?”

At the moment when the ghost giant blew himself up, it was Lu Wei who forced the magic sand to turn to the battlefield because of his shot, miraculously suppressing the soul blast. Although he had only a few breaths, he managed to get the key time.

With this critical time, Fang Yuan’s Qi Hai and Wu Shuai were able to hide in Antu Zhongshan Fort in time.

Lu Wei took the opportunity to send a message and informed Fang Yuan that he had a means of escape, so he could evacuate Zhongzhou safely.

That’s why Fang Yuan put Lu Weiyin in Antu Mountain Hill.

First, Lu Wei was full of sincerity in saving Fang Yuan’s two avatars.

Second, Lu Wei was defeated because of his battlefield killings. He must suffer from extremely fierce back bite. His combat power plummeted and his threat plummeted. Fang Yuan was not afraid.

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