Reverend Insanity: Section 84: Recognize your ordinaryness

Because of the previous refining experience, this time Fang Yuan condenses the beast wing of the beast, but he is familiar with it. **

Most of the time after Fox Fairy Land, he transplanted the pair of wild beast wings to his back. According to the previous fine tradition, Fang Yuan still preserved the pain of the batwing part.

On this day, Fang Yuan stood on the top of Danghun Mountain and began to experiment with killing tricks.

Thousands of eyes.

His thoughts were red, and his eyes were suddenly red. Looking around, any grass, mud, or stone within a hundred miles is completely untouched, as if in front of it. A hundred miles away, the vision becomes blurred, but it is still much clearer than before.

When you reach 400 miles, your sight will reach its limit. What you see is blurred, and you can only distinguish some colors, light and shadow.

“Baiyanyan is the basis of clairvoyance. The latter is a fairy way to kill, but it needs the relevant fairy to be able to perform.” Fang Yuan nodded with satisfaction. This killing trick is worth six fairy stones, and it really works Excellent.

It’s just that the line of sight cannot be hidden or penetrated. Once the line of sight blocked by an obstacle, you can’t see the things behind it. This is the disadvantage of killing the eyes.

Fang Yuan keeps the pros and cons in his heart, shakes his back wings gently, and flies into the sky.

While he urged Bailiyan to keep moving, he flew around, inspected the sky and the earth, and realized a clear vision.

Lion hair armor.

He thought, and urged defense and killing again.

Soon, he was covered with a brass armor and lion helmet. Even the back wings are covered with a thick layer of nails. Defense has increased significantly.

But with it, it has slowed down.

“The lion hair armor and the returning batwing cannot match each other perfectly. Once the lion hair returning is activated. The speed of returning to the real batwing is reduced. If not, the speed is fast, but the defense is both No. “Fang Yuan frowned.

This issue is beyond his ability.

It is the limit to change the realm of Taoist masters to improve such mobile kills as lion hair armor and to balance the traces of the three schools.

It’s too difficult for Fang Yuan to consider the lion hair armor again.

If he is a change Taoist master figure. It is still possible. But to reach the level of the Grand Master, it usually takes a lot of time to build up the heritage. This time is not decades, but hundreds of years. Hundreds of years.

Fang Yuan currently has the highest realm, blood and force.

The master of the blood path is a 500-year experience in Fang Yuan’s previous life. This can be seen from this. Difficulty in ascension. Accumulation difficulties.

Li Dao is also the master’s realm. In addition to a small part of the accumulation of previous lives, more opportunities are infused by Fang Yuan’s true intentions. Otherwise, to accumulate to the realm of the guru, it will take a long time to accumulate two to three hundred years.

When you reach the level of Jixian, you already have the ability to search and grasp Shouxuan, or have other means to extend your life. Ordinary mortal, life expectancy is 100 years. However, as long as she has a good business, she is hundreds of years old. Even thousands of years old.

The long life and time make the meaning of the word accumulation even more significant.

Why can Fang Yuan and Hei Loulan not beat the fairy monkey king Shi Lei?

Because Shi Lei became immortal. Backed by Zhanxian Zong, accumulated nearly three hundred years! Fang Yuan and Hei Loulan have only just ascended to the immortal. How can they compare with their accumulation of 300 years?

It’s normal to fight!

So, why did Fang Yuan and Hei Loulan just become immortals, but their combat power is already in the middle of the sixth round?

Fang Yuan relies on the support of the former sage of Zhenyang Tower at 88, and Hei Loulan relies more on his mother’s legacy and the help of his aunt Li Shanxian.

In other words, the two of them have used the funding and accumulation of their predecessors!

“If you want to advance by leaps and bounds, it is undoubtedly long and inefficient to explore on your own. It took me more than two hundred years to walk through the blood channel in my previous life before I realized that more than ten mortal killings were brought in. Hundreds of new blood vessels have been created. This lesson naturally has to be learned. “

“This world is full of talents and geniuses. Everywhere, there are talented people. In the long river of history, there are shining stars and peaks everywhere. To stand out and be brave and advanced, you can only use the legacy and accumulation of former sages, The essence of all is absorbed into one’s own body. It is the so-called “Hainanbaichuan”. It has the capacity to be large, and adopts the strengths of one hundred families to lead the heroes and even surpass all beings.

Fang Yuan flew in the air, his eyes flickered, and his heart was filled with emotion.

People often pretend to be young when they are young, and always feel that they are the protagonist of the stage. After experiencing something, I will understand and accept: Many other people are not inferior to themselves.

So-called: there are people outside, there are days outside.

A person’s life span is ultimately limited, like a lone boat. The mystery of this world is equivalent to a vast ocean.

From ancient times to the present, there are only ten characters who can reach the peak of the world in a certain principle. But even they can’t cover everything. Therefore, Juyang Xianzun and Pirates of the Sky Demon also need to turn to the hairy ancestors in refining.

There is also a record in “Biography of Human Ancestors”, saying-

The ancestor embarked on the path of his life, surrounded by darkness, with a dirty mud under his feet.

The ancestor asked himself: “Where exactly is this?”

I said to myself: “Here is the ordinary quagmire at the bottom of the ordinary abyss.”

The ordinary ancestor of the abyss knows that his eldest son is too saucy and has been trapped in the abyss.

The ancestor could not help exclaiming: “Since this is the bottom of the ordinary abyss, does that not mean that I have escaped from the gate of life and death and returned to the world? Is it not that I have been born again?”

“You can say the same,” he yelled.

“But how is that possible? I haven’t passed through the downhill valley, and I haven’t crossed the counter current river.” Renzu was incredibly authentic.

Myself: “Man, you have to know that the path you said is the path that fate goes through. And you have already embarked on a new path. This is a brand new path opened by you. This Where the road goes, it ’s all up to you. I said it long ago. The road is at your feet, as long as you want to go.

The ancestor suddenly realized: “This is what it is.”

I wondered immediately: “So how did I get here?”

I shouted: “People are born ordinary. Although they are the spirit of all things. But without the tiger’s minions, it is better that the blades of grass can absorb the nutrition of the earth and there is no change. You come to the ordinary mire and have What ’s weird? Not just you, if you look closely at the mud under your feet, you will find a lot of footprints.

The ancestor bowed his head, very close to the ground. Only then can I see clearly, as expected, my ordinary mire is covered with traces. There are the paw prints of the beast. There are also roots of plants and trees, traces of water flowing, and traces of stones rolling over.

“Why are there so many traces?” the ancestor asked curiously.

I answered, “Here is the ordinary abyss, all living things will enter here for all kinds of reasons. Everything is ordinary. But most of them exist. They have fallen into the ordinary abyss all their lives. Only a small part Existence, through their own efforts and trek, out of the ordinary abyss.

“I don’t want to get stuck here for a lifetime. There is nothing here, the smell is so stinking, I have to go out.” The ancestor frowned.

Laughing yourself: “You think ordinary is an abyss, then it is an abyss. But if you think ordinary is heaven, so it is heaven. Since you don’t want to stay here, then go. Use your feet Step by step out of the ordinary quagmire and become extraordinary. “

Ancestors take a step.

Suddenly your body is crooked. His forefoot sank deeply into the mire.

It’s hard to walk in the quagmire, go deeper. The pavement looks similar on the surface, some are solid and some are soft.

After taking a few steps, the ancestor suddenly lighted up and thought of the trick.

He went to the places where the traces of the claws were printed. Since these places can leave traces, it shows that the soil is relatively solid.

So the ancestors walked very smoothly.

He said with a feeling: “It turned out that in the ordinary mire, walking on the former step was faster than one’s groping.”

After experimenting with the real batwing and lion hair armor, Fang Yuan descended from high altitude and randomly fell on a gentle **** of grassland.

I do n’t know each other.

Fang Yuan urges this newly acquired Fandao killing move.

The maggots that are combined to kill are basically acquired by Baoxian Diling from Baohuang Tian. A small part is cultivated by his own Mao Min.

Under the action of killing, Fang Yuan’s bat wings were retracted, and only one pair of eight stout arms remained. The cavities in the mouth were largely convergent, and the red eyes became reddish.

Finally, Fang Yuan’s body was as tall as two feet, and he was reduced to the shape of a normal person.

It’s just a zombie body. It’s still a zombie body.

Nevertheless, Fang Yuan couldn’t help but praise him: “It’s awesome! This is just a way of killing everything, but it has changed my fairy body so much. It’s worthy of stealing the devil from heaven.” >

Fang Yuan can imagine that if he is still a mortal at this time, he can change any appearance, even from male to female.

He is now immortal, full of power marks. It’s not easy to change so much as a tactic.

The key change is not an illusion, but a real change, and even a subtle change in breath.

In short, even if Fang Yuan was standing in front of Tai Baiyunsheng at this moment, he could not recognize the immortal, his master.

“Master, you look better. Oh, this letter has just arrived.” At this moment, the little spirit fairy Fox flashed over, holding up a letter in his hand, and handed it to Fang Yuan.

“Oh? The letter to the blue bird 蛊 … Ling Yuanzhai finally responded?” Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed, he received the letter 蛊, and went into his heart.

After a while, he took back his thoughts, and a look of thought flashed on his face: “Feng Jinhuang actually asked me to participate in the practice conference, compared to practice practice? I remember that in her early years, she had no interest in practice practice at all, The background in this respect is comparable to a blank piece of paper. Why does she have such a strong self-confidence and want to gamble with me? Does she have discovered the true role of Dreamwing Fairy? “

Fang Yuan’s heart sank.

“Dream Wing, Dream Road …” Fang Yuan’s eyes were so cloudy that he thought of the previous life.

Why did he have to do the same with the magic demon to fight against the fox fairy blessing? It was to kill Feng Jinhuang and win the Dreamwing Fairy! (To be continued …)

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