Reverend Insanity: Section 31: You have no regrets when you die on the road

Even in the daytime, the rotten grasslands are gloomy. The thick overcast cloud blocked the grace of the sun.

Behind the slow mound, a camel lurks quietly.

The camel wolf is huge and comparable to a war horse. It has black and long wolf hair all over it, and two thin humps on its back. A pair of wolf eyes flickered in the dim light.

It lay on the mound, motionless, like a stone statue. It even breathed extremely slowly, looking at a glance as if it were a piece of black iron.

Suddenly, the pair of slender wolf ears of the camel wobbled.

Under its gaze, a gray rabbit drilled out of a cave at the foot of the mound and began to look for food.

Although there are plenty of weeds near the nest, the grey rabbit rushes out and looks for the grass in the distance regardless of it.

The rabbit does not eat nest grass. When it eats nest grass, the cave where it lives will be exposed.

The camel wolf saw the gray rabbit go out, and its eyes drooped down, covering a huge part of the wolf’s eyes, leaving only a trace of gaps.

Gray rabbits raise their ears while eating grass. Once something wind blows, it will quickly raise its head, look around, very alert.

The camel wolf is full of patience. The grey rabbit eats very happily, but it is motionless, as if dead.

Gray rabbits continue to graze and immerse themselves in food.

When it is full, it starts walking back.

Just then, the camel wobbled. It emerged from the mound and killed the gray rabbit.

The Grey Rabbit’s way back was blocked by the camel wolf. In horror, he turned and ran away.

It is extremely fast, running, as if turning into a gray-white lightning, swimming in the grass. It even surpassed the speed of the camel wolf, and soon pulled out a distance.

But after running for a while, it slowed down.

Gray rabbits have strong explosive power, but they are not as enduring as the camel wolf.

The two chase on the rotten grassland, speed of life and death. The most common scene on the prairie is the death game between predators and prey.

The camel wore gradually approaching, watching as the grey rabbit had fallen in front of him, the camel wobbled out and slaughtered it.

But at this moment, the rabbit suddenly speeded up, and her whole body was moving to the side. Immediately dodged the deadly culling, and distanced himself from the camel wolf.

This gray rabbit is also very cunning. The fatigue just now is just a disguise, and it still has room for more.

The camel wolf didn’t make a hit.

Soon, the two sides gradually get closer again.

The camel wobbled again, but still missed.

After three or four times in a row, the rabbit really exhausted and was finally culled by the camel wolf.

The camel wolf gasped and lay on the ground for a while, then stood up slowly. In this cruel competition, the predator is not infinite, but has a lot of hardships.

The hard-to-grab gray rabbit, the camel wolf didn’t enjoy the food, but held it in his mouth and returned to his lair.

In the nest, there are female camels and several newborn wolf cubs to feed.

When the camel wore back to the lair, he saw only blood and cold bodies.

Woohoo! !! !!

It dropped the gray rabbit corpse and raised his head and roared angrily. The wolf fur on his neck stood upside down, and the anger of hatred made his eyes red.

A large number of poisonous wolves surrounded him from all directions.

On a hill in the distance, Fang Yuan hugs his arms and stands high, looking down at the battlefield.

“Oh, he has a male wolf.” He smiled slightly, feeling that his luck had improved a bit recently.

The camel wolf is a better mount on Kitahara. Although Fang Yuan had Changshanyin’s four-turn wolf galloping, he consumed a lot of real dollars. Far better than riding a camel wolf.

When Fang Yuan accidentally found the wolf’s nest, he killed all the weak female wolves and cubs in the nest, and obtained a two-turned wolf howling.

He didn’t leave in a hurry, but ambush the poisonous wolf, waiting for the return of the male wolf.

The battle between camel wolves and poisonous wolves began to heat up at the beginning.

The camel wolf is huge and angry, making it more fierce to fight. The wolf claws swelled, and the ordinary poisonous beard wolf is not a one-on-one.

However, under the command of Fang Yuan, the poisonous bear wolves behaved extremely slyly. They did not fight hard, but cooperated with each other.

I have been grinding for more than half an hour, and the camel wolf panted.

Beside it, the bodies of more than 60 poisonous bear wolves lie on it, all of which are brilliant achievements created by it. Of course, if Fang Yuan wants to kill it, relying on Fang Yuan’s slavery, he only needs to pay the lives of thirty poisonous bear wolves. However, Fang Yuan wanted to catch it alive, so he could not help but fight.

“The fire is almost over.” Fang Yuan watched the camel wolf in the wind, his trembling limbs, and slowly walked down the hill, approaching carefully.

Now, most of the maggots on his body have been transferred to the fox fairy blessing land by pushing cups to change maggots.

When there are two hundred steps away from the camel wolf, Fang Yuan flicked his fingers, urging the second turn to control the wolf owl.

The wolverine bursts lightly and turns into a light smoke, which falls on the camel wolf’s body.

The camel wolf hurriedly dodged, but light smoke followed. The camel snarled and charged towards Fang Yuan. But encountered a strong resistance from the pack of poisonous wolves.

After a few breaths, the light smoke is fully incorporated into its body.

The camel was lying on the ground weakly, all covered with **** wounds, and the pair of red wolf eyes no longer looked at Fang Yuan with hatred, but showed a sense of surrender.

“The soul of a hundred people is really useful. If you don’t have the courage to know it, you have to spend a lot of time to slave this camel wolf.” Fang Yuan felt a feeling in his heart, and then urged the wolf smoke in the air .

The wolf smoke flew out, turning into thick smoke, enveloping the camel wolf, and most of the injured beard wolves.

After a while, the smoke cleared, the wound on the camel wolf was completely healed, and even dense wolves were born. The wounded Beardwolves also regained their vitality.

However, despite being wounded, the combat effectiveness is still not at its peak.

What affects the herd’s combat ability is not only the injury, but also the degree of food and clothing.

Wolf packs must show their maximum combat effectiveness. They must not be too hungry. It should not be too full, but it will affect combat effectiveness.

Before the camel wolf hunted, why should you wait patiently for the gray rabbit to return? This is the same reason.

Only by keeping the wolves in a half-hungry state can they fight and fight, even more brutal.

After fighting for such a long time, both the camel wolf and the poisonous beard wolf are very physically exhausted and hungry.

As soon as Fang Yuan was thinking, the beard wolves began to devour the wolf corpses on the ground. The camel wolf swallowed the gray rabbit, and then, under the compulsion of Fang Yuan, both the dead female wolf and the cubs also swallowed.

Fang Yuan stood in place, took out the dry food, and ate it in the cold water.

It’s been three days since Ge Yu was killed.

Ge Yao is mortal. When she saw Ding Xianyou’s glance, she was doomed.

Not to mention, she first saw Fang Yuan reach Beiyuan naked, and then saw him burying the fairy clams and using a push cup to change the clams.

She knows too much, and in Fang Yuan’s mind, it has long been the target of killing.

Fang Yuan was just here when he first arrived, and his combat strength was weak. If he wanted to walk on the rotten grassland, Ge Yao could really help him.

But Ge Yao cannot live. Since her innocence can be used by Fang Yuan, she can be used by others. Such a burden, the soul is not an ordinary person’s standard, as long as they have read others’ minds or memories, Fang Yuan’s arrangements can become a joke, the secrets hidden all the way to the public.

Fang Yuan’s murder was premeditated.

As Ge Ruo and him passed through the ghost-faced Kwai Hai, the burrowing hamsters, and the shadow crow to intercept, and then found Changshan Yin, changed his skin, found the snow wash, and buried the Tibetan king of flowers. Just shrinking step by step. At the same time, her threat is increasing step by step.

Her love for Fang Yuan makes Fang Yuan disguised as Chang Shanyin, feeling like a cricket in her throat, like a awn in her back.

A woman in love naturally knows how to know the person she loves, including the present, the future, and the past.

What will happen when she discovers the truth?

Not to mention, there is a family behind her, she is also the young lady of the family.

Being in love with such a person, no matter how low-key Fang Yuan is, he will become a public figure.

Don’t forget that there are so many second sons in the family, and they are extremely obsessed with the beauty of Geyao.

If Fang Yuan returns with Ge Ruo, he will surely become the target of the Ge family and the barbaric family. Why bother to attract so much hatred for a burden?

Fang Yuan is not afraid of hatred, but he came to Beiyuan by no means for an outing. His time is tight and he is racing against time. Danghunshan is dying step by step, Chunqiu Chan is recovering step by step, and his cultivation is just the peak of four turns.

He must lead to success without failure. Once he failed, he would be gone and the bones would be gone.

The path he took was destined to be lonely, with only two results, either success or destruction!

So, when the two approached the periphery of the Rotten Steppe, Fang Yuan took advantage of the scarcely-traveled, killing killer when it was convenient!

After killing Ge Yao, Fang Yuan ordered the poisonous wolf to eat it clean. Of course, the soul will not let it go. It was swallowed with the buried soul toad, and now it has been sent to the blessed land, and it is completely broken by Danghun Mountain.

Fang Yuan also carefully removed the traces beside the bonfire without leaving any hidden dangers.

In short, Ge Yao completely disappeared in this world. The only trace is the feces excreted by the pack of venomous wolves.


The so-called beauty is, in the end, nothing but loess.

Dust returns to dust, soil returns to soil.

Beautiful girl, in the world, but just like flowers. Either trampled by the footsteps of the roadside, or it is time to wither away and become an ugly fertilizer to nourish the land.

“There is no eternal life, no matter how beautiful it is, it is the mirror and the moon. The value of existence is just the moment of beauty.” The more Fang Yuan experienced, the more he realized the cruelty of the world. Without eternal life, even the most valuable things are worthless.

“The so-called liufangbaishi and stinking ten thousand years are just the superficial thoughts of those grandchildren. The so-called spiritual immortality, but the younger generation used to prove their tools. Can people really only confirm each other? Is it also on earth That’s it. In this world, once it is extremely remote, I will pursue it! “

“Even if I die in the pursuit, I die ten times more ugly than Ge Yao, I have no regrets …”

Fang Yuan has already died.

But only if he devoted his whole life’s energy to pursuit, will he not feel a little regret when he dies.


Who can understand Fang Yuan’s traversal aggravates the heart of the living?

His path is bound to be boundless darkness, bound to be extremely lonely.

The direction of his pilgrimage is only the light in his heart—eternal life—a trace of possibility that is so small that it does not exist.

No one in this world understands him.

And he.

No one needs to understand. (To be continued. Please search for floating astronomy, novels are better and faster!)

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