Reverend Insanity: Section 199: Heaven and Earth Run

The top of the book mountain. Novel.

Aiming at Fang Yuan ’s poisonous ant scourge, Yuxiu Fairy continued: “Fortunately, Fang Yuan has already performed it in the East China Sea once. Detailed information of the hand. As a result, I have been prepared. “

“It’s just the current poisonous ant killing trick, which has been improved by Fang Yuan again. My original method is no longer applicable and needs to be improved.”

When Qin Dingling heard this, the dignified face on his face suddenly dissipated: “That’s good.”

The fairy Yuxiu smiled slightly: “It only takes three days for me to improve my success. During this time, Tianting will pretend to revolve around the legacy of poisonous ants. Let’s preach it.”

Qin Dingling took the lead.

Soon after, all the strangers have learned the inside story and can’t help but be angry.

“The saints of the Loess World are really terrible!”

“I heard a long time ago that the deities of the loess world are united and have a harmonious atmosphere. I did not expect that the saints of the loess world are so vicious, it really disappoints me.”

“In comparison, the sage of Qinglian Great World is truly generous and has the style of a saint. The same is true of the saints in the wild world.”

The waiters and waitresses are very disappointed. They waited eagerly, but neither Changshengtian nor Fangyuan wanted to make the response they wanted.

I did n’t find anything cheap. The Loess World and the Wild World simply agitated the army and started the war!

The dislikes of these strange magpies gradually became angry.

“If the saints in these two worlds do this, aren’t you afraid that I will really take refuge in Qinglian World?”

“Huh, the saints on both sides are too high.”

“Forget it, go to Qinglian World!”

Almost all the aliens who had waited and decided to take part in heaven.

“This method of wisdom and wisdom in the heaven court is really powerful. The emotions of those alien gods are secretly affected. As far as I know, many **** gods are angry and make the decision to turn to heaven.” Lu Wei Sighed because of the other source.

Tian Ting first publicized Fang Yuan’s wickedness, then unleashed the killing tricks free of charge to alleviate the poisonous ant woes on the aliens, and finally secretly used means to quietly affect the emotions of these aliens.

This series of eliminations not only eliminated the bad effects of the poisonous ant killing, but also took the counterattack, which made Fang Yuan and Changshengtian very embarrassed.

“Right now, Tianting gathers a large number of exotic scorpions, and the number advantage is more obvious. Do we withdraw the army in front?” Lu Weiyin asked again.

Fang Yuan smiled and waved his hand: “The heavenly court is really powerful. According to my calculations, this mysterious killing of wisdom and Tao also contains the mystery of heaven and earth, which can resemble the will of heaven and interfere with the thoughts of all beings.”

“The legacy of poisonous ants has always troubled Zhengqi League, but the court of heaven almost collapsed this trick.”

“In fact, this trick has been improved by me again.”

“However, Changshengtian has already acted. Wait and see for a while before making a decision.

Bone 鸾 is one of the strange 蛊 蛊 who has taken refuge in heaven.

After entering into a covenant with Heaven, she penetrated the void and returned to her small world.

For several days, she was setting up the fairy array.

This fairy array is naturally supported by heaven. After launching the fairy array, it can affect the flight path of the small world, and finally let the small world fall on the wall of the Qinglian world.

“The sages of the Qinglian Great World are indeed unfathomable. This fairy array is extremely wonderful, with great power, but it doesn’t consume too many cents.”

While bone praises, he urges Xian Zhen.

Fairy light burst out from the fairy array, emanating from the small world from the inside out.

The small world has been flying towards the center of the void. At this time, under the action of the fairy array, it begins to slightly change its trajectory.

“Huh ?!” A few breaths continued to awaken, and the bones suddenly looked startled.

“What’s going on? I obviously urged Xianzhen, but the small world was actually out of control and rushed in other directions!”

“Isn’t the fairy array invalid?”

Bone 鸾 hurriedly searched, and finally found in horror: It wasn’t that Xian Zhen was invalid, but there was a mysterious and magnificent power that had affected her small world.

Compared to this majestic force, the Fairy is also unmatched.

Bone cricket can only watch his own home, fly all the way, and finally land on the wall of the wild world.

Her situation is not an exception. Most small worlds are affected, either falling into the wild and wild world, or rushing down the road.

Bone crickets and other aliens are dumbfounded.

They took refuge in the Qinglian Great World, but their own small world fell into the wild and wild world. In the future, they must be absorbed and integrated into the wild and wild world.

“This is a saint means in the wild world!”

“It’s unbelievable that the saint has already started. He can actually **** all the small worlds.”

“Only small worlds on the fringe can survive.”

“What shall we do?”

Many Wuxian began to regret it. Knowing this already, they would not rush to the Qinglian World so hurriedly.

The top of the book mountain.

“This is the means of heaven and earth transport in Juyang.” Qin Dingling sighed, “Destination is a fixed number, transport is a variable. Changsheng Tian hesitates to lower the town of Yuntian Temple, and has begun to disturb the heaven and earth on the eighth floor of the Crazy Cave Fortunately, these small worlds have landed on his side. “

“In the end is the means of the Lord.” Yuxiu fairy sighed. Although they saw through the means of Changshengtian, they could not solve it.

Apart from the means of fortune, Changshengtian must prevail above the court of heaven.

Single said that this method was initiated by the Zhenyun Tiangong. To crack this trick, you must destroy the Zhenyun Tiangong.

Zhenyun Tiangong has been hiding in the depths of the wild and wild world. At present, Yaxian Zun is unable to make a full shot. How can he attack there?

Heaven ca n’t imagine it, just sit back and watch.

In this way, the vast majority of the exotic celestial beings gathered in heaven have an advantage. Changshengtian accepted most of the small worlds, so the wild and wild world continued to expand.

On the other hand, Fang Yuanyuan is the most vulnerable. After losing this battle, not only did he not attract many aliens, the small world did not get a few.

Tianting commanded the strange gods to start a counterattack, and the front that originally penetrated into the Qinglian World was pushed back again.

Yanshi assembled into an army, killing in the mountains.

Qunxian fought in the air, fiercely.

The stone monkey walks across the sky, suddenly roars, and disappears into the distance.

“That’s the trick again!” Bingzhuo’s eyelids flickered, and he quickly glanced around nervously, “Where? Where will he appear?!”

But Bu sky did not continue to attack Bingzhuo, but moved to the back of Shi Zong.

“Take me a punch!” Bu Tian growls.

Shi Zong quickly resisted, but the defense killing was instantly destroyed.

Fu Tian’s fist runs through Shi Zong’s chest, sticking out from his back.

Bu sky laughed, his body shook, the killing was launched, Shizong exploded, it was torn apart, and the rubble fluttered.

Bingzhuo and Shi Zong are eight-turns and sacrifice. There are also eight-turn repairs in the sky, but he even killed Shizong with one enemy and two.

“No matter what kind of array you are, give it to me!” On the other side, the squeal of Nie Fengfeng was also heard in the rotting cloud array.

The six egg people from the stink egg cave heaven, a group of ancient battle arrays of rotten and evil clouds, have trapped Nie Fengfeng for a long time, but at this moment they can’t support it, and the latter is destroyed from the inside.

Six egg people, sages, vomit blood, or die or be injured.

And in another battlefield.

Broken Tiger Lu Tonglan.

Lu Tonglan is a barren pole that is one of the eight poles, but actually falls into the wind.

The broken tiger’s offensive aggressively publicized, physical like a mountain, hard and extraordinary, collided, as if overturned, Lu Tonglan’s blue phoenix totem killing moves were almost beaten by him.

“These three immortals are born of adhering to the air, and are the sons of air in the eighth floor of the Crazy Devil’s Cave. Originally, such a strong man should have been produced in the loess world, unfortunately …”

Fang Yuan looked at Sanxian’s heels, but turned his eyes to the tomb of Letu.

Under his investigations and killings, the fortune of this paradise tomb looks like a loess hill, it is motionless and magnificent.

In these days, the front line has been losing, and many of the gods of Fang Yuan have fallen.

But Fang Yuan is still calm and ice-cold. For him, the casualties are just a number.

Time delays are also good for him.

Leyuan Tomb Fang Yuan has realized many mysteries. Before, he was unable to create a cemetery, but now he can make a huge cemetery in the Supreme Fairy, serving as a ground node.

Fang Yuan’s more time and energy are used to comprehend the mysteries of Taoism here.

The ordinary Xunxian refining the Xunxian, but the Promise is the world of refining.

The gap in this channel has been quickly filled by Fang Yuan and has made great achievements.

At the same time, Fang Yuan also has a more thorough understanding of the layout of Wuji.

“The fire is here.” Fang Yuan murmured softly, looking into the distance, dark eyes.


A thunder threw down the battlefield.

The immortals in the battlefield are shocked.

In the blink of an eye, thunder was like a forest, and the immortals quickly stopped and flew back.

Afterwards, disasters of all sizes, such as rain and smoke, emerged in various corners of the three worlds.

On the top of the book mountain, Qin Dingling was surprised: “What’s going on?”

Yu Xiu Xianzi figured it out, and she knew it: “This is the method of the Promise of the Promise of the Promise. It turns out that the world has merged to a certain extent, and disasters have come.”

At the same time, Fang Yuan’s eyes penetrated tens of thousands of miles, watching these disasters.

A sense of consciousness constantly rises in his heart.

“All disasters are actually the best means of refining the world.”

“Xianxian operates Xianqiao. Under normal circumstances, the main source of track marks is disaster.”

“Successful immortal crossing, you will harvest a lot of traces. These traces transform Xianqiao, and make the environment of Xianqiao constantly change. This is the world of refining.”

It is widely known that all disasters are also a means of refining Taoism.

Fang Yuan smiled slightly.

At this point, he has learned most of the secrets of refining the Tao world.

“It was the moment that luck had hinted before. It’s time to do that.”

Fang Yuan begins to dispatch Tianyan Xianyu!

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