Reverend Insanity: 480th verse: The bottom line of stealing the sky

Sha Yi gave the boy Pirates a prescription, but the latter changed his color suddenly and resolutely refused to act according to the prescription.

Sha Yin’s eerie voice came: “Grandson, don’t listen to Grandpa? Do you still want to survive?”

Young Pirates insists: “Who doesn’t want to live? But I live with a bottom line. This kind of prescription is too shady and I don’t do it. Shaying, aren’t you trying to get me to the pond? Now that I’ve broken into the quarterfinals and qualified to enter it, don’t you think it’s a pity that you killed me now? “

“Hahaha.” Sha Yi laughed, “It’s a pity.”

As soon as the voice fell, the young boy stole his pupils and shrank, only feeling a strong pain all over his body.

It hurts!

In a flash, he almost fell to the ground and rolled.

But he immediately tried his best to resist, and hurried to a corner of the wall, leaning his back against the root of the wall, gritting his teeth, patience and patience.

At this time, Sha Yao’s voice came again: “You are just a small chess piece, broke into the quarterfinals, and you really thought you could talk to me about the conditions? Do you have such a high value for use? Huh, want to be My grandson, I do n’t know how many! It ’s your honor to call your grandfather, you know? ”

Saying that, Shao paused and said, “Now ask me to listen to Grandpa.”

Juvenile Pirates has a distorted face, his hands clenched fist, and his fingers are embedded in the flesh.

He was trembling all over, sweating coldly, which was caused by pain, but also a strong sense of humiliation and anger in his heart, which was difficult to vent.

“Grandpa, grandpa …” For a long time, the young boy stole his eyebrows and uttered a difficult voice.

“Well, my grandson. Your voice is too low. Your grandpa is old and I haven’t heard it clearly yet.” Sha Yanyin laughed.

The young man suddenly feels much less pain.

It turned out that Sha Yi slowed down the action.

Juvenile Pirate ’s brows are upright and his eyes are flashing with death, but he thinks of his home, the woman he loves, he takes a deep breath, holds back, and calls out, “Good grandpa!”

“Hahaha, as long as he obeys his grandson, grandpa is fine.” Sha Yi’s laughter was full of pride.

“Now, Grandpa wants to make you puppet, can you do it?”

“Don’t … don’t do it!” Juvenile Pirates was so pained that his face was pale and pale, but he still insisted on his own bottom line.

“Asshole!” Sha Ying was furious and aggravated his means.

The boy whispered and fell down the corner directly.

After suffering for a long time, Sha Yi saw the young boy stealing the sky and refused to compromise. He also felt a headache: “Shit boy, you have a sense of justice. Unfortunately, I saw you in the fight crisply and thought that You are a malleable talent. I never expected that you still don’t understand the principle of “man does not die for himself”. What does it mean to die a baby? When he does not die, you die, and what kind of wealth and desire you have died are empty. Think about it. “

Juvenile Pirates has curled up into a shrimp, his body is wet with sweat, he almost fainted, now he collapsed to the ground with no strength at all.

However, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised: “Sand, you die this heart. I am different from you. I will never base my happiness and happiness on the pain of others.”

“It’s ridiculously persistent! Many things in this world need to fight and kill. How can you survive if you don’t fight or kill? What do you think in your mind?” Sha Yue’s voice was cold and disdainful, “Think about why you were exiled by the tribe? Oh, it’s not because the tribe has too few resources to train you to feel that you are wasting resources, so just use the rules of the tribe to kill you in the right way?”

Juvenile Pirates ’eyes flashed brilliantly:” I understand this now, but what others do is what others do, and that is what others do. If I do, that is my thing. I would never do that. ! “

“Stubbornness! Then the old man killed you!” Sha Ying was furious and finally reached the limit, but when he was about to start, he suddenly hesitated.

“My poor son, why did you go like this!” The young robber fell to the corner at this moment, and suddenly heard the cry of the hostess in the house.

Then the noise in the house became loud again.

Some were crying, and some were yelling at the doctor for incompetence.

The boy steals the sky and Sha Bao listens for a while and understands the reason.

Originally, there is a baby in the home of the house. He was just born shortly after, but was born short of life. Even if the host family spent a lot of money to invite a three-turn master to take the shot, it did not save the baby’s life, and finally the baby died on this day.

“Oh, you guy, luck seems to be good. This baby is enough to puppet, is dead, will you go to collect the corpse to puppet?” Sha Yi laughed, and his intentions rolled, “If you Don’t agree, let’s die now. The old man can’t change another pawn. “

The boy stole the sky for a long time before he said, “I promise you.”

“Huh, that’s right.” Sha Yan said, and stopped speaking.

The boy steals the sky for a long time, so he barely stands up.

After this incident, Juvenile Pirates fully realized that Sha Yu, the devil’s character, was extremely tough, saying that he could not tolerate any rebellion.

In order to go home, Pirates of the Sky decided to bear the burden of humiliation.

According to the tribe’s practice, Bobby is suspended.

Almost all the remaining teenagers stayed at home, and received the careful guidance of their elders at home, and went to war.

In the next few days, Juvenile Pirates also set about collecting the materials recorded in the party.

Although the process of collection is bumpy, it is finally completed.

The baby’s body was dug up in the night by the teenager after the main house was buried.

The distance is smaller than the beginning again, there are two days left.

In that night, in the unmanned remote hut, the young boy steals the sky and begins to practise puppetry.

“This recipe is very concise, but Grandpa, I miss your grandson. There are too few real elements, so I have to add a lot of steps. Grandpa has good intentions, grandson, this time you do n’t fail, don’t fail!” The voice came, and he was on the spot to instruct the teenager to steal the sky.

Refining chanting officially begins.

Under the guidance of Sha Yi, the youngsters stole the work step by step, and began to deal with the materials one by one and actively cultivated them.

Because it is indeed the first time to practice purgatory, when the youngster steals the sky at the beginning, he is extremely uncomfortable. He simply uses fire to deal with the material. This is the simplest step. Let the youngsters steal the sky to correct it, this time the refining of the pupa has long failed.

Sadly scolded.

However, Sha Lian’s curses were getting less and less as the refining process continued.

“Is this the talent of the old deities?” Fang Yuan, who had been watching, was shocked.

Boy Pirates demonstrates his extremely powerful talents for refining, and he adapts quickly. He stumbles from the beginning, gains a foothold in the middle, and then becomes smooth and stable. In the later steps of refining, he is even calm. Posture and manner.

“The last four steps are left, and you can be made into a maggot.” Rarely Sha Sha encouraged young people to steal the sky. “Good grandson, work hard, make this maggot, and then I ’m cheering for your grandfather! “

The teenager steals a deep breath, betting on the baby’s body in front of him.

Deep in his eyes, there was a touch of determination.

“Although this baby didn’t die in my hands, if I use him to practise eunuch, how can I tolerate it? Anyway, refining **** will easily fail. I failed here, and Sandy couldn’t blame me. . “

“Child, I can’t hold you back. You are dead and won’t let you rest. But I really can’t do it. I can only do it here. I wish you can be burned in this flame and your soul can ascend to heaven. “

“If you can reincarnate, please don’t come back. This world … is cruel!”

He was thinking, the young man stole the wrong step, suddenly the flames skyrocketed, and the baby’s body was swallowed up all at once.

“The fire is too big, and it’s going to get smaller,” Sha Su said in surprise.

“I’m working on it!” The pretend to be in a hurry and start immediately, but it made the fire a bit more powerful!

“What a big dog courage! You have deliberately failed, and oppose me !!” Sha Yi’s eyes were so fierce that the young man’s stealing trick didn’t deceive him, and he knew it all at once. (~ ^ ~)

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