Reverend Insanity: 251st: Song Jiadan in the Bipolar Channel

The East China Sea, the home base of the Song family, is a blessed land. …

“Grandpa, you should be angry for others!” Song Yishi rushed into the study, politely poking at Song Qiyuan, who turned eight cents.

Song Qiyuan and the seven elders of Zhuxian are discussing family affairs.

But Song Yishi just broke in.

Song Qiyuan slowly turned his head, his face was meaningless, instead he was full of a kind smile: “My dear granddaughter, how can I ask Grandpa to cheer for you?”

Song Yishi is not strange, his grandpa knows this. In fact, it would be strange if Song Qiyuan didn’t know the whole thing.

Before coming, this young son-in-law had already thought about the answer. She gritted her teeth and said, “Grandpa, you go ahead and catch him alive, and let me deal with it.”

At the same time, I added: “I will dig out the old thief’s eyes first, then I will pull him through the skin, boning the flesh, make him die, and make him regret everything he has done!”

Song Qiyuan nodded, without hesitation, promised: “Good way. But …”

The sound is long, Song Qiyuan’s words are turned slightly, and his face is embarrassed: “Grandpa now has something on hand. I can’t get away during this time. Why don’t I let your uncle Song Xiaqi help you? “

Song Yishi’s eyes brightened, and he forgot his honor and disgrace, what he thought of, and he couldn’t help but say, “Grandpa, is it about Asamano?”

Song Qiyuan also did not hide her, and admitted frankly: “Yes! The specific location of Asamiya has almost become an open secret of the East China Sea’s fairyland. In Asamaya, there is a legacy of heavenly wonder. This time, Grandpa We must personally lead the family Wuxian. Compete with the Cai family and Ruolai family, and try our best to capture the inheritance of the world ’s hardest and weird. “

It’s hard to be weird. It is a great master of cultivating Taoism in ancient times, and he is absolutely immortal in history. The long-haired ancestors are equal.

According to historical records, it ’s difficult for a man to have a strange temperament because he tried to refine the ancient nine days and failed.

Although Song Yishi is spoiled, he knows everything and is busy: “Grandpa, go ahead and beat the two up and down! You do n’t have to worry about people’s affairs. But Uncle Song Xiaqi is not enough. I I also need Uncle Song Jiadan to take a shot once and calculate the position of the old thief for me. “

“Haha, good granddaughter. Well, you take this warrant and go to the Bipolar Strait to find your uncle Song Jiadan.” Then, Song Qiyuan threw a token.

Song Yishi took it quickly, with a look of joy, turned and left. He didn’t say a single greeting.

The Bipolar Strait is shrouded in a thick mist all year round.

Song Yishi hovered in the air, facing the fog in front of him. But it is a bit difficult. Could not help but ask a middle-aged Wuxian next to him: “Uncle Xia Qi, how can I get in?”

Song Xiaqi is so ingenious, she smiles faintly: “Isn’t the old man giving you a token? Xiao Yishi. You only need to show the token, and your uncle Jiadan has his own sense.”

Song Yishi held up his token.

A short while. The mist in front of me began to slowly rotate, showing a narrow channel. Direct access to the interior of the bipolar strait.

Song Yishi and Song Xiaqi walked along the passage, set foot on the bipolar strait, and saw Song Jiadan.

Song Jiadan is a wise Taoist immortal specially cultivated by the Song family.

He sits on the cliffs of the Bipolar Strait all year round. His upper body is old and his lower body is petrified. It seems to be connected with the Bipolar Strait under his feet.

“Uncle Jiadan!” Song Yishi cried.

Since she was born, she has only seen several aspects of Song Jiadan, but it does not prevent her from admiring Song Jiadan.

Song Jiadan is willing to sacrifice his freedom for his family. Since I became an immortal of Zhidao, I sit here in a circle, with the special inheritance of Zhidao, blending with heaven and earth. Therefore, Song Jiadan’s planning and planning skills were very good. Whenever the Song family has major actions, he will be asked to take action to calculate divinations for the action.

He is considered to be one of the three best Taoist gods in the East China Sea.

Evidence from poems: Bipolar Panjiadan, Nangong Tibetan Hua’an, and Dragon Head Turtle.

Song Jiadan has opened his eyes and looked at Song Yishi and Song Xiaqi with no expressions.

He wants to smile, but his face is already like a stone sculpture, his muscles are stiff and expressionless. Even if he opens his mouth, his voice is extremely difficult and slow: “Little poem, cousin Xia Qi, it’s been a long time.”

“Uncle Jia Dan, I’m here to ask you to figure out the specific position of an enemy. Alas, this is his image and the breath I collected.” Song Yishi took the initiative to pass over two maggots.

“Let me see the token first.” Song Jiadan said slowly. Although he knew Song Yishi and Song Xiaqi, but the iron surface was selfless. To calculate it, he must have Song Qiyuan’s token first.

After the token was confirmed, Song Jiadan slowly opened his lips, issued a ray of suction, and sucked the two tapeworms in Song Yishi’s hand into his mouth.

He closed his eyes slowly and made a calculation.

For a long time, he opened his eyes, with doubts in his eyes: “I can’t count it.”

“What?” For a time, whether it was Song Xiaqi full of expectations, or Song Yishi who was determined in his heart, he was very surprised.

“Uncle, you are one of the three strongest Taoist immortals in the East China Sea today, how could it not be counted?” Song Yishi cried.

“Small poem, be calm and calm.” Song Xiaqi’s face was serious. “Cousin Jiadan, the other party is just a six-turn meditation from Beiyuan. Can’t you count it according to your wisdom?”

Song Jiadan is still expressionless and his voice is low and slow: “I’m not surprised at all? I am only a 7-passer, and although there is some stigma, it’s all boring compliments from good people. From beginning to end, I They are just small bugs in the great world, just to recognize some precursors of wind and rain. Compared with the world of heaven and earth, I am humble as an ant, and compared with the heroes of the world, I am a little bit more secure.

Song Xia Qi smiled bitterly: “Cousin, you are still so humble.”

Song Jiadan: “It’s not that I’m humble, but that I’m integrated into the world all the time. Whenever I go further on this path of wisdom, I can see more mysterious beauty. The more the secrets of the world, the more I know, The more I understand my own smallness. So this is not humility. It is truth-seeking and self-knowledge. “

Song Yishi said unwillingly: “Uncle Jia Dan, you ca n’t even count it out. Then you are also the smartest person, and you still have to give me some good suggestions.”

Song Jiadan was silent for a moment. This is the reason: “I can’t figure it out. There are two reasons for this. The first reason is that the other party is not in the East China Sea. The second reason is that the other party has the intellectual means to cover up my calculations. Or there are other intelligent Taoist immortals to help him. , Offset my calculations. “

Song Yishi and Song Xiaqi face each other.

Both of these reasons are strange.

The first reason is that the old thief, the horoscope, is not in the East China Sea. Where can he be? The tide is now over. Could he still go back to Kitahara?

Second reason, how can the horoscope be against the intellectual attainments of Song Jiadan? If someone helps him, is this person at least one level higher than Song Jiadan? Is it the Huaxian Huaan of the Nangong family, or the hand of the dragon-headed tortoise in the Ewhai?

“Uncle Jia Dan, count again. Maybe you are not sure!” Song Yishi asked with a pout.

Song Jiadan directly refused: “No. The family has a major action. This time, we will fight for the inheritance of heaven and earth. We want to keep up our strengths and keep the means, and calculate for this action a few days later.”

“It turns out you haven’t tried your best, Uncle Jia Dan!” Song Yishi heard the voice and was dissatisfied with the words.

“Okay. You can go out.” Song Jiadan closed his eyes slowly.

Song Yishi was hung aside, she gritted her teeth, stomped her foot in resentment, and reluctantly turned to leave.

To seize the supremacy of Asano. It is a century-long plan for the development of the family to contend for the inheritance of heaven and earth. And hunting down the stars is just a matter of their own personal affairs.

Song Yishi is spoiled. But also consider the whole situation, and care about the family. It is by no means an unknown person.

Zhongzhou, Fox Fairy Land. Underground grotto.

Fang Yuan was bathed in the halo of wisdom, his eyes were closed tightly, and the stars in his mind were competing to shine. He silently calculated some important things.

Last time, with the help of wisdom halo, he continuously calculated the magical ways of Xing Dao to kill the stars, and the stars to be released.

Therefore, Fang Yuan now has as many as six star-level killing tricks.

Nebula Mopan, Star Snake Rope, Six Magic Stars, Bit Star Shift, Star Fire 遁, Outer Star Nian.

Among them, Xinghuo is a mobile killing trick, which shines brightly in the related actions of Song Yishi. The Xingnian Xing Nian was Fang Yuan’s investigation of the immortal roads of the Nanjiang River.

The predecessors of these two killing moves are only residual moves. It is the sages of the star path inheritance of Vientiane Star King. The idea of ​​killings recorded by Emmanuel Lightning, or failure in the calculation process, can no longer continue to perfect the killings.

Fang Yuan’s realm of stars is just ordinary. In ordinary circumstances, these residual moves are just reference values ​​for him.

But after he had nine-turned Wisdom Fairy, he used the halo of wisdom and had unlimited inspiration. He simply overcome the shortcomings of the astral realm and stubbornly perfected the killing tricks.

“Unfortunately, in a short period of time, I have perfected the two methods of starfire and star-studying. After all, there are only three of my star road fairy. Of course, the main reason is my star road realm. Too low. Huh? “

At this moment, there was a push cup and a cup change in Fang Yuan Xianqiao.

The message loaded in the 蛊 comes from Langya Diling.

“Langya Earth Spirit has finally completed the relocation of Langya Blessed Land. You can lend me his set of fairy owls!”

Fang Yuan is overjoyed.

He returned to Zhongzhou specifically from the East China Sea this time in order to wait for the news of Langya Diling, and then relocated to Xingxiang Fudi.

In Fang Yuan’s plan, the astral blessing is quite crucial.

Once the truth about his crimes in Kitahara is revealed, he will die.

By then, the fox fairy will surely be fierce. If he is still immortal and Xianyuan can’t produce it by himself, then the horoscope blessing land is his only secret base.

However, Heloulan knows the location of the astral blessing. Hei Loulan knows that Lishan Fairy also knows.

Fang Yuan is cautious by nature. Now that he has become the lord of astral blessings, he will naturally move the blessings to a place that only he knows. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!

ps: 2nd at 22 o’clock!

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