Reverend Insanity: 151st: Magical nature

“What?” Gu Yueyao heard the words and couldn’t help but stun.

Fang Yuan has shot lightningly, palms on the girl’s delicate neck! Cut, and stun it.

The girl fell down softly, Fang Yuan quickly grabbed his arm and clamped it. Hidden scales agitated, their figures disappeared.

When Gu Yueyao’s eyes opened vaguely, she found herself in a dark cave.

She shook her groggy head, and wanted to stand up subconsciously …

But she soon discovered that she was tied to a large flower and tied to a stone.

All the maggots on her were taken away by Fang Yuan using forceful maggots and refined into his things.

She is a fifteen-year-old girl who is fragile and fragile. How can she get rid of the weight of a finger and go around a few turns to tie a knotted twine?

Bound in this strange environment, the girl’s heart naturally felt a panic.

She remembered the scene when she was stunned. Even a naive person knew that Fang Yuan was going to be against her.

“But how will Fang Yuan deal with me? What on earth is he doing to me? Is it because the ship hit his grandma with his little report to avenge me?” Twitching.

The more she thought about it, the more she feared, and she couldn’t help crying.

“Grandma, where are you? Come and save Le Lehe …” She wept, feeling lonely and scared like never before.

Fang Yuan didn’t know where she went, her crying echoed in the cave.

“Don’t Fang Yuan want to imprison me here? I was hungry for seven or eight days and made me feel bitter. I dare not speak bad words about him later?” Gu Yue Yaole cried for a while, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

It’s too bad!

Fang Yuan, I will never let you go! !!

She gritted her teeth fiercely. The original impression of the other side in her heart was extremely bad, and now she has reached the bottom of the valley.

Gu Yue Yao Le has grown up from childhood to childhood, and has never hated someone so much.

Just then, footsteps came.

Fang Yuan’s figure soon emerged from the darkness.

“Fang Yuan, what do you want to do, you let me go! Or my grandma will pack you.” Seeing Fang Yuan, Gu Yue Yao Le struggled hard, a pair of tender legs kicking the ground, like a A fawn that just fell into a pit.

“It’s very energetic.” Fang Yuan snorted coldly.

Gu Yueyue just started to speak, and continued to scold, suddenly seeing a big bear coming slowly behind Fang Yuan.

“Bear, bear …” She was speechless with wide eyes and panic.

Fang Yuan sneered, stretched out his hand, stroked the bear’s black fur, and the sound of cold air shuttled through the hole like a gust of wind: “Under the wolf tide, it is not easy to find such a wild bear, it costs me A lot of time. “

The ancient Yueyao Yue reacted immediately, and her mind was moving, and she soon thought that Fang Yuan had asked Xiong Jiaoxi for a man to control him.

“That’s the case …” She sneered and sneered, Fang Yuan suddenly came over and crouched in front of her.

“What do you want to do?” The girl shrank back as much as possible, but Fang Yuan easily used her right hand and squeezed her cheek firmly.

“It looks lovely and watery, and it is really flattering.” Fang Yuan commented lightly.


He pulled down with his right hand, grabbing Yaole’s collar and pulling it hard.

The shirt broke instantly, revealing the pink bellyband inside.

“Ah, one by one!” After the girl stunned, she screamed violently, struggling madly. Even if her delicate skin was bloodied by hemp rope, she didn’t care.

Fang Yuan sneered and continued to tear.


Soon, the young girl was ragged, and only a few pieces of poor rags remained, exposing large swaths of milky white and tender young girl skin.

“Don’t, don’t!” She felt terrified and cried loudly. Thinking of Fang Yuan’s possibility of teaching herself, her entire body was shaking.

Fang Yuan did not continue to move as she expected, but stood up and slowly backed away.

The girl’s cry turned to choke.

But at this moment, the black bear stepped open and walked over slowly.

The girl was so shocked that her pupil narrowed to the tip of the needle. At this moment, she felt a strong breath of death.


The bear’s paw shoots, making a sound of breaking wind.

With a click, the girl’s head was patted by a bear’s paw, and her tremendous strength caused her delicate neck to break instantly.

Her head turned aside at a strange twisted angle.

The moment before, the little beauty who was still alive and fragrant, has already disappeared. The warm body was tied to a boulder, as if it were a doll toy being played with.

At this time, Fang Yuan was no longer in command of Yu Xiong. Under the instinct of foraging, the black bear had already bowed his head and began to enjoy this rich food.

It first swallowed from the girl’s throat, and blood spewed out instantly, splashing on its black fur.

Then the young girl’s fair and delicate breasts, such as a pair of unbloomed buds.

The black bear bites off the girl’s right chest, tears the flesh, revealing the pale rib skeleton.

At this moment, when the black bear patted his bear’s paw, he snapped these ribs, the viscera of the girl was squeezed, and a burst of blood surged.

Without the hindrance of bones, the black bear pierced his mouth deep into the girl’s body ☆, bit it on the heart still pounding, and swallowed it.

The heart rolled through the throat and rolled into the belly. This was because the wolf tide had to hide. The winged bear, which had been eating for a long time, howled with satisfaction.

After yelling, he lowered his head again, and ate the young girl’s internal organs.

Flopping fluttering.

The black bear opened his mouth to bite, and a large amount of blood leaked from his mouth ☆, making a sound of water.

After a while, the black bear got out of his head.

The girl’s chest is empty, and the huge wound is pulling to the abdomen. But the black bear doesn’t seem to have much interest in Bai Huahua’s intestines.

It started to turn its attention to the slender legs and feet of the young girl like white crickets.

The girl’s hands are all jade fingers. The black bear was about to bite, chewed a few times, swallowed in the belly, and made a crunching noise.

Girl’s big ☆ legs are also delicious.

The flesh is delicate and fragrant. After the black bear finished eating, all that remained was the white leg bones.

While shaking, the girl’s head finally fell to the ground.

Frankly, she looks really cute. With a pair of **** eyes, the nose is round and slightly lifted, and the skin is pink and white with two rows of white teeth.

But now, the blood on her face has faded and her skin has turned pale. A piece of blue silk spread out, covering most of his face, a pair of eyes glaring, full of panic and anger.

Don’t stare!

Fang Yuan watched and watched the expression of Gu Yue Yao Le with arms folded, and could not help but think of a Buddhist saying on the earth: No self, no human, no beings, no life, red skull, white bones!

I am the ego, without the ego, breaking egoism and knowing my ordinary ordinaryness. “Egolessness” means “Everyone is equal and there is no difference.”

Humans are humans who no longer regard humans as noble, and despise other creatures as low-speaking “inhuman” is “there is no difference in life.”

All beings are all beings. They no longer regard life as noble, and believe that other inanimate mountains and rivers are spiritual. It means “nothing else.” That is, “all things in the world are equal and there is no difference.”

Everything has its own lifespan. The “unborn person” means “whether it exists or does not exist, it is equal and there is no difference.”

No matter how beautiful a man or a woman, he will eventually become a skeleton. Both bone and flesh are one, but the world loves flesh more, and fear of bones, this is the appearance, and do not realize the equality in it.

This Buddhism is to make people break everything and see the truth.

Beauty is a phase, and so are all beings. Seeing rejection is like seeing it.

See through and see through, treat all people equally, etc.

So the Buddha gave himself to the tiger and cut the meat to feed the eagle. This is his great compassion, seeing everything as his own, loving everything and loving anything.

Love me, whether it is me, others, animals, plants, or even lifeless mountains, stones, soil, and things that do not exist.

The mortals stand here, watching the bears eat people. Some hot-blooded men, Dang Dang jumped out and shouted, “Animals, can’t eat people!” Or “Beautiful girl, don’t be afraid, uncle comes to save you!”

This is the love and hate of mortals, and the love of young girls hates giant bears. I haven’t seen it yet, I am obsessed with it, I can’t see the pink skull.

If the Buddha stands here, watching the bear eat people. He sighs and sings Fono: “I will not go to hell, who will go to hell?” Save the girl and feed herself to the black bear.

This is the Buddha’s love and hate. Love girls and giant bears equally.

But here is Fang Yuan standing here.

Looking at the tragic death of the young girl, his heart rippled.

This is not a numbness that is accustomed to life and death. No self, no human, no beings, no life ………

Everything is treated equally, all beings are equal.

So the death of a girl is no different from the death of a ant, a fox, or a tree.

But in the eyes of ordinary people, the death of young girls will cause their anger, hatred and regret. If they were to eat bears for girls, they would not feel too much. If an old woman was eaten, their regret would be greatly reduced. Instead, a murderous murderer who was full of evil will be eaten. They will clap their hands and applaud, but applaud loudly.

Actually, all things are equal.

Nature is fair. It does n’t talk about love and hate. It is ruthless. It never treats everything differently.

Weak meat and strong food, survival of the fittest!

What is the disappearance of a living body for the vast nature, the deep and vast starry sky, and the rolling river of history?

If you die, who will die? Who can not die? What girls, giant bears, ants, foxes, trees, old women, murderers are all humble! All cheap! It’s all dogs!

As long as you realize this, break everything and see the truth, you have divinity.

This divinity takes a slight step towards the light, which is the Buddha. Taking half a step into the darkness is the demon.

Magic! (To be continued)

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