Return of The 8th Class Mage Chapter 47:

Pieric Province (2)

“Is it?”

“Yes, there is no other path connecting to the empire except the valley of the big snake . Otherwise, they have to climb over mountains, but it is not easy to move troops across the mountain . ”


Mcgedie had already become a loyal ‘guide’ of the province . Ian knew most of these facts, but there was a few pieces of information that he didn’t know, so he pretended he hadn’t been to the province .


“So the trolls we saw yesterday must have across the mountains . ”


It was nearly impossible to guard every side of the mountains from monsters . Furthermore, who would expect them to assault a supplies troop? It was weird, indeed .


‘The hobgoblin I saw before was supposed to be only seen at the great grass field . ’


Ian recalled the event at the Mogrian Province . Did that hobgoblin cross these mountains like the trolls?


‘Maybe not . ’


Ian had thought about for a moment, but soon he shook his head . There was a possibility, but it was too low . It was quite far from here to the northern territory . Any monsters who tried to cross the territory must have been slain before reaching to Mogrian Province .


“Also the Pieric land lord is fighting at the valley . He always fights at the front line as the vanguard, which always scares us . ”


Mcgedie kept up with his explanations .

The young land lord, ‘Kalian Pieric . ’

The man who was called, ‘The best warrior of the eastern territory . ’

Ian also had a talk with him in his former life .


‘It was rather a big problem that the best warrior was the land lord . ’


He always risked his life at the front lines . Although he had no reclaimer, he always fought recklessly . He was a true warrior indeed, but not a good leader while considering about the province’s future .


“Anyway, without your help, I must be in huge trouble . ”


Indeed, he must be in huge trouble .

Mcgedie had been conducted for only one year . However, in his former life, Ian was conducted to this area . It was around the end of this year in his former life . What did this mean? If Megedie had survived that ambush, Ian wouldn’t be conducted to this province .


‘He must be dead, by the trolls . ’


In his former life, Mcgedie had been killed, and there had been a vacancy in the conducted mages, so Ian had been conducted to the Pieric Province .


“I thank you again . I almost gave up my life . I heard that trolls eat human flesh, it’s so scary… . . ”


Mcgedie shook his body .

Ian saw him for a moment .

He had a soft and white face, and a small body .

Also, he wore a robe that was too big for him .


‘She costumed herself as male’


Ian already knew her secret from long ago . He had already checked the brief information of the mission . There was information about the conducted mage as well .


‘She must be having a hard time . ’


A mage got huge authority . Also, they were quite powerful . Hostile soldiers? If she wanted, she could turn them into burnt barbeque in few seconds .



‘She doesn’t have any social experience . ’


Most mages were called to the academy at 12 years old, and they lived in the socially isolated academy for 5 years . Hence, most of those fresh mages had no social experience . And this 5 year conducting system was designed to cover up their lost 5 years of their social life .


‘She must be in a lot of deep pressure due to the circumstances of this hostile province . ’


It was the province where war occurred most commonly among the empire .

She must be scared by its dangerous atmosphere .

She was scared even further due to her shy characteristics .

In addition, she had been conducted for only 1 year .


‘She must have changed her appearance and voice by spell . ’


Maybe that’s why .

The reason she chose to costume as male .

It was her ‘best solution’ by her experience .


‘I don’t think it was good choice . ’


To Ian, it was her mistake . Although some soldiers might under look her, she had solid ‘authority’, and ‘magic’ . They couldn’t cross her line .


‘Rather than a man,’


Rather than a weak and coward man, it would be better choice for her to be a female . At least she would be treated well in the name of the ‘manners for a lady’ .


“There, that’s the valley of the big snake . ”


Mcgedie said while pointing to the front .

From a far distance, there was the biggest front line in the eastern territory .

Ian could reach the point quickly if he had no companions to protect .


“Wait a second, please . ”


Ian stopped the march and then floated to the sky . Then, he gathered his mana and released it to every side .


‘Detect . ’


A magic that detects any living signal nearby .

A transparent wave spread to the far distance .

It was a detect spell that was casted by Ian .

Its range was much bigger than other mages .


‘Nope . ’


There was no movement from other monsters .

After finish detecting, Ian came down to the ground .


“I will see you guys there . There is no monsters nearby, so don’t worry . ”


Soldiers were embarrassed when they heard Ian leaving them behind, and relieved when they heard that there were no monsters nearby .

It was only Mcgedie who looked sad still .


‘It was a good moment… . ’


Mcgedie felt sadness .

With Ian around, the soldiers showed respect to her as well .

She hadn’t received such respect since she had been conducted to the province .

Her dreamlike moment had ended shortly .


“See you there . ”


Ian flied to the valley of the big snake .

His mission was to ‘finish the issue of the eastern province . ’

By any means necessary, he was ordered to solve this problem .

Whether slaying every single monster or finding out source of the issue and destroying it .

The valley was the debut stage of Ian Page’s mission .

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