Return of The 8th Class Mage Chapter 45:

Fiver Years Later (2)


“Sir Ian!”


At the hall of entrance of the Ivory Tower, Ian had arrived .

It was always full of passion of the young mages .

Between 5 years, there were many new faces .


“Oh, you’ve come . Today is your last day, isn’t it?”

“Your good days are gone, sir Ian . ”

“Wouldn’t they give you hard work since you are still young?”


The most different thing compared to 5 years was the atmosphere .

Especially, people’s attitude to Ian had changed a lot .

They didn’t envy or look at him with jealously .

Most of them liked Ian sincerely . Unlike other Archmages, he didn’t try to rule them with authority .


“I have no choice . I’m the youngest . ”

“Usually, age doesn’t matter in the Ivory Tower, does it? Whoever is better at magic is higher, isn’t it? I am actually older than you if you want to mention age . ”


Lyla who just became an official mage made a joke with Ian fearlessly . To other Archmages, her action was quite rude .


“Haha, I will remember that . ”


Ian was forming a new power by gathering young blood .

And this project was going swiftly .

Many people followed Ian . Not only young mages, but also some old mages supported Ian .

Ian was the new core of the Ivory Tower .


“Then, see you later . ”


Ian stepped on the golden disk .

Now, he looked quite natural with it .

Actually, it suited with him more than any other in the Ivory Tower .


“So if you guys want to take this disk, work harder ~ haha . ”


Ian pointed the golden disk .

And after Ian’s joke,




Young mages at the first floor booed him him .

Archmages who joked with other mages, and mages who reacted with it .

It was an extremely rare scene in the history of Ivory Tower .


“Oh, you have come . ”


The lift arrived at the Tower Lord’s room .

It was the Tower Lord Harbert, who was in charge of the last individual lesson .

His face didn’t change much even though it already 5 years had passed .


“I recall the day when I heard first . It feels like it has only been a few days ago that I heard a great boy had appeared at the northern side . Now you grew up to become a young man from a kid, haha . ”


The Tower Lord usually put a mask on his face, but what he just said was his true impression for today .

He was getting old as time flowed on .

He realized its flowing whenever he saw Ian .

So he felt hurried . He had many plans to execute .


“Which means I am getting old as much as you grew . ”

“I am sure you will still be healthy for more than next 10 years . ”


After the greetings, the Tower Lord checked the documents .

It were the reports and results of Ian’s individual lessons .


“Outstanding . Every reports are compliments of you . ”


The Ivory Tower taught Ian in a very biased way .

Especially, for the Ivory Tower’s history, duty and mind attitude was almost procedure of brain washing . From beginning to end, It was full of the reasons and excuses why Ian had to be loyal to the Ivory Tower . And Ian followed the curriculum and granted very nice marks . Except that he hanged around with the crown prince, he was one of the perfect members of the Ivory Tower .


“What great luck you are for the empire and the Ivory Tower . No doubt why other young mages follow you . You are like a walking textbook of a perfect mage . ”


There was a hidden intention in the Tower Lord’s compliment .

Ian formed a new stream in the Ivory Tower .

Many young mages were following Ian .

Whether Ian did it on purpose or naturally, he became their idol .

And the Tower Lord wasn’t pleased about that fact, as the highest and oldest core member of the Ivory Tower .


“Haha you make me embarrassed . ”

“Hmm, you will see . ”


With mysterious answer, the Tower Lord jumped over to the main topic .


“As you know, today is the last day for you . If you were a student of the academy, you would proceed through with the graduation process, and soon be sent to the other provinces . But you are a special case . Your last day of lessons will be just simple talking with this old man . Does it sound bad?”

“Not at all . It will be my honor . ”

“Haha, although it’s just for common manners, it makes me feel good . ”


The Tower Lord brought a ‘medal’ .

It was a medal which was formed by white ivory that was scripted with the ancient imperial word .


“I congratulate that you finally became a real mage and ordered to follow your duty . ”


It was a medal that proves Ian is an Archmage of the Ivory Tower, but Ian couldn’t grant it, nor needed it . It was only needed when the person was ordered to do the ‘duty of an Archmage’ .


“In any place of the province, it will give you authority to order soldiers and people to serve as your will . You will need it a lot from now on . ”


Archmages had the quite special duty unlike the others .

Summarized, their duty was ‘the ultimate problem solver . ”

It was their duty to solve extremely hard problems such as natural disasters, or monster’s rampage . Hence, their duties were usually short intensive duty, and the power of medal was quite useful .


“Is there any area that needs an Archmage at the moment?”

“You don’t say it . ”


The Tower Lord replied quickly as he awaited .

And Ian was ready to serve .

It wasn’t the kind of duty that he could avoid .

Since he was granted all the support an Archmage got, forever .


“We are short of hands . As you know, Helene is missing in action . I don’t want to burden you, but we desperately need your power . ”


Which meant Ian had some responsibility of her being missing, so he had to do this job .

Ian the main reason why Helene is missing .


“Is there any work that I am capable of?”

“Haha . You are one of the best forces of our Ivory Tower . If you want, you are capable of anything . Please don’t underestimate yourself . ”


As he saying, the Tower Lord released his mana . As reports of Ian had been illustrated in the air 5 years ago, summarized requests from every province were illustrated .


“I will give you a chance to choose since it’s your first time . ”


From three provinces, they requested conducting of an Archmage .

The ‘Roadmeer province’ which contained the largest port city,

The ‘Benson Province’ which was producing the most amount of iron .

But most of all, it was the ‘Pieric province’ that pulled interest out of Ian .


‘It was the area where I was conducted in my former life . ’


A 5 year conducting mission was the duty for every mage .

And it was the ‘Pieric province’ where Ian went for his conducting mission .


‘I heard that there was a huge issue before I was conducted to the area . ’


That’s what Ian was memory told him .

And it seems this request was the ‘huge issue . ’


‘The province is connected to the Eastern Great Grass Field . ’


People used to say that ‘the Eastern Great Grass Field’ was filled with half by monsters, and the other half by aborigines .

And the province was in contact with such a dangerous area .

Since their daily life was war, it was the province which had the strongest infantry in the whole empire .

In addition, due to its wealthy ground, it was the most grain producing area .


“Pieric province sounds interesting to me . ”

“It was the province where it was requested the most strongly . We already sent two 3rd class mages and imperial armies, but it seems that its not enough . ”


Ian didn’t expect that much . They already had the empire best infantries, and conducted mages . Furthermore, they received extra imperial armies and even two 3rd class mages, but it was still not enough?


“It seems monsters from the Great Grass Field are on rampage . ”


Monsters invasions from the Eastern Great Grass Field happened quite often .

And Pieric province people were already veterans with them .

But they were still sending such a desperate request?

As far as Ian knew, It wasn’t to that scale .

More and more Ian started to get interested .


“All the details are here, so please read it and give me an answer until today . If you don’t want to, I have to find……”

“You don’t have to . I am on the case . ”


Ian already had decided .

If it wsd his duty, it would be easier for him to work at familiar places .


“I will go to the Pieric province . ”


The first duty of Ian as an Archmage .

It was Pieric province .

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