Return of The 8th Class Mage Chapter 43:

Distinguish to the Empire (2)

“You did very well . ”

Ian’s expectation was wrong this time .
It wasn’t the Crown Prince .

“Good job, sir Ian .

A young, but familiar voice . A unique gentle manner .
The royalty, who Ian didn’t want to confront yet .

‘…… . . ?’

By instinct, Ian turned up his head .
To check the source of the voice .
It was a boy who seemed around two years older than Ian, who had the blond hair of royal blood .

‘Ragnar . ’

It was the **** .
Ian had avoided to confront him intentionally .
If he could avoid him, he avoided him, and if he could hide, he hid .
For today, he didn’t pay attention due to the new robe .
If he knew about it, he would’ve chosen a different path .

“Thanks to you, the royalty and the whole empire’s peace were kept still . As my father told you, You were the hero of the event . I was looking forward to meet you and say thank you, as a member of royalty . Ah! I forgot to introduce myself . I’m sure you already know me, though . ”

A confrontation with Ragnar earlier than his former life . In his former life, When Ian became 14 years old, and when the academy started to call him a genius, he came to meet Ian . So 2 years earlier than before .

“Let me introduce myself . I am the 5th prince of the mighty Emperor, Ragnar Greenriver . ”

A worried moment had come finally .
Ian used to worry about this moment .
What should I say to Ragnar?
Would I be able to hide my killing intent?

“I want to serve a meal for our hero, do you have time?”

However, Ian’s body reacted in unexpected way .
He became more calmed than usual, rather than his heart beating anxiously .
Ian could clearly see Ragnar’s white face .
His offer sounded dry to Ian .
It wasn’t killing intent that Ian had to hide .
He had to prevent himself from laughing .

‘He’s such a kid . ’

30 years later, Ragnar Greenriver would become a mighty and cold blooded Emperor .
However, look at his current appearance .
He was just a young prince who had to hide his ambition .
A boy who didn’t have much power, but wanted to .
A young boy who was living his daily life by enduring his desire for power .

‘How puny . ’

That was all what Ian had thought .
Not angry, not anxious, nor love and hate .
A puny 5th prince .
A boy, whose life could be ruined by Ian at any time .
Now Ian finally concluded his method of revenge .

“No thanks . I already have a schedule . ”

Ian refused Ragnar’s offer without hesitation .
Still, Ragnar was smiling .

“I don’t mind to have a meal with you later . So when will you be…… . ”
“Sorry, not in future as well . ”

Now, Ragnar’s face lost smile for a moment .
He quickly rearranged his facial emotions though .

“May I ask you for reason?”
“Too busy . I am . ”

Although he was 5th prince, he was one of royalty members .
If others reacted so, it was an unforgivable arrogance .

“Busy… . . a lot?”
“Yes . Many things to do . ”

However, Ian was Archmage .
In addition, the Archmage who was favored by the Emperor and the Crown Prince .
Although Ragnar was a prince, he couldn’t punish him .

“……… . . I guess I wasted your time for nothing . ”
“Yes you did . Excuse me then . ”

After short bow, Ian passed by Ragnar .
His body guards grumbled, and Ragnar was watching Ian’s back .
Although Ian could feel everything, Ian didn’t care about it .

‘This time, I will be on your very opposite side . ’

In former life, Ian was ally of Ragnar .
An ally who was the strongest and the nearest .
However, this life will be different .
Ian decided to oppose him .

‘You won’t able to proceed any single step . ’

All those plans of Ragnar .
Ian will block every single of those plans, by his hand .
Every time Ragnar failed, he would hear the name, Ian Page .
At last, he would **** Ian and fall .

‘Until he desperately wanted to erase my very existence in the world . ’

But Ian would be one who couldn’t be defeated by Ragnar .
The ‘ultimate evil’ to Ragnar .

‘Only for you . ’

After Ian passed by Ragnar and his bodyguards, Ian cleared his mind .
Ian started to assemble his mana .
The first formulae that Michell’s robe whispered to Ian .
Ian wanted to see what would happen .

‘Fly . ’

Originally, fly was inefficient spell .
Short duration, extremely slow flight speed .
The robe whispered such formulae .


As he activated the formulae,
The robe flapped roughly .
There were no wind blowing .

‘Can it be real?’

Normal fly spell was supposed to let Ian fly with slow speed .
And that was the standard theory .

*Whirrr – !*

And the theory was just broken .
Ian raised to the sky rapidly .

‘More than I have imagined . ’

An artifact that he couldn’t have had a chance to see .
The power of Michell Greenriver’s robe .
Although he only tasted a portion of it, his heart started to beat .

‘There must be more artifacts like this . ’

He wasn’t just limiting the area to the empire .
In the whole world, there must be some .
Unknown makers, unknown creations to date .
A legendary artifacts must be out there somewhere .

‘No more former life . ’

In former life, Ian was crazed about magic, and he was satisfied by what Ragnar had provided .
However, the situation had changed . If he wanted, and decided,

‘I can find it . ’

And he could possess it .
An artifact that has similar power to the robe of Michell Greenriver,
Or maybe even stronger ones .

‘I can be even stronger than I used to be in my former life . ’

In magical power, but also in political power as well .
It would take some time, but it was possible .

‘But . ’

On the other side, he had question .
Would he need such overwhelming power?
To survive in this life? For revenge?
During the time Ian was thinking about these answerless thoughts,
His body had arrived at the mansion .
Through the window, he could see familiar faces .
Mother who had passed quite early in former life .
Ledio who was supposed to be killed by raids .
Douglas who was supposed to be Ian’s vital enemy .

‘No one was waiting for me in my former life . ’

There was no one who waiting for Ian, nor Ian had to protect .
However, It was different this time .
There were some people who were waiting for him .
In addition, there were some people who he had to protect .

‘A power to protect . ’

A power that could save his people by any circumstance
Even though the world began to fall, or an unimaginably strong enemy appears .

‘There is never enough for such power . ’

That was Ian’s conclusion .
The more power he yields, the safer his people will be .

‘I will be stronger, until my body cannot hold on, until the maximum . ’

An even more determined decision than he used to have right after he just rewound the time .

From since then, 5 years had passed

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