Return of The 8th Class Mage Chapter 3:

A Place Where Blood Can’t Be Seen (1)


Without any hesitation, Ian rushed out of the tent,

The three knights and conducting mage followed .

“shu! shu! stop playing hard to get! I know you miss the touch of a real man”

“wh, what … ?!”

What humiliating words .

Seems he laid his hands on mother’s body .

“Come on, have a listen . Don’t you feel lonely at night after being a widow for 7 years? there are plenty men who will sneak into your bed if you just let the door open…… huh?”

The soldier who was sexually insulting mother was stunned .

Of course, because of the mage and knights .

Seems he doesn’t care at all about Vanessa’s son, Ian .

“What is this ruckus?”

One of the knights, who is named Aaron, asked .

There was a natural-born solemness in his low voice

“I . . it is nothing, sir! This degraded kitchen maid dared to look inside the tent, I was scolding… . ”


Ian cut into his excuse .

“How dare you! Don’t you see I’m talking to Nobles here?”

Now he started rebuking Ian .

Totally different reaction from the soldier compared to the attitude he just showed to the mage and knights .

Well, I understand that’s how the rank system works


“Mr . Mage . ”


“Am I mage now?”

The mage can’t give a straight answer to the sudden question of Ian .

Can this little boy be called a mage?

‘Far from officially being enrolled as an mage, he hasn’t even received admission to the Academy’

Officially, he is not a mage yet .

However, he self-studied the management of mana

Furthermore, he is able to cast 1st class magic .

‘The Royal and The Ivory tower will be alerted . ’

To adopt this boy into the Empire, by any means necessary .

The boy who contains unfathomable talents .

Literally, it is only an matter of time .

It didn’t take long for the conducting mage to make a decision .

“He is a mage . ”

Official confirmation by the conducting mage .

Suddenly, all the eyes focused on Ian .

Although, Ian stood solid, without any emotional swaying .

He continued the conversation .

“So what is my rank now?”

“Equivalent to Empire Nobles”

“How about my mother?”

“Same . If you wish . ”

Now Ian looked at the knights .

“Did you hear that? my mother and I, from now on, are Noble . ”


While Aaron, who is sensible enough to understand Ian’s intention, drew the first sword,

*sururu! sururung!*

Two other knights drew their swords too .

“Insulting an Noble is applicable to instant execution . ”

Aaron’s brutal declaration reached the soldier’s ear .

That was what Ian intended .

“uh…… . huh?”

The soldier still didn’t understand the situation .

After he rolled his eye few times, finally he was able to conclude this situation .

So, the boy is a mage .

Vanessa, is the mother of the boy .

So that means… .

“Heeeeccckk?!”(E/N: just a moment of shocking revelation)

Not just shocked, but he started to drivel on the ground .

“P… . p… . ,please, please spare my life!”

He quickly bowed down, hammering his head on the ground

Now, the apologies were targeted to Ian, neither knight nor mage .

The tide has turned .

“Please, mercy, then I will… . ”

“Why do you apologize to me?”

“I will never forget this grace …… . I beg your pardon?”

Ian indicated to his mother and spoke quietly .

“It is not me who you should apologizing to . ”

“…… . Ah!”

The soldier now turned his body to Vanessa, and repeated what he just did to Ian .

“Please, please forgive me! please just give me a chance!”

He totally lay on the ground hammering his head into the ground .

Begging for his life with a servile voice .

“I . . Ian . You don’t need to do this much…”

He was so desperate that even mother who was receiving the apology felt uncomfortable .

Actually, even if he just said sorry, she would accept it .

Now I remember .

‘Right . Gentle and kind, that was my mother . ’

If I execute him in front of her, she will struggle with nightmares .

So, it is not a good time to execute him, not now .

‘I’ll shed blood, in a place where blood can’t be seen’

The promise of my second life was carved deep in my heart .

‘For now, my mother is the priority . ’

Suddenly, Ian felt sorry for his mother .

In his former life, he couldn’t protect his mother .

He was immature, didn’t understand much .

‘At that time, I was too young . ’

In his former life, Ian was an newbie, just entered into the academy .

He didn’t tell anyone that he self-studied the fundamental management of mana and 1st class magic, actually, he couldn’t .

‘I was afraid, since I was young . ’

Blinded by the fear that he might be rebuked about it .

So he had spent another whole year on magic theory class with other kids, in his former life .

As an ordinary mage apprentice, neither superior, nor inferior .

‘Of course, no privileges was given to her like nobles . ’

Mother had left Mogrian village .

She no longer needed to work as a kitchen maid, but that was all .

She spent 1 year alone .

‘She didn’t get to enjoy any luxuries . ’

After 1 year, when he finally became a 1st class magician, he finally received the rank as high as nobles .

Then mother passed away from an illness .

Even if she had a greatly talented son, she never had a chance to be treated as a noble .

However, this time, history will be changed .

“hew . ’

After recalling the bitterness of his former life,

he sit squatted in front of the soldier .

“Listen . ”

A whisper only the soldier can listen .

“I exactly know how rubbishes like you think about my mother, saying dirty jokes about her . ”

Then he made an eerie face at him .

No one would have imagined such an expression came from an 12 years old kid .

“So what you saw, and heard today, relay it to the **** like you . ”

The soldier nodded crazily, as if he going to break his neck .

From his shaking two eyes, his desire of survival was reflected to Ian

“I will watch you . ”

Then, Ian stood up and said to knights

“I think this is enough . ”

At Ian’s word’s, knights sheathed their swords .

‘Th, thank you! Thank you! Thank you for my life!’

Although Ian stopped the execution, the soldier kept begging his life, to avoid Ian’s reconsideration, just in case .

“Is that little boy a mage?”

“The son of an kitchen maid?”

“Shut your mouth . Didn’t you see that the soldier almost lost his neck?”

People started whispering to each other, and it seems there was no sign to the end of it .

Today’s story might be spoken by people for a while .

“Mr . mage, are there any more tests left?’

“…… . huh? N . . No . It is all done . ”

“Mr . Mage, if you’ll excuse me, I better return to my home . My mother seems quite frightened . ”

“Yes, as you wish . Ah! wait, hold on a second . ”

The mage suddenly stopped Ian and asked the knight, Aaron .

“Sir Aaron, please **** the boy . I will contact you later through the crystal orb . ”

Aaron obeyed the order without question .

It couldn’t be refused, and also it was his duty .

“Ok then, I better go now, Mr . Mage . ”

Ian left the area by escorting his mother .

A Kitchen maid’s son, escorted by a royal knight!

Due to such a rare sight, People can’t take their eyes off them .

‘What a surprising boy, in many ways . ’

Soon, the report of the conducting mage was sent to The Royal, and The Ivory tower .

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