Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God Chapter 978: Shadow of people’s famous tree

Just after the Storm broke its soul and launched an attack, there was also a commotion on the street where people were traveling.

“That man is crazy and dare to do it in White River City. Doesn’t he know that if he does it in Major City, he will be severely punished?”

“Awesome, who are they? To kill player in the city, how long has this Star-Moon Kingdom not been seen?”

At this time, player all stopped and began to look at the excitement.

The city is different from Small Town. Even if you do n’t kill player in the city but just attack player, you will be attacked by guards, and you will be imprisoned in the city ’s jail room for a day or two after death. If you change to kill player, it ’s not It will be done in a day or two.

The player expert of the God’s Domain and each Big Guild are competing against each other, and are being held in the city for several days. This is very easy for expert player to be pulled apart, so until now, except for the majority of player when they first entered the city After the attack on player, nothing has happened since.

After all, no one wants to take their own Guild expert time, or expert‘s own time, to do such a thankless job.

After the threat of Storm breaking his soul, the three people covered by the Storm team also started an offensive against Gentle Snow.

The Quest they accepted this time were all dead Quest, and there was no room for maneuver.

And the attack has been launched, and the surrounding guards noticed at the same time, and began to come here movement/mobile.

If you ca n’t kill Gentle Snow before the guards come, then it will be difficult to kill Gentle Snow.

“I have said very clearly, here is our Zero Wing’s site, Guild Master Snow is our Zero Wing’s ally, let me watch the ally be killed by you, do you think this is possible?” Shi Feng glanced at Storm, “or Say you think you can scare Zero Wing Guild with the name of Black Water Consortium? “

“Are you trying to be an enemy with our Black Water Consortium?” Storm looked at Shi Feng, and never thought that Shi Feng would not be moved at all, as if it had never been heard of Black Water Consortium, but the time was not waiting for anyone, Storm was broken Soul can only gritt his teeth and say in the team chat, “I will deal with this Ye Feng, you and the broken teeth will help me! Other people will quickly kill Gentle Snow for me!”

Storm Boss will be handed over to us, it was just our carelessness before.” Both the stone and the broken tooth licked the corner of the lips, have used vanish Skill, dissipated from everyone’s line of sight, and then from both sides around Shi Feng’s.

The most powerful thing about Assassin is that it is in a haunt and launches the strongest blow to the enemy.

Before they put their whole body on Gentle Snow, they were only able to take advantage of Shi Feng when they were exposed. If they are in Stealth state, even if they are facing the top expert, they are confident that the other party will not notice.

“I make chance for you, it doesn’t matter if I hurt me.” Storm broke his soul and calmed his emotions and directly raised the knife to Shi Feng.

He is very clear about the strength of both the stone and the broken tooth. He also saw the battle video of Dark Arena.

On battle Skill, he really ca n’t compare.

But the actual combat is different from the game, there are many factors that can affect the combat result, especially the cooperation of expert, the increase of combat power is not as simple as one plus one

Under the joint of stone and broken teeth, even he will not be able to eat around, especially the two people ’s psychedelic movement/mobile footwork, which is completely silent and completely imperceptible, like a ghost, Only when the two attacked, he could barely perceive a hint of danger.

Although Shi Feng is strong, it is stared by two completely undetectable Assassins, which will cause great stress for Shi Feng. Even if you do n’t care about it as much as possible, the subconscious mind will still make people distracted The enemies popped out, causing the battle to be affected.

He completely has chance to kill Shi Feng.

Once you kill Ye Feng of Ouroboros’ Guild Master and Zero Wing Guild, even if they are caught by the guards, it is enough.

“You have to be careful about Ye Feng, those two Assassin are very strong!” Gentle Snow looked at the stone and broken teeth of vanish and reminded quickly.

Although she is caught in Weakened State, she will not fall for the dangerous Perception, but the previous battle has made her more sensitive.

But she only noticed that two Assassins appeared in the end.

The Gentle Snow was finished, and the three Storm teams member assisted in the distance had already launched an attack on Gentle Snow.

More than ten arrows and Fireball rushed to Gentle Snow, completely blocking all the retreat of Gentle Snow. If Gentle Snow is at its peak, dodge and resisting these attacks are not difficult, but the attribute drops by 80, even these people The Common‘s blow is not what the current Gentle Snow can afford.

And the Storm Soul Break is also at the same time cut to Shi Feng, very precise grasp of the timing of the attack.

“Dare to look down on our Black Water Consortium, can you really keep Gentle Snow for you?”

If Shi Feng chooses to resist his attack, he will not be able to help Gentle Snow. On the contrary, if he resists the attack for Gentle Snow, he will be attacked mercilessly, and he also has stones and broken teeth to assist. Shi Feng is a little careless and fully Take away with a wave.

When the Shi Feng is not in the way, it ’s easier to kill Gentle Snow.

I saw Shi Feng with two or three yards separated by Gentle Snow. There was no plan for movement/mobile at all. The swords in my hands waved wildly and made a trajectory in the air.

This trick is exactly the combat Skill that Shi Feng learned from Titan Library.

Sword Path.

Draw 32 tracks with double swords to form Absolute Defense in Shi Feng’s attack range.

Although the attack distance of Swordsman’s is not large, it also has a distance of five yards, which can cover Gentle Snow two or three yards away.

Although the Sword Path mastered by Shi Feng is not familiar, it is enough to resist the attacks of Storm Soul Breaking and others.

I saw the flying arrows or Fireball. Even Execution Skill, which was used by Storm to break the soul, was blocked by Shi Feng for five yards. No attack fell on Gentle Snow or Shi Feng itself.


Storm was shocked when he looked at Shi Feng, which blocked all attacks.

His previous attack can clearly feel that when the Warblade in his hand is less than five yards from the Shi Feng, it looks like a protective shield. It is not allowed to enter at all, but is shaken by the powerful Strength. Let the attack not last.

And Gentle Snow, who stood motionless at the same place, looked at Shi Feng with surprise. She did n’t think it was Skill, because she could clearly feel in Domain of Sword Path that all Defense were Common sword shot by Shi Feng.

However, this Common sword is like the First Skill used by player, simply is amazing.

“How did he do it?” Gentle Snow couldn’t understand it at all.

Obviously just a Common sword, but it can form some kind of general rules, blocking attacks from all directions.

Just after Shi Feng blocked a wave of offensive, both Stone and Broken Teeth also seized the moment when Shi Feng took over, used a shadow step, and waved their daggers towards the neck of Shi Feng’s. The next gorgeous silver awn.

The whole process is completed in the electric light flint.

However, the daggers of the two people stopped suddenly when they were only one inch away from the back of the Shi Feng’s neck, and they could no longer go deeper, no matter where the two of them could only stab where they used force.

“You two are so good footwork.” Shi Feng glanced at the two of them, admiring them very much, “Unfortunately met me.”

Stones and broken teeth footwork, even those who reach the state of Vacuum, are hard to detect. If it is not because of All-knowing Eye, they can see Stealth clearly, and they are really secretly calculated by the two, without chance Use Defensive Blade to resist the attack.

The two also knew that it was life-saving skill, and immediately started a crazy attack, wanting to quickly break the number of resistances of Defensive Blade.

But Shi Feng did not give the two chance at all, and used Sword Path again.

Suddenly rolled up a storm centered on Shi Feng, because Defensive Blade can improve attack range, not only the stone and broken teeth are enveloped in the range, but also the Storm broken soul.

After getting Sword Path, Shi Feng found that this Sword Path can be used not only for Defense, but also for attacking.

As the thirty-two Sword Path waves were completed, the stone and broken teeth fell directly to the ground, and the far apart Storm had only HP less than one tenth of the broken soul, and the whole body was up and down There are sword marks and blood dripping, and the sight of terrifying makes everyone on the street feel cold.

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