Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God Chapter 813: Amazing level up speed

Looking at the bones everywhere, and the skyrocketing Experience Point(s), Autumn Goose and others no longer know what to say.

Hundreds of 42-level Elite, three 42-level Chieftain, even Level 40‘s 100-Man elite group is not easy to solve, but now only a dozen people can easily do it …

Although it has long been known that there is a gap between them and Zero Wing’s people, this is clear from the first meeting.

But I really saw the Zero Wing crowd clean up the speed of the monster, let them know the gap between the two parties.

“This way grind mobs level up is too powerful, if only every day like this.” Green Bamboo looked at the Experience Point(s) he was raising, and couldn’t help feeling sad.

It used to take more than two hours, but now it takes less than a minute.

level up speed is faster than the Rockets.

And it’s too exaggerated to make money speed.

In just less than a minute, these abyss monsters are drops and six pieces equipment.

The higher the God’s Domain monster ’s Level, the lower the probability of Equipment Drop. They have also killed many Level 40 monsters before. Even Level 40 Elite Level monsters rarely encounter Equipment Drop. Only Level 40 ’s Chieftain Monster will equipment must be dropped, and only one or two pieces of drops.

In six pieces equipment, four of them are Bronze Rank equipment of Level 40, and two are Mysterious-Iron Rank Equipment of Level 40. Although they are not Top Grade equipment, they are sold on the market, and they can sell a lot of money, even if the money is shared equally by everyone Common player earns more in a day.

As for the equipment of the monster drops, Shi Feng originally intended to split equally, but Autumn Goose and others directly refused. After all, they did n’t do anything, and they were n’t Zero Wing Guild people. solely could mix with Experience Point(s) like this, which made them feel a bit overwhelmed. The Gentle Thoughtful Rain and Green Bamboo are not required, and ultimately can only be collected by Aqua Rose, and then put into Guild Warehouse.

Fire Dance, Flying Shadow, North Wind. The three of you go to attract the mob, we first clean up all the peripheral monsters. Then enter the city.” After finishing drops, Shi Feng commanded again.

In Abyss Battlefield, if you want to enter the occupied city grind mobs, the basic common sense is to first clean up the monsters outside. If you do n’t clean up these peripherals and enter the city to fight, the monsters of the ss level just roar, It is possible to collect all the peripherals. When the enemies are enemies, they will be easily killed.

So you must first clean up the surrounding monsters.

And in Abyss Battlefield, Small Town and the monster respawn speed in the city are extremely slow, so you do n’t have to worry about the monsters not being killed, or it takes a lot of time to get out after entering the city.

Under the temptation of speed type Fire Dance, Flying Shadow and Minor Wind, the monsters around were guided to the front of Cola and others by wave after wave.

After Cola and others established the aggro of bone Team Leader, Shi Feng used Flame Spirit Storm at this time. Others with AoE Skill also used AoE Skill to clean up the bone Warrior first, and then deal with the bone of Chieftain-rank Team Leader.

Clear the monster almost every five minutes. And everyone’s Experience Point(s) is also rising.

However, for more than three hours, Autumn Goose et al., Green Bamboo for parcels rise to Level 35 had 36 grades for rise to. The speed of level up speed seems to be in a dream.

“This level up speed is so fast, my Level has already caught up with Boss.” Crying Spear looked at his Level and couldn’t help but stunned.

Autumn Goose and Deadly Wind are also very emotional.

Up to their Level, even if it is expert, it takes two or three days to upgrade to normal. However, God’s Domain is 48 hours a day, but now it only takes three hours. I am afraid that no one will believe it. But now it happened.

The monsters on the periphery are no threat to everyone in Zero Wing.

After spending more than nine hours, the abyss monsters on the north side of South Lake City were all cleaned up. And Gentle Thoughtful Rain they also rise to 37 level, Fire Dance, Aqua Rose they finally rise to 39 level. Shi Feng’s Experience Point(s) also reached 81% of 39, which is only 19% behind the Level 40 mark.

After cleaning up the monsters on the north side, Shi Feng also led everyone into the city.

Compared with South Lake City outside the city wall, it is much more dangerous inside.

Because abyss monsters are also divided into Leader, the abyss monsters at the lowest level generally live in the outermost periphery. The deeper they go into the center of the city, the higher the monster level and the stronger the strength.

When you come to the city, the density of monsters has reduced a lot, but skeletons can be seen everywhere on the streets of the city.

Bone Warrior, undead living creature, special Elite, Level42 level, HP550,000.

In addition to the Skeleton Warriors, there are a large number of Skeletons Team Leader.

Even if the 100-Man elite group team of Level 40 comes here, you must be very careful. If you make a mistake, you will face the siege of hundreds of bone warriors and seven or eight bone Team Leader at any time.

But this kind of thing is not a big deal for everyone in Zero Wing. If you want farm, you can still use farm.

But the main purpose of Shi Feng to come here is not level up, but to kill High Lord, so the search is the main action.

“I found a High Lord here!” Flying Shadow of Stealth in the city said in Guild Chat, “The place is in the square, but someone here is already dealing with that High Lord.”

“Who is it?” Shi Feng asked in surprise.

Others are also a little surprised.

Where is South Lake City, which is more dangerous than Small Town, even 100-Man elite group of Level 40 must be cautious here, and they spent so much time to enter the city, now someone has already started to strike first Kill High Lord

“There are a lot of them. They are a 100-man. These people wear Emblem. They should be a Guild’s main group.” Flying Shadow said while observing. “These people have a minimum of Level of 34. Their command The Level has 36 levels. Now they have slashed the High Lord ’s HP by one-third, and the whole regiment has n’t had a single staff reduction. ”

Everyone heard Flying Shadow say this, they also have a general understanding of this 100-man.

in the wild High Lord is not like Dungeon ’s High Lord, and its combat power is stronger, but HP is lower. It can kill a third of the blood of a 40Level High Lord. There is no downsizing.

“Wait a moment, I will send the video to you.” Flying Shadow will immediately start recording the video and share the live video to the team. “I have not seen this Guild’s Emblem. It should not be Guild of Star-Moon Kingdom, but I can send this High Lord. Pressed like this, it should not be the ordinary Guild. “

After receiving the video, everyone quickly opened the live video.

In the video, the broad Fountain Plaza is covered with corpses of abyss monsters. A group of people are all fighting with a physique that is more than ten meters tall and wearing black heavy armor. two-handed holds the giant white bone giant battle axe.

Demon Skeleton War General, undead living creature, High Lord, Level43 level, HP18 million.

Demon Skeleton War General swings battle axe wildly, any axe can make the earth crack, but these people cooperate well, mt can always lead the attack of Demon Skeleton War General to the place where no one is, and the Heal(er)s and remotes in the rear can Make the best coping method in time, let HP of Demon Skeleton War General continue to decline slowly, playing orderly.

“It’s interesting to meet them here.” After Shi Feng saw the people in the video, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

The starting point of the genuine subscription under the reading article, you can see the latest chapter at the first time (to be continued.)

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