Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God Chapter 714: Engineering item

The bottom of the Dragonmaw Maul is very dark, and with more than a dozen shadows popping up suddenly, Shi Feng simply has no time to control the Tier 3 demon to resist.

Seeing the shadows of three fists flying away, Shi Feng immediately replaced Ring of Wind of Ring of the Seven Luminaries with Ring of Earth and opened Absolute Defense.

The light yellow streamer suddenly appeared on the body of Shi Feng, and the black shadow hit the streamer and violently vibrated.

The power is so strong that even Shi Feng started Absolute Defense and was hit by more than 10 yards.

After repeated impacts, Shi Feng also saw the true colors of these shadows.

Quartz insects, special Elite, Level Level 60, HP 4 20,000.

The whole body of these quartz insects is made of black quartz stone, plus the small size, speed is fast, it is difficult to be noticed in dark places, HP is not much, but the Attack Power is scary, and these quartz insects are very Smart, he gave up attacking the puppet of Tier 3 demon and attacked the controller of Shi Feng.

Being hit by so many quartz bugs, Tier 2 player was also hit by instant seconds.

But Shi Feng has Absolute Defense, even if these quartz bugs are special Elite of Level 60, it is impossible to break the Absolute Defense of Ring of Earth.

But there are more and more quartz bugs coming out.

Just in a blink of an eye, fifty or sixty quartz bugs popped up around Shi Feng. The tiny two eyes flashed a bright red light, densely packed, and solely made people feel chilly.

These quartz bugs do n’t give Shi Feng any escaped chance at all, and directly attack Shi Feng group surrounded.

Dozens of fierce impact sounds can be heard every second. It seems that someone is shooting wildly with a machine gun. Shi Feng does not have any chance to fight back.

As long as the time of Absolute Defense passes, Shi Feng is a dead end.

solely can kill a batch of player with these quartz bugs.” Shi Feng secretly rejoices that it has Skill as Absolute Defense, otherwise rise to Level 50 will come over for Tier 2 profession, and it is still a dead end.

When the time of Absolute Defense passed by one second and one second, vanish was less than 2 seconds left, the Tier 3 demon in the distance and chanting finished Spell, and Tier 3 Magic was used to annihilate the area where Shi Feng is located. storm.

The annihilation storm is one of Tier 3 large Destruction Spell, covering a range of 50 yards. Can easily cover Shi Feng and all quartz bugs.

A huge tornado fell in the cyan giant Magic Array that suddenly appeared in midair.

Whether it is Shi Feng or Quartz Worm, they are caught in the tornado, and countless wind blades have strangled in all directions.

I saw that the HP of those quartz bugs fell with the naked eye speed, while Shi Feng was swept up into the sky.

It ’s almost time to see Absolute Defense. Shi Feng immediately stopped the Tier 3 demon cast.

The tornado suddenly stopped.

I saw a hundred meters high in the air, all the quartz insects were strangulated and there was still a trace of blood, the few left only ten or twenty thousand HP, and the most left three or fifty thousand HP, if not Shi Feng Casting stopped. These quartz bugs simply cannot survive.

However, Shi Feng had to stop casting, otherwise he would die.

Floating in mid-air, monsters with no flying ability and player can’t move, and fall along with gravity.

Shi Feng This is Gravity Liberation, and the falling speed has dropped suddenly, less than one-tenth of the normal falling speed. At the same time, the Tier 3 demon is used to control the falling area and use Tier 3 Skill Storm.

Storm is not large Destruction Spell, but it is an area Magic, causing Magic Damage to the cone area 20 yards ahead.

Tier 3 Magic annihilation storm will roll up all the targets in the range and converge in one place. So the 20-yard cone-shaped range can easily cover all the falling areas, because the falling time is different, when the Shi Feng is still floating in the air, the quartz insects have already fallen to the ground.

Innumerable blazes flew out of the hands of Tier 3 demons, and all the quartz insects that landed on the ground were Devour



I saw damage with more than 100,000 full screens, but the quartz bug of Low Health couldn’t bear it at all.

Until Tier 3 Magic Storm, Shi Feng slowly fell to the ground. At this time, the ground was full of quartz corpses, drops Item(s), and Shi Feng’s Experience Point(s) is the growth of shuā shuā shuā.

Special Elite of quartz bug Level up to Level 60. Although the rewarded Experience Point(s) is not as good as the normal Level 60 special Elite, it is also more than Elite of Level 60.

And Shi Feng’s Level only has Level 35, and the experience rewards for fighting at level 25 are amazing. However, God’s Domain is not infinitely improved for Experience Point(s) rewarded by exceeding level. It can only exceed 20 levels at most, so that the obtained Experience Point(s) can be increased by up to 20 times, and it will not be improved afterward.

But 20 times is also an exaggerated Experience Point(s) for the current Shi Feng.

This time, Shi Feng is only rise to Level 359%, directly mention rise to Level 3598%. Only 2% difference can be rise to36 level. This Level is definitely the first place on the Level list of Star-Moon Kingdom.

Because the first person on the Star-Moon Kingdom Level list is only close to Level 35, at least half a day away from rise to Level 35.

“It’s good to level up in this way.” Shi Feng laughed as he watched himself make Experience Point(s).

Special Elite is not a cabbage on the street, even Asura Level Regional Dungeon like the Stone Claw Mountain will not appear so much at once, and there will be eight or nine in hundreds of Elite, so I want to find a batch of special Elite farm to play with almost impossible.

And the Tier 3 Skill annihilation storm Cooldown Period of the Tier 3 demon is a little long, Cooldown Period has 80 minutes, and can be used up to 4 times in five hours. As for other Tier 3 Skill, the effect of the Skill combination Insta-kill is still not achieved.

The most important thing is that it is difficult to find so many quartz bugs.

A wave was cleared by Shi Feng in this way. There was no movement around, only the body of the quartz worm lying on the ground.

There are not many Experience Point(s)s provided by quartz bugs, but drops is not bad, and Shi Feng has Heart of Icarus which increases the value of Luck. Among the more than 60 quartz bugs, there are many 50Level Bronze Rank and Mysterious-Iron Rank Equipment in drops, and a Engineering design creation for drops.

“Glare bomb?” Shi Feng was delighted.

Engineering can make a lot of interesting things, but there are really few things that can make player play a role in combat.

It ’s like Cold Ice Grenade, which can not only cause damage, but also control effect, but this kind of thing is Item(s) which can only be made by Master Engineer, design creation is also very difficult to get. It is normal to buy, the price is expensive, Common player can not afford to consume.

The glare bomb is not as High Grade as Cold Ice Grenade, and it cannot cause any damage, but it is simple to make and the material is not Rare, so it has become one of the item that player often uses in in the wild battles.

Because glare bombs can blind living creature around for a short time, the effect on player is halved.

When you want to leave here after finishing Shi Feng drops.

The statues that were originally standing on the ground did n’t know what was going on. The gray rocks on the surface started vanish, revealing the original faces of the statues.

These statues of restore Zhenrong each exude amazing pressure, which brings great pressure to Shi Feng and can’t help but want to retreat.

But these petrified statues have noticed Shi Feng’s exist(ence).

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