Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God Chapter 574: Forbidden Spell

Fighting under the cliff is getting more and more intense. In addition to Berserk ’s Magic Element, there are screaming roars and low clashes of metal collisions constantly echoing into the canyon. ◎,

“It’s a fierce battle.” Shi Feng looked at the trees bursting and flying, and couldn’t help but look carefully.

In the forested canyon, a huge dark shadow can be seen vaguely traversing the woods, and everything that passes will become a pile of ruins.

“The monster of powerful, the ruined Strength of solely is no less than a Chieftain Monster.” Shi Feng‘s eyes narrowed, and he jumped down from the cliff, ready to run and take a look.

He came to Dark Cavern to complete Epic Level Quest.

Suddenly there is a battle now, maybe it’s related to Quest, so I’m going to take a look.

A cliff that is hundreds of meters high, Common player will jump to death directly from the jump.

However, Shi Feng did not care at all. When it was only more than 20 meters away from the ground, Gravity Liberation was immediately used to make its weight suddenly lighter than the feathers. Because of the huge resistance of the air, Shi Feng’s fell speed and fell to the ground safely.

Shi Feng’s only stepped on the green grass with one foot, and immediately turned on All-knowing Eye, which could easily Perception to any range of 100 yards. As long as there was wind and grass, he could avoid it for the first time.

This can be said to be his adventure habit for many years.

Be careful about the unknown, and here is the dark cave, the devil ’s lair, so you have to be more careful.

In the distant battle location, the movements of the battle are getting bigger and bigger, even causing the ground to shake.

Before Shi Feng ran up to him, he found a pitch-black snake with a body of more than 50 meters twitching its tail, but just swept it. The big tree with a diameter of more than one meter was easily cut, and the incision was as smooth as a mirror. Immediately flicking the tail, a deep ravine was listed on the ground, and every move made a huge change in the entire terrain.

Black Devil Serpent, dark(ness) Department living creature. Chieftain-rank, Level42, HP800,000.

The battle of this black demon snake is a group of player, and it is still a team of six. And the strength of the pruning team is extremely strong, Level is around 29, even in Zero Wing Guild, only Blackie can reach this Level.

A 29-level Shield Warrior is at the forefront, two Magic System and one Ranger keep damage dealer/output in the distance. The rear Cleric and Druid continue to add blood to Shield Warrior.

For a time, the two sides played similarly.

“Be careful, Iron Hand, it’s fierce poison!” Ranger at the rear saw the snake’s bulging abdomen and reminded him.

“Relax.” Shield Warrior named Iron Hand smiled and instead greeted the Dark Devil Serpent.

The black demon snake opened its mouth and spit out billowing black smoke, spreading all around, but all the grass, flowers and trees it touched withered into fly ash.

I saw that Shield Warrior rushed forward and used Shield Bash to hit the black snake’s side abruptly, and the poison mist in the black snake’s mouth was stopped at once. Instead of spreading away, the concentration began to thin.

However, Shield Warrior was also poisoned. The skin on and off the body became dark, and it seemed to be black, and HP was also a straight drop of farm farm. The beating was 3000 points HP, which instantly turned this Shield Warrior into Low Health.

Seeing that this Shield Warrior is about to finish, Cleric standing in the back row is already ready to understand the poison, and is released when the fierce poison is about to jump third, and the Druid on the side is also ready for life restore, let it immediately Shield Warrior‘s HP restore has more than 2000 points, and then restore300 more points per second HP. Pulled Shield Warrior back to the death line.

The Black Demon Serpent was angry because Skill was interrupted, and swept its tail towards Shield Warrior.

A golden arrow hit the tail of the snake.

The moment the arrow hits the snake’s tail, it turns into a golden chain to bind the snake’s tail to the ground.

However, the Strength of the Black Devil Serpent is too large, and the golden chain is suddenly broken. Then flew towards the Shield Warrior, and a Elementalist in the back row used Ice Wall, immediately built a Ice Wall between the snake tail and Shield Warrior, which once again slowed the snake tail speed, let Shield Warrior because of the snake’s instantaneous pause and the For the sake of deceleration. Easily avoided the snake tail attack.

The whole process of like floating clouds and flowing water is just right.

Even if the Black Devil Serpent ’s Level has an advantage, it can only be played by this team.

“Good cooperation.” Shi Feng also exclaimed, “Who are these people?”

A 42-level Chieftain Monster, even Guild’s elite group, will be able to hide far away, while a team without Guild’s Free player can easily beat.

But what surprised Shi Feng the most is that there are other player in Dark Cavern.

Dark Cavern is very mysterious and hidden very deeply. He came here only by Tier 4 magic scroll movement/mobile, but these people can find it here, simply is incredible.

At this time, Shi Feng ca n’t wait to rush forward and ask these people. If there is any other way to come, he can find a helper to come together with Quest Completed, so his Quest Completed is more likely.

It’s just that this impulse was still suppressed by Shi Feng, and I just watched quietly in the jungle.

There are a lot of killings and treasures in God’s Domain. At this time, this team is fighting with the Black Devil Serpent. If he rushes past, he may be misunderstood. How can he tell him the secrets that come here?

Time passed.

The Black Devil Serpent ’s HP is also declining, and it quickly drops to 30%.

áo áo áo!”

The Black Demon Serpent suddenly roared, and black mist began to radiate from all over his body. These black mists surrounded the Black Demon Serpent, and quickly formed a piece of black scale armor, shining black awn in the sun.

Chieftain-rank monsters generally have Berserk status. At this time, HP drops to 30%, which is exactly the condition to trigger Berserk.

With the scale armor, the black demon snake is like a steel snake. Not only has Defense Power and Magic Resistance increased significantly, even Strength has also been increased by at least 30%.

And this squad is also well-prepared. I saw a Cursemancer in the last row start to work, and constantly draw a lot of mantras in mid-air. The Spell spoken in the mouth is also one paragraph after another, and the surrounding Magic Element also skyrocketed.

“This Cursemancer is so powerful that learn has Tier 1 Forbidden Spell Dark Storm.” Shi Feng looked at the mantra painted by the Cursemancer and couldn’t help but be surprised. “No wonder they dare to deal with this 42-level Chieftain Monster.”

In God’s Domain, Physical-class‘s Forbidden Technique and Magic System‘s Forbidden Spell are both a level of Skill, which allows player to have the Strength of leapfrog combat.

However, Forbidden Spell is more difficult to learn than Forbidden Technique, but its power is more powerful than Forbidden Technique.

I saw that Cursemancer finished reading the last section of Spell, as if the entire space was a meal, and countless black wind blades appeared around the black demon snake. These wind blades seemed to be different, and everything could penetrate , Even the sturdy scale armor of the Black Demon Serpent is no exception.

The black wind blade lasted three seconds.

It can cause more than 8,000 damage points per second to the Black Devil Serpent, which is more than 20,000 points damage in three seconds, and except for these damages, the scale armor of the original Black Devil Serpent is also missing in vanish, restore‘s previous face.

“Okay, let’s go!” Shield Warrior named Iron Hand immediately cut off One Blade.

However, this team hasn’t been happy yet. Suddenly, a roar came from the woods.

áo áo áo!”

At this time, a dark monster snake emerged from the dense jungle. (To be continued.)

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