Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God Chapter 2145: Abyssal town

After the Shi Feng clicks the System column, the System tone sounds again in the ear.

System: Confirm that player transfers Stone Forest Small Town to this area, and confirm that the transfer conditions are met.

System: Stone Forest Small Town will be closed after one minute. It is estimated that the transfer time to this area will take half an hour. player will not be allowed in this area temporarily. player will be automatically transferred to this area after ten seconds.

“Half an hour?” Shi Feng was still a little excited when he heard the System tone.

For each Big Guild, nothing is more important than resources and expert. As long as Stone Forest Small Town is transferred here, then Stone Forest Small Town will be more important than Zero Wing City, and the income is not to mention, definitely not comparable to Zero Wing City. .

Just when Shi Feng was thinking about what to do next, Shi Feng was also transferred out of Magic Formation by System.

At the same time, in Stone Forest Small Town of Star-Moon Kingdom, the player in the whole Stone Forest Small Town is ignorant.

“What is the situation? Stone Forest Small Town should be moved to another place?”

Crap! I came to Stone Forest Small Town level up!”

“What is this Zero Wing doing? Now that Stone Forest Small Town is hard to find some popularity in restore, just transfer Stone Forest Small Town away. Does Zero Wing think there will be more people in other places?”

“It’s too dark! We want to boycott Zero Wing! Zero Wing has even abandoned our newcomer player in order to earn more popularity. In the future, we will never step into the Zero Wing’s town again. See how Zero Wing will keep the town going. ! “

The player in Stone Forest Small Town has been talking about System for a while, especially the newcomer player, the current Stone Forest Small Town is Level 30 to Level 50 level up sacred land, and the Item(s) that player wants is all in Auction House, Even in the npc city, I am afraid it is not comparable.

But now they still have time to enjoy the benefits of Stone Forest Small Town, Stone Forest Small Town is about to be transferred, and in the end it is a trip to nothing.

The Stone Forest Small Town suddenly announced that it was going to be transferred, and it quickly spread to the ears of the major forces of Star-Moon Kingdom.

“What? Stone Forest Small Town want to transfer location?”

Stone Forest Small Town finally gained popularity, and can provide a lot of Mana Crystal every day, but now it is transferred to Stone Forest Small Town. Did Zero Wing find a better place?”

“Check! Let the spies of conceal in Zero Wing Guild check the location of the transfer!”

The transfer of Stone Forest Small Town for Free player just lost a place where level up can be, and it is just the newcomer player, but it is different for the major forces in Star-Moon Kingdom.

The transfer of cities and towns represents the transfer of spheres of influence. Nowadays, no one in the entire Star-Moon Kingdom dares to fight against Zero Wing. If Zero Wing transfers cities and towns to their sphere of influence, it will be unlucky by then, so each and everyone is nervous to explore. Where does Zero Wing transfer Stone Forest Small Town?

Just when the major forces of Star-Moon Kingdom felt human’s heart panic, Yuan Tiexin, who was resting in a High Grade restaurant in White River City, also stared at the news that had just arrived.

Uncle Yuan, according to our spy survey, what is happening now?” Purple Jade asked curiously, “Really as Black Flame said, is Stone Forest Small Town now to be transferred to Bottomless Abyss?”

Bottomless Abyss, but now the major Super Organization are very concerned about things. If it is not the monsters and environmental problems in Bottomless Abyss, I am afraid that they will also send a lot of expert in the past Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

According to the information they got, even Super-Guild sent a expert team to secretly probe Bottomless Abyss, but the loss in Bottomless Abyss is not small. According to the investigation results, the current Bottomless Abyss is not the place where the current player can level up, at least. Wait until after Level 70.

It is difficult for her to imagine that Zero Wing has the ability to transfer Stone Forest Small Town to Bottomless Abyss, but that day the Shi Feng’s expression was so confident and calm, and she did n’t know how to laugh, and if Shi Feng could n’t do it, then the entire Zero Wing City could become their Heavenly Secret Pavilion thing.

“Not sure.” Yuan Tiexin shook his head. “But according to the information we got, Black Flame had appeared in undead Ancient Country before, and it also made Vice-Guild Master Morning Shine of Star Ring lose a lot of face. I think it is more likely. After all, Stone Forest Small Town wants The transfer must be allowed by the controller. “

He is also doubtful about this. If they were very confident that Heavenly Secret Pavilion was able to do Zero Wing, I am afraid that their Heavenly Secret Pavilion will also increase their investment in Zero Wing’s, so as not to ignore the current status of Zero Wing’s.

“If Zero Wing can really be done, then Zero Wing can be developed in the future, solely can have the capital to fight against Super Organization with Stone Forest Small Town, if inheritance background can keep up, become half-Super Guild just around the corner!” Purple Jade is very clear how terrible the resources of Bottomless Abyss, If you can grasp these resources, the development of speed will be very terrible, and before Level 100, the major Super Organization is very difficult to deal with Zero Wing’s, even now Star Ring is difficult to shake Zero Wing.

And in Zero Wing Guild, member of Zero Wing Guild is also talking about Stone Forest Small Town.

“I do n’t know where Guild will transfer Stone Forest Small Town this time?”

“It should be a neutral map. After all, the development goals of each Big Guild are neutral maps. Our Zero Wing is no exception, that is, we do n’t know that it is the surrounding neutral map.”

“I also think that at present Star Ring is staring at our Zero Wing in Beastman Empire, which makes us unable to move in the central area of ​​Beastman Empire. We can only move around Silver Wing Small Town and cannot develop at all. If we can transfer Stone Forest Small Town to In the central area of ​​Beastman Empire, we can also mix a lot. “

“Actually, it ’s good even if it ’s not in Beastman Empire. Star Ring has a stronghold in Beastman Empire, but it does n’t exist in other neutral maps. If Stone Forest Small Town is transferred to other neutral maps, our Zero Wing is very advantageous, and our Zero Wing’s Auction House is complete with Item(s). Going to the worse neutral map, level up speed will not be worse than Beastman Empire. “

The member of Zero Wing Guild speculates about where Stone Forest Small Town moved to, and they are also looking forward to it.

Although Fire Dance repulsed Star Ring expert outside Silver Wing Small Town before, which boosted the morale of Guild’s, but because of the resistance of Star Ring, they were still unable to reassure level up on the neutral map, while other Guild’s member quickly improved every day on the neutral map. There is no idea in their hearts, it is simply impossible.

Time lapse. After everyone ’s talk, half an hour passed quickly. Many player who had been watching Guild transmission suddenly found that Stone Forest Small Town could start transmission, and when Level was limited to Level 60, each and everyone made everyone look stupid. Too.

“What’s the situation?”

“Why is there a Level limit for sending to Guild towns?”

Just when Guild Member(s) was curious about this, some player above Level 60 could not help buying Guild Teleportation Scroll and sent it directly to Stone Forest Small Town.

Until Zero Wing Member(s) was sent to Stone Forest Small Town, a System prompt sound came from my ear, and each and everyone was stunned.

System: player found Bottomless Abyss.

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