Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God Chapter 140: Shadow Panther King

Shadow Panther King is an 8-level Chieftain Monster. As long as HP drops reaches 50%, it will enter the Berserk state, Attack Power soars 20%, and Attack Speed increases 20%. Even the mt of a 5th-level Mysterious-Iron armor set ca n’t stop it.

Guardian Knight pays attention to the protection blessing of Shield Warrior, Shield Warrior is ready to open Shield Wall, as long as it passes the Berserk period, we will win.” Unstable Devastation naturally knows, so seeing HP is about drops50%, said quickly.

Protection blessing can reduce all damage received by teammates by 50%.

The Shield Wall of Shield Warrior can also be reduced by 50%.

The two are superimposed together, and the damage received by Shield Warrior is only 25%, even if it is Shadow Panther King Berserk, it can be fully supported.

Finally, the HP of Shadow Panther King is less than 50%.

áo áo áo!” Shadow Panther King roared and his body suddenly bulged.

Everything is under the control of Unstable Devastation . When the victory Smile is about to be revealed, the situation suddenly changes.

At this time, Shadow Panther King recruited two more 8-level Elite Level Shadow Leopards, HP had 3000, roared, and suddenly flew, came to the Heal(er) in the back row, these Heal(er) did not respond, and was Overwhelmed.

“Transfer firepower, kill these two Elite Shadow Leopards first.”

Unstable Devastation ‘s face sank. As soon as he finished talking, two Heal(er)s were killed by Elite Shadow Leopard.

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However, several other 9th-level Team Leader are not idlers. After two Elite Shadow Panthers killed two Heal(er)s, they also blocked the attack of two Elite Shadow Panthers, and did not allow damage to expand.

But two Heal(er)s are missing. Let the pressure of the main mt increase greatly, even if there is a protection blessing plus Shield Wall, he receives more than 300 points of damage each time. But his HP is only 1200 points, and the Attack Speed with Shadow Panther King is very fast. If he had been dodge, he would have hung up.

The solely is a Berserk, which instantly killed more than 5 people in the Martial World alliance. Three melee Classs were accidentally hit by the tail flick of Shadow Panther King and were instantly hit and flew. Died in midair.

“For another moment, the Berserk period will soon pass.” Watching the each and everyone team members die, Unstable Devastation was also very depressed and annoyed. All he brought was Elite, every death was a huge loss, but fortunately it can be resurrected, which can greatly reduce the loss of Experience Point(s).

But as long as Shadow Panther King is killed. All these losses are worthwhile.

Just after everyone in the Martial World League thought it was stable. Shi Feng’s doppelganger also an Wind Blade came behind a Cursemancer.

All the energy of that Cursemancer is put on Shadow Panther King, and he keeps thinking of Spell in his mouth, not paying attention to the situation around him.

Because the entire Gale Canyon is now dominated by their Martial World alliance, it is impossible for anyone to know Ambush, so I am very relieved.

But this idea is completely wrong.

doppelganger stabbed in the back of Cursemancer with a sword, followed by another Chop, followed by Silver Lake and Basic Attack. Although doppelganger has only 50% of the attributes of the deity, Shi Feng50% of the attributes are also extremely terrifying. It is equivalent to level 10 Swordsman wearing a level 10 Bronze armor set, and the Cursemancer in front of it is only 7 levels, and a bronze equipment level 4 and 5, the two are very different.

Three damages of 189, 468, and 266 were created in an instant, and Insta-kill directly replaced Cursemancer with HP less than 700.

After the death of Cursemancer, it also alarmed other Magic based Class.

“Someone wants kill steal!” a Elementalist exclaimed in horror.

The surrounding Magic based Class felt a burst of pressure and could kill a level 7 Cursemancer two or three times. If they were close by this mysterious Swordsman, they would definitely die.

doppelganger Shi Feng didn’t say anything, one trick Thundering Flash was used, three Thunder Ray flew to the nearest four Magic based Class, four Magic based Class were startled, two of them Elementalist responded extremely fast, one Blink avoided Thunder Ray, And the Cursemancer without Blink Skill rolled to the ground, it can be avoided, but Summoner is not so Luck, because he is the latest one, although he is also dodge, but a slow shot, directly by the 5th level Thundering Flash without suspense Insta-kill.

Although only one Summoner was killed, doppelganger Shi Feng smiled.

Because the purpose of this move Thundering Flash is not to kill, but to open the way, doppelganger and Heal(er) of the Martial World alliance are unobstructed.

The Swift Wind Step is opened immediately, and the past is swept away. As long as one or two Heal(er) are killed, the entire Martial World alliance will fall into a big crisis.

“Want to kill Heal(er).”

At this time, a Wind Blade of Ironsword Mad Lion is in front of doppelganger, and the two swords fly, each attack can be kept in the extraordinary state of the four swords at the same time.

doppelganger had to stop to resist.

After playing a few tricks, Ironsword Mad Lion was shocked. The Swordsman that appeared to be unknown in front of him was very powerful. His attack could be blocked. Every time the two swords collided, Ironsword Mad Lion felt very powerful and shocked two-handed. Tingling, in addition to the sudden emergence of several swords and stabs at his vital part, forced him to use Defensive Blade first to resist.

“Iron Sword, it seems that you are really depraved, and even a Common player who wants kill steal can’t do it for a long time.” A 9-level Berserker wearing silver gray Battle Armor sneered.

“Grass, the five-element rat has the ability to come.” It has been suppressed by Shi Feng’s doppelganger, HP has been declining, Ironsword Mad Lion has been very stumped, and now it is ironic and suddenly furious.

“I will come as soon as I come.” The 9th-level Berserker named Wuxing Rat charged to Shi Feng’s doppelganger.

The charge has stun effect, and the surrounding Magic based Class is already thinking of Spell, and Fireball Ice Arrow shadow arrows are shot.

doppelganger turns on Defensive Blade, while approaching Heal(er), dodge Fireball Ice Arrow and other magic damage while flying.

Secondary Defensive Blade helps doppelganger to block all damage.

However, the 9th grade Berserker that was rushed over had broken ribs, and speed was greatly reduced.

“The three of you go and kill him.” Unstable Devastation said to three Assassins. Now he doesn’t have time to control a fool who wants kill steal from the hands of nearly forty people left by them. He wants to kill Elite Level with all his strength. Shadow Panther is the top priority.

After hearing the three Assassin, they rushed to Shi Feng’s doppelganger immediately.

doppelganger was concentrated by more than ten people. Although it dodged most of it, it still suffered a lot of damage. HP kept dropping, and it fell to 30% in a while.

hahaha, I didn’t expect it to be a fat fish with a problem in my head.” The 9th-level Berserker five-element rat judged that the mysterious Swordsman equipment in front of him was very good by fighting and creating the damage. equipment.

Because this mysterious Swordsman has a hundred or so for his Basic Attack damage, and his Basic Attack can only cause one hundred damage for the mysterious Swordsman, and this Swordsman uses One-handed Sword, he is Two-handed Sword.

In God’s Domain, two-handed weapon is much higher than one-handed weapon Attack Power, and the resulting damage is generally about twice as high. Because two-handed weapon has a strong charge, each attack can cause a lot of damage, and two-handed weapon causes damage. It is much less, but Attack Speed is fast, so the average damage is about the same.

And he only created one hundred damage, which shows how good the mysterious Swordsman’s equipment is.

“Unfortunately, it’s almost like that if they can come to more people.” Shi Feng hidden in the grass in the distance looked at doppelganger before being attacked by more than a dozen people. Some of them were depressed and smiled bitterly, “Forget it , I ’m too greedy and I should close the net. “

Suddenly doppelganger exploded and suddenly jumped, a thunder fire erupted from Abyssal Blade‘s sword, and suddenly slammed into the most concentrated place. (To be continued …)

ps: ps: Thank you Purple Fox onl for 100 rewards! The second one is coming, and there is the third one. The old cat rolls and asks for monthly ticket recommendation! ! !

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