Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God Chapter 1013: Epic Level’s guard Quest

Shi Feng heard the System prompt tone, but he was stunned for a long time.

I did n’t expect to get Advanced Title like this.

It ’s not easy to get a Common title. It ’s all good luck to get a Advanced Title. Now it only costs 1400 gold, which not only solves the unsightly Red Player in the city, but also earns a Advanced Title.

I’m afraid no one believes this.

There are so many former life on Big Guild. In order to get a Advanced Title, even if you spend ten thousand gold to buy an accurate clue, you are willing to even break the head and can’t queue.

City Guardian?” Shi Feng is relatively familiar with the title of Common. For example, Advanced Title knows very little. After all, Advanced Title is not effective, and no one will easily leak it, just like the properties of Top Grade weapon equipment and First Skill.

City Guardian, Advanced Title, Hero that protects the city from invasion under the corrosion of dark(ness) forces, player with this title can enjoy the treatment of a large aristocrat in any Human race city, and can receive direct escorts at Adventurer’s Guild every week A Epic Level Quest, in addition to the direct guard Quest Completed success rate increased by 5%.

“It’s worthy of Advanced Title, and he can take Epic Level Quest once a week for his immediate guard!” Shi Feng couldn’t help but be surprised.

The immediate guards want to improve quickly, it depends on what Quest is taken from Adventurer’s Guild, the higher the Quest level, the better the Experience Point(s) and weapon equipment obtained after completion.

However, the direct guard Quest in Adventurer’s Guild does n’t have much choice. Even the Dark Gold grade Quest rarely appears. It ’s luck to appear once a week, let alone Epic Level Quest. Too.

If you can let the direct escorts conduct Epic Level Quest once a week, then raising speed simply is hard to imagine, let alone increasing the success rate by 5%.

Be aware that even if Dark Gold guards such as Kite and Anna are used to complete Dark Gold-level Quest, the success rate is 50%. If weapon equipment is very good, the success rate is 80%, not to mention 100%, let alone Epic Level Quest.

As far as Shi Feng knows, even weapon equipment is a very good Dark Gold-level guard, the probability of completing Epic Level Quest is only 30%. Normal Dark Gold guards have a 20% chance of being completed. As for the lower-level Adamantite Rank guards, even one body Top Grade equipment, it is heaven defying to have a 10% success rate.

So a Advanced Title can increase the success rate of Quest by 5%, which is quite a powerful thing.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng replaced the title of Spirit Slayer with the title of City Guardian, and summoned Kite and Anna to come over.

I have n’t seen it for a while. The Level of Kite and Anna has also improved a lot. From the previous Level 60, rise to has been mentioned as Level 65.

Aqua Rose and Fire Dance on the side were shocked when they saw Kite and Anna.

“Why is it so strong?” Aqua Rose wondered.

She is already a Viscount of White River City, she can recruit her own direct guards, but using the entire Guild’s Strength, and Shi Feng’s from the side, it is difficult to recruit an Adamantite Rank guard from Star Moon Royal City, and this Adamantite Rank guard is still Guardian Knight, it would be suitable to cooperate with her. At that time, Aqua Rose could be pleased.

Under her full training, she accepted various High Grade Quest and now barely reaches Level 60. I do n’t know how much Quest is needed to get rise to from Level 65. However, this Level is quite amazing. The direct guards recruited by other Guild seniors are generally Level 55 is only 58, and its strength is still far inferior to the direct guards recruited by Aqua Rose.

But the two direct guards recruited by Shi Feng even have Level 65. Not to mention, it feels like they are facing the High Lord of two Level 65, which makes people feel suffocated.

After summoning two people, Shi Feng directly spent 200 gold to pick up Epic Level Quest for them.

The direct Epic Guard Quest of Adventurers Guild can not only be completed by one person, but can also be completed in a team to increase the success rate. However, the team can only be its own direct guard, and cannot team up with other people ’s direct guard.

Kite plus Anna together to do Epic Level Quest, the success rate showed a lot of improvement, plus Advanced Title, the success rate directly soared rise to37%, this success rate is enough to make many people can not be excited, but Shi Feng and Not satisfied with this.

The success rate of 37% seems to be very high, but he is very clear. Generally, five such Quests can be successful only once, not three times, but he can only complete 100% in one week after taking Epic Level Quest. Once, the rough estimate is also in other words for five weeks to allow Kite and Anna to complete a Epic Level Quest.

For Guild, who started from scratch like Shi Feng and was not supported by any big consortium behind him, this efficiency is really not very high.

“It seems to be used up.” Shi Feng opened inventory and looked at Rainbow Fruit sitting quietly in inventory.

As a Sacred Item, Rainbow Fruit can greatly enhance the potential of player, and lay a solid foundation for the promotion of Tier 4 Tier 5 profession. It is even helpful for the promotion of Tier 6 profession. After all, the four major hidden attribute are too important for player. It’s difficult, not to mention that the four major hidden attributes have increased by more than 15 points at the same time.

But if you can cultivate a direct guard who is almost Invincible, it is also a good thing.

Only know that former life Kite has only 92 potentials. In Tier 5, it is exist(ence) of the same level as Invincible. Only Tier 6 God Level player can make a difference.

If you can really train an Tier 6 direct guard, you can really walk sideways in God’s Domain, but want to make an np direct guard become Tier 6, which is much harder than player promotion to Tier 6, this is no longer just Things that can be done financially.

Luck, opportunity, and strength are indispensable, and ultimately it is possible to reach Tier 6.

“The potential of Kite is now 94 points, and the potential of Anna is higher than 96 points. Although Anna is not as good as Kite in anti-direct, let Rainbow Fruit be used for Anna.” Shi Feng thought about it, and finally gave Rainbow Fruit to Anna.

After eating Rainbow Fruit in Anna, the magic power of the whole room suddenly became Berserk.

This Berserk is different from the use of high-end Magic. It is more like being manipulated by something. Berserk is very regular. Different Elements are grouped together and turned into Seven Colors. The mist flows into the body of Anna.

With the swarming seven-colored Element, Anna is also completely wrapped by seven-colored Element, like a huge silkworm cocoon, blinking, flashing seven-colored Huaguang, exuding amazing pressure, even Shi Feng himself The suppressed face is blue, solely movement/mobile has a finger of Hard, like Aqua Rose and Fire Dance, they are completely immobile, like a stone statue.

If this is not the 2nd floorvip hall, it has Magic Array isolation from the outside world.

Shi Feng has no doubt that the entire player in Adventurers Guild will lie on the ground.

After a minute, the seven-colored silkworm cocoon formed by Anna cracked a thin slit. With the whole fragmentation, Anna also slowly came out of the silkworm cocoon, but unlike the previous one, Anna is Like the lord of Magic Element, the surrounding Magic Element can’t help but submit to Anna himself.

“Are you successful?” Shi Feng could not help nervously looking at the Anna data.

ps: Thank Jiang Di for the reward of 100,000! Three more tomorrow!

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