Reign of the Hunters: Card stone

Sixty-fourth card stone

Chapter 64 Card Stone

Ye Ci stood under the long staircase in the temple of Sakya Temple, glanced back at Mark, who was shrinking, and asked quietly, “Are you sure that thing you saw has gone inside?” .

“Yes, my friend, I swear with all my lost property and my gods, they definitely went into this.” Mark seemed to recall the situation at the time and couldn’t help shaking, he held his hands in his arms Tighten his arms and tremble constantly: “It’s terrible, they don’t have a head, no head !!!”

Ye Ci waved his hands again and again, motioned him to stop, so that he should not continue to sigh, because she saw Alauna’s small pale face, now more white: “It’s done, I know.” She turned to look at the majestic temple again, then looked at Mark again and asked, “Would you like to come in with me?”

“No no, no, I don’t! I’ll just wait for you here.” Mark waved his head again and again, but he looked at the uncertain face of Ye Ci, and quickly started coughing a few times, “Oh, friend, My body is too weak. If I go with you, I will definitely bring you a lot of inconvenience. I must not drag you down, so I will wait for you near the temple. “

Ye Ci nodded. Of course, she knew that this type of Quest, like NPC like Mark, could not follow up. It would become the **** Quest. Then she would be a bit weak. It’s better to stay outside: “Okay, then be careful outside yourself.”

“My dearest friend, if it’s convenient …” Mark rubbed his skinny hand and looked at Ye Ci‘s eyes with a little greedy taste: “If you are convenient, you can lose me Will the goods be brought back together? I promise, I will, I won’t treat you badly. “

Ye Ci groaned his nose, noncommittal, but said to Arauna, who was already pale, “Go, let’s go in.”

Tong Yalau grasped Magic Staff tightly in his hand, glanced nervously at Mark, then nodded vigorously, followed behind Ye Ci and walked up the stairs of the temple. Mark hid away, sighing at the two people who were looking away: “If you are dead, don’t blame me, but I’m also forced, of course, if you can live is the best, I Goods, my goods … “

Of course, these murmurs to him are of course impossible to be heard by Ye Ci and Arau, but when the two are walking on the empty and huge staircase, the wind is blowing constantly, blowing up and rolling The yellow sand hits people more or less. Aarau frowned, followed behind Ye Ci and said gently, “White elf, what is the monster without a head that the businessman said?”

“I don’t know yet, I’ll know when I see it.” Ye Ci is also honest, there are many monsters without heads in Fate, how does she know which one appears here.

“White elves, why do I always feel that the businessman is not very reliable?” Aarau carefully said, “If those monsters without heads are so fierce, so terrible, they can make his caravan Robbery can kill everyone in his caravan and rob him of his goods. Why would he stay? “

Ye Ci looked at Aaruna, and was slightly surprised. This ordinary NPC would think about this problem. It seems that he is not too far away from improving the NPC level. “He was not very reliable originally.” Ye Ci admitted Arauna’s speculation indifferently. For Ye Ci, Mark is just an ordinary NPC that opened Quest. No matter whether he is telling the truth or a lie, as long as he can Just take her to the temple. After all, the most important thing for her to leave the map is to enter the temple to trigger the map’s decryption system. It is unknown whether the boss was killed or the beginning of another Quest. However, for Aaruna, Mark was an unbelievable outsider because his treacherousness and sophistication would affect his life.

The two people stand at different angles and naturally see different problems. Ye Ci doesn’t feel any surprises about this. However, in order to better cultivate Aarona’s growth, she still answered his question from the perspective of Aarona: “He must have something to do with these headless monsters, or even an agreement, So it suddenly appeared in front of us. What ’s more, he appeared too quickly and strangely, and even I did n’t find it. This also means that he has a problem. ”

Yarau heard what Ye Ci said, and hesitated deeply without hesitation. He grabbed the arm of Ye Ci: “White elf, so let’s not go in, OK? Since you also think that, Mark is not a good person, we Why listen to him and come to this place? You still have to walk into this temple? “He said, looking up and looking at this majestic and magnificent building, and fought a chill:” Let’s not go in anymore. . “

“Arauna, there are some things in the world that you ca n’t escape because you are afraid. If you want to be a hero, you have to face difficulties. Moreover, if you do n’t come to this temple, we will always I can’t get out of this desert … Do you want this? When our food is finished and the water is consumed, it will become like an ordinary skeleton on the sand and sea, starved to death and thirsty, and then pecked by vultures Clean. I don’t care, it’s just you, you will never see Reading and Mara. Is this what you want? ” Although Aaruna is a good assistant, and now the firepower is extremely powerful, but as an ordinary NPC, he still has a lot of problems, such as this timid and want to shrink back in the face of difficulties It is not uncommon.

If you want him to get rid of this problem, you need to prescribe the right medicine and stimulate him for what he cares about most.

Yes, that’s not the case. After listening to Ye Ci‘s words, Aaruna looked brave. He looked back at the bare or buried dead bones in the long yellow sand and couldn’t help fighting a chill. Quickly ran a few steps to keep up with Ye Ci, “White elves, did you say that Taku had encountered these difficulties after leaving the tribe?”

For Alauna, who has always wanted to be a shaman, Taku is the highest goal and a dream that can never be reached.

“Of course, I’m afraid that even more severe difficulties than these have been encountered.” Ye Ci took a look at Aarau and said lightly: “If you want to be a hero, how can it be so simple? They must be It ’s hard and difficult that we have never imagined in places we cannot see. “

Ye Ci stopped when she said this. She stood quietly on the stairs, looking at the rows of pillars outside the hall, and seemed to feel something.

“What’s the matter? White elf?” Aaruna was standing behind Ye Ci. Although he had the courage now, but a little bit wrong with Ye Ci would still cause a lot of psychological pressure for Aaruna. As soon as Ye Ci stopped and stood there, Aaronah quickly rushed over to ask for it.

“Arauna, we are ready to fight.” When Ye Ci said, he had already taken down the bow and released several flares towards the bottom of the pillar to illuminate it.

Although it is daylight, it greatly restricts the role of lighting talk, but under the illumination of flares, you can still clearly see that many black shades riding on horses

The shadows lingered slowly, walking under the hall. They are all stealth monsters. If Ye Ci rushed into this area just now, I’m afraid they would have alarmed them already, and now they are dead hard.

“A lot of horseback riders.” Aaron took a sip of water, then made a fighting posture: “White elves, I’m ready.”

Recently, Ye Ci has discovered a special use for cat claws. Not only can it be used as a climbing tool, but it can also have a very practical function … that is, Ye Ci throws out a cat’s claw, and straightly grasps it towards a shadow knight closest to him, and then deftly Shake his wrist, when the Shadow Knight was still ignorant, he was pulled back by Ye Ci. Aaruna, Ol’ Four, and Ye Ci immediately rushed up, a fat meal, and the Shadow Knight fell to the ground before responding.

Ye Ci picked up a few gold coins and a white suit from the shadow knight ’s body, threw it in the package, and continued to follow suit, dragging all the shadow knights back, and then the other fell down.

This map is a decrypted map, similar to Dungeon, so once the monster in it is solved by the player, it will not be refreshed again. Ye Ci does not need to worry about whether it will be attacked behind you, only Just keep attacking the monster in front.

Although the level of the Shadow Knight is as high as 85, they are not particularly difficult for Ye Ci, especially if it is solved one by one, it is not difficult, not too long, they have already put the hall The outside is cleaned up. Standing in front of the hall, Ye Ci reached out his hand and wanted to push the door, but before he could touch the door, he saw that the door slowly opened by himself.

Ye Ci stunned for a moment, then immediately hugged Aaruna, rolled towards the left, a donkey rolled and hid behind a huge pillar, and Ol’ Four quickly followed Ye Ci to rush behind the pillar. , Carefully hiding his fat body.

“What’s wrong …”

Ya Launa really didn’t understand what happened to the sudden situation of Ye Ci. She shrank beside Ye Ci and looked up at her with some doubts.

Ye Ci put his finger on his lips, and hissed softly, begging him not to speak. Aaruna closed her mouth, and when the door of the hall slowly opened to its maximum, she heard a terrifying wind blowing out of the hall, and the sound was really stingy.

Then, I heard only a gloomy voice coming out of the hall. The language he spoke was obscure and incomprehensible. It was not an ordinary language when he heard it. However, Ye Ci feels a bit familiar. This language is often encountered in the later large-scale Dungeon. If she did not guess wrong, this language should be demon. This also confirms that Sagar is the minion of the demon king Naga, and the creatures in this hall are afraid that they are all dark demons.

and demon creatures are sacred creatures. For demon creatures, sacred attacks have much more damage than normal attacks. Therefore, in the later Fate, due to the diversity of the creatures, Occupational specialization is also more demanding. For example, at present, most of the Sorcerer are three series Sorcerer, Ice Element, Fire Element, Arcane series. This has something to do with the low biological damage requirements at the current stage, and also not so many skills in various occupations at this stage. At this stage, all occupations are relatively complicated.

In the late stage, with more and more skill, the damage required to bring down monsters in the later stage is also getting higher and higher. It’s not that erudite career is bad, but few players like Ye Ci have the anti-passive skill that has accumulated strength, and naturally it will never be lacking in blue. In battle, the magic value represents the attack power and damage value. If you never lack blue, of course, you can be very knowledgeable. Unfortunately, there are rarely such cases. In the middle and late stages, the amount of magic value has become an important indicator that limits the development of various professions. At that time, players can only adjust their own specialization according to their operations and the amount of magic value. Fine direction.

In addition to the magic value to limit the player’s development path, of course, the most important point is the talent point. The more talent points you have, the wider the range you can choose. However, the talent points are generally fixed. Unless the player can participate in First Kill or touch Hidden Quest and complete it, the system will reward some additional talent points. .

Sometimes Ye Ci will inevitably think, in fact, the setting of First Kill reward talent point is that the system intentionally opens the gap between players and players. There are an infinite number of players, but Dungeon and BOSS are limited, and their First Kill is even more limited. Only players with better equipment, stronger strength, and higher-end teamwork can get First Kill, which can get extra talent points, and the obtained talent points can assemble them more powerfully, they can kill First Kill more And First five

This is a recurring situation.

At the beginning, I may not see how much this difference is, but the sand gathers into a tower, and the accumulation of less is more. In the later stage of the game, the change in the number of talents is too obvious. For example, you can learn more skill, you can get more health and magic, you can strengthen your defense and various indicators, you can learn the specialization talents of two or three lines, etc., the benefits are I can’t finish talking for a while. This is also one of the main reasons why Ye Ci is very keen on First Kill.

She never thinks that greed is a bad thing, but it depends on what aspect. In some things, greed is actually an effective way to improve a person’s growth.

I ’m just a pity. After all, such people are a minority, and such strong people are a minority. Whenever there is no absolute fairness, this is the definition of this world.

Although I have to say that it is a pity, but looking from the other direction is not necessarily a good thing. For example, in the later stage, if it is Fire Element‘s Dungeon, the Ice Element profession can definitely deal more damage, so the team can arrange more Ice Element DPS, and in the battle with the devil, you can arrange more Priest to participate in the battle, Bonus for dispel and Holy damage. Wait a minute, this tactic is very common in the later stage, but it is relatively rare in the early stage.

Ye Ci listened to the long devil’s words. Although she couldn’t understand what the other party was talking about, but that strange language was powerful and frustrating, but it was very passionate. Ye Ci thought it was like an army before the expedition. , Who is doing the oath meeting.

Hey, where is the army?

Sometimes, Ye Ci feels really dark. Whether it’s your luck or the words you say, they have even developed into ideas. As long as the bad things she thinks of are basically achieved gorgeously, what the **** is this?

Ye Ci Just now thinking about where the army of this oath division meeting was, they heard a thunderous cheer from the hall. The sound was so loud that Ye Ci felt that the floor tiles under his feet began to tremble slightly.

“What happened?” Alau swallowed nervously.

Ye Ci shook his head, motioned him not to make a sound, and then he looked towards the entrance of the hall that was already open. After a while, I heard a neat horseshoe sound coming from the hall, probably inside the hall after all

There is no reason to be empty outside. When such a horseshoe sounds in the hall, I just feel that the buzzing echo is a headache. Soon, Ye Ci saw a particularly tall black horse coming out of the hall with a tall flag hanging on its hip and a knight in black armor on his back!

The knight’s armor gave off a faint light, which made the black armor look magical. He had a long sword hanging around his waist. Of course, the most striking thing about this knight is not these accessories, but nothing on his shoulders!

Headless Knight.

Ye Ci sink into my heart.

The headless knight is the worst creature to deal with. They have higher magic resistance and higher physical evasion. The most effective way to deal with them is the Holy Word of Priest. However, the success rate of low-level Holy Word is relatively low. If the level is high, it can kill a dark creature with a Holy Word. It is a pity that there is no Priest around Ye Ci, only his own semi-physical and semi-magical hunter, as well as a purely physical dinosaur and a purely magical shaman, it is still a bit difficult to deal with this guy.

Ye Ci throws a reconnaissance towards this headless knight, not just tongues. Good guy, this monster is actually a quasi-BOSS monster with a level of up to 95. And his name is-Pantel. In Fate, as long as it is a named NPC monster, his attack power is definitely not to be underestimated, not to mention this is a quasi-BOSS creature, it is definitely not easy to get cheap from it.

While Ye Ci was still thinking about how to deal with Fantel, she suddenly saw Fantel walking towards the stairs below the main hall, and behind him were rows of headless knights. They started from The hall gradually came out one after another, there were about twenty in each row. Although not as well-dressed as Pantel, it was also neatly armored and imposing. Ye Ci counted. After walking out of more than twenty rows, there was no sound in the hall. It seemed to be over.

And all of them followed Fantel to the bottom of the hall, lined up neatly in the sand.

Ye Ci Fearing that these headless knights saw themselves, they flashed, hiding behind the pillar, and recalled Ol’ Four by the way. Although the pillars outside this hall are stout, Ye Ci finds it difficult to cover the fat figure of Ol’ Four. In such a crisis, it is better to hide it slightly.

Fantel focused these headless knights on the sand in front of the temple, so they began to practice, focus and separate for a while, and make various queue exercises. After doing this for a while, Fantel held the sword in his hands for another while, gathered them together, formed a very close team, and then talked again. What Ye Ci still does not understand his words, but what he said is not important, what is important is that Ye Ci knows that these headless knights are not left.

Just **** them? This has become a problem.

Ye Ci made Aaruna hide behind the pillars, and entered the Stealth state, wandering around the temple for a while, it took about ten minutes, but Fantel did not seem to say After that, he continued to chatter there, but it made Ye Ci a little strange. Did these demonic creatures also pay attention to the opening of the conference? What’s been said for so long?

Of course, these are not the focus of Ye Ci‘s concerns. The point is that she needs to find a place that can not only hurt herself, but also deal with these guys on a large scale. Soon, Ye Ci saw two boulder below the temple on the left front of the entire team of headless knights. Each of these two boulders is one person tall, thick and large, stacked together, and stacked at an angle of about forty-five degrees, just enough to accommodate two or three people hiding inside. And these two megaliths are backed by the foundation of this temple, and there is only a small entrance on the east side that can accommodate one person. As long as someone blocks the entrance, these two megaliths can become a dead end.

According to the experience of the previous generation of Ye Ci, like this kind of boulder appearing on the map, 90% of them may be used for card monsters, but the location of this card monster needs to be very delicate. Ye Ci decided to go to the middle of the two boulders and look for a location that would accommodate themselves and Arauna without much damage, but also reduce the impact of these headless knights, thus tormenting them alive. .

climbed into the middle of the two boulders. Ye Ci looked up and down and found that it is good to get stuck here. It can be regarded as an unintentional BUG. The two boulders form a back against the temple foundation. Triangular, and on top of the boulder, the slab protruding from the temple foundation is cleverly covered on the boulder, so it looks like it is as solid as a small stone house, as long as it will Ol’ Four out and block the entrance gap , You can completely avoid monsters coming in.

After the experiment, Ye Ci greeted Yalau to come over quietly.

Now Aaruna is level 86. According to his level, 14 totem poles can now be inserted at once. Ye Ci allows him to insert totem poles around the boulder to form the entire totem pole. A pot mouth shape, as long as the monster comes in later, it can be easily killed.

When everything is ready, Ye Ci sneaks out and hides towards Fanter who is still talking nonsense at the entrance of the temple. Ye Ci A rough estimate, there are probably between 240 and 300 headless knights, plus a pantel, they are all linkage monsters. As long as the attack is concentrated, they will impolitely rush towards the attack direction, killing each other in the shortest time.

I have two legs, and the other is riding a horse with four legs. Ye Ci does not feel that I can run past them, but if you add a bottle of acceleration potion, it is not necessarily. Ye Ci remembered that she just burst two bottles of Intermediate Acceleration potion when playing those Shadow Knights, but now it is just right to use it. She took out a bottle and pinched it in her hand, and at the same time she started to pull the bow and dash away from herself The recent Pantel dropped a shot.

Bleeding arrows!

Ye hit, keep bleeding!

This is a bit of a surprise to Ye Ci. He is really a dog shit. He is 35 levels higher than his own. He was hit by himself in one shot. By the way, this chance is too small! However, now she does n’t have time to manage this kind of thing. She does n’t even have time to see how many hit points were lost after the bleeding arrow hit. She immediately turned around and accelerated potion into her mouth, and began to run towards the two boulders. go with.

Of course, because of the 35th level difference, this arrow of bleeding arrows did not cause much damage to Fantel, but the continuous damage caused him to lose more than one hundred or two hundred blood per second. Unfortunately, compared with Pantel’s own recovery ability, this meager amount of blood is nothing at all. He turned his head and looked in the direction of Ye Ci. Although he had no head, Ye Ci could still feel the coldness of the eyes like a viper and shot against her back!

Fantel found himself!

Isn’t this nonsense? Fanter’s advanced monster can put her to death without any effort when dealing with Ye Ci. How could she be beaten and find no trace of her? I can only hear Fantel sending out extreme

It was a sharp voice, and then Ye Ci felt that the whole ground began to tremble.

She did n’t dare to look back at all, she knew how terrible the situation was behind just listening to these voices.

Ye Ci‘s own speed is not slow, and it drank a bottle of intermediate speed potion, but in this case, Ye Ci still felt that he could not run through that four-legged monster. She ran desperately as if to die!

Pantel was very angry. He snarled angrily at Ye Ci at the forefront of the entire team. The sound seemed magical, hitting Ye Ci, making her speed decrease immediately.

Stop! It was actually a sonic attack! Ye Ci was depressed. She looked at the DUFF in her body and actually reduced the movement speed by 50%! If it goes on like this, will she not die? She looked up and saw that she was very close to the two boulder. She gritted her teeth and opened the skill on the ring to “dark disperse”!

In the next section, this Fantel cannot summon this skill again! Does he have to cool?

Darkness dissipates!

Immediately, the BUFF in Ye Ci who reduced the movement speed by 50% disappeared, and Ye Ci immediately ran towards the two boulders again.

Fantel clearly didn’t think of how his opponent who was attacked by Sonic could run so fast, so that the advantage he had just narrowed away was gone, which made him unable to bear the anger and slammed his horse. Belly, rushed towards Ye Ci regardless.

“White elves, hurry up! That big guy is behind you!” Alauna hid inside the boulder, looked out of the gap, and shouted loudly to Ye Ci.

Ye Ci Of course I also know that Fantel is behind him, but he is seven or eight yards away from the boulder, and it takes at least two seconds to run.

Sometimes a second is very short, but it’s just a blink of an eye, but sometimes it’s a long time. It’s long enough to determine a person’s life and death.

The wind came from the ears, Ye Ci‘s body subconsciously leaned to the left, flashed slightly! A long sword wiped her ear and stabbed out. Although she didn’t hit Ye Ci, she also took away nearly a third of her blood, Ye Ci, a stunner, and ran faster.

This time Pantel didn’t hit Ye Ci this time, his body stopped for a moment, staying for about a second, and then screamed, raised the horse’s forefoot high, and leapt in the direction of Ye Ci past!

I said that it was urgent and fast, that is the moment, Ye Ci actually hit a roll on the spot, rolled into the middle of the boulder, and Fanter’s horse’s hoof rubbed her body and stepped on it. On the ground, a pair of deep and fierce horseshoe marks were left on the soft sand. Ye Ci looked back, a chill in her heart, she knew that if the pair of stamps stepped on her body, I was afraid that her own life was already wailing. She did not dare to stay, and immediately called out Ol’ Four, put him in a stagnation state, and bet on the entrance tightly.

Raising his eyes and looking out through the gap, Ye Ci only saw that the sand was flying, and countless headless knights rushed towards two boulder. Now all aggros are on Ye Ci. If she does not leave aggro, it is difficult to guarantee that Ol’ Four will be poked to death for a while, so what Ye Ci needs to do now is to transfer all aggro to Arauna.

She stared closely at the headless knight outside and saw that once they were within the totem pole ’s range, she said to Arauna, “Start attacking!”

Ya Launa was nervous, but because she was not so scared with Ye Ci, he nodded and immediately began to sing Spell. And Ye Ci Feign Death immediately after the totem poles of Aaruna released chain damage.

“You are out of battle!” the system prompts.

As long as Ye Ci is out of combat, she will no longer have aggro, and as long as Ol’ Four is standing at the door, those monsters will not attack him. This is the rule in the game, attack the largest unit of aggro, the team will not attack without aggro units …

Chain Lightning Network not only brought a lot of damage, but also brought a large area of ​​paralysis. The movement of those headless knights was obviously slow. Ye Ci took a deep breath and ordered Aaronah to continue attacking, and opened her backpack. She remembered that there were still three bombs left on her body, and it seemed to come in handy!

When the headless knights were rushed like headless flies everywhere due to paralysis and rear inertia, a bomb landed in the middle of him silently, but no one found it.


A huge pothole was blown out on the sandy ground. With the loud noise, there was also sand like a sharp sword. They smashed on two boulder, but they were attacked by the boulder. However, there was still sand rushing in from the boulder’s crevice, which caused some damage to the two, but it was not that big. A rejuvenation of Arauna brought both people back.

I was looking towards the gap. There was so much smoke and dust. I could n’t see anything. After a while, the dust settled. I saw a huge pit on the sand, and there were a lot of pits inside and around The body of the headless knight, however, there are still some headless knights who have escaped this blast, but they have not much blood left, and because of the side effects of the bomb ’s shock wave ~ ~ they They didn’t seem too spiritual and crooked.

Although Pantel also avoided this attack, he didn’t look very good, at least from the tumbling look of that turmoil did not look too optimistic. Ye Ci lost another reconnaissance technique, and found that the hit just now had caused him to lose more than half of his health bar, and now less than a third is left.

“7 Arauña continues to attack!” Ye Ci saw Fanter like this, and he was happy. Although there was no harm in hitting this guy by himself, there is nothing to kill Fanter if Arauer is there. Difficult, not to mention that he and Aaruna were under such a strong fortress, and it was extremely safe.

Ya Lao nodded. The bomb just gave him countless confidence. Although there are still a lot of headless knights scattered around, there is no fear in his heart anymore! He closed his eyes and began to chant a spell. The totem poles inserted outside felt the call of the master, and began to scream, again emitting extremely powerful damage.

From the gap, Ye Ci only saw a red damage value, dense and very refreshing, plus the experience of swiping the screen, she really felt that this method of brushing is really refreshing. It ’s just a pity that this method of blame requires too much time and place, and too many people. If you ca n’t reach one, you wo n’t succeed. However, Ye Ci still feels that today is a great gain!

Chapter 64 Card Stone

Chapter sixty-four card stuck to the URL

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